
  • Episode 85: Speak Words of Life
    Jul 24 2024

    If God tells us to say it, then there is power and anointing behind each word. So many times, we pray for things and people without hearing from the Lord, but as we mature, our words have wisdom and authority. Instead of just speaking words that may sound good, that have no power, we go within before we say one word and receive direction from the Lord.

    The Bible talks about the crown of life. The crown of life is living eternally in the presence of God. Its attainment depends on the understanding the mind of Christ which brings right thinking. We don’t have to physically die to receive it; we just need to accept it and start living it.
    Jas 1:12

    Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

    The crown of life is not some future event in our lives, we have been deceived into believing that some day in the sweet by and by we will receive the crown of life. Honestly, why would we need it in heaven. We desperately need it here and now. As it says in the book of James, we must endure temptation when we are tried and love God and then we receive it. Sure, we are going to mess up from time to time but realize that once we receive it, it remains on our head. Notice a crown sets on the head which is where our thinking occurs. Symbolically, we should put on the crown of life and never take it off. Right thinking brings right words. If our heart is turned toward him then out of our belly will flow rivers of living waters. These waters purify, encourage, bring hope and are full of love.

    When we speak words of life, what seems impossible starts to become possible.
    We at Kingdom Building believe that we are living in a time when the impossible will become possible. The cloud is moving, and God wants us to move with him. We can’t remain in the same place with our outdated traditions, beliefs and doctrines. Anything that is man- made must go. Fear is not of God and anyone who is causing fear and trying to control you is not operating in God.

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    55 mins
  • Episode 84: Unity Brings Rest
    Jul 17 2024

    God rested on the seventh day. That is symbolic of the seventh day that we have now entered. We will show you today that you can’t enter into his rest by doing your works, you can only enter into his rest by doing his works.
    In these times of stress, worry, division and uncertainty, rest is a sought-after commodity. God wants us to rest in Him and that is the only place to experience true rest. Just like when Jesus said to the storm, peace be still, the Christ in you is saying peace be still to all the turmoil and storms in our lives. There can only be peace through the Prince of Peace. Who is the author and finisher of our faith. So, in him is where we find rest.
    The Hebrew word for rest means to settle down, abide, dwell, tabernacle, reside permanently.
    So, the question we must ask ourselves is where are we residing (living)? Are we residing/living in fear, worry and strife or we residing in the secret place? Contact us at

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    55 mins
  • Episode 83: Now is the Time for Change
    Jul 10 2024

    We are living in a time of change, both in the natural and in the Spirit. Can’t you feel it? Don’t you see it?

    God never changes but we must. It is a time of new beginnings. It is an exciting time we are living in today. A time of change. We did a podcast called deconstruct to reconstruct and if you haven’t heard it, I would recommend you go back and listen to it. If we are to move on with the Lord, we must be prepared to allow him to change things up from time to time.

    We must prepare for the old to depart for a fresh new beginning to appear. Paul writes old things are passing away, behold all things are becoming new and new is always better when the Lord oversees it. We can’t keep pouring new wine into old wineskins. We are living in a time when the new wineskins are available to all, but change must first come to see and experience the new day. We must allow God to pour in the new wine, not anyone else.
    Give yourself permission to change. The status quo isn’t getting it anymore. God has a fresh new path waiting for you. We are new creatures putting away the remnants of the old and taking up the wonderful new thing that God is doing in us. The kingdom of God is within each one of us and he will provide us with everything we need.

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    56 mins
  • Episode 82: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Grace (but were afraid to ask)
    Jun 26 2024

    Everything You Wanted to Know About Grace (but were afraid to ask)

    First of all, we don’t know everything there is to know about grace, however what we do know, we will share with you today.
    We are going to discuss the basic foundation of grace and how it relates to our everyday life in our walk with the Lord.

    Eph 2:8

    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    If it is a free gift, then our being a good person, or how we always repent when we mess up, or how much money we give, we did nothing to earn grace.

    We have heard that grace means unmerited favor or extending favor when it isn’t expected or deserved. The divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life. Whatever God gives us, we are to give away to others. He gives us grace, we give grace to others, he gives us love, we share that love with others, He forgives us, we forgive others.
    Grace is just a nice word of encouragement until you seek it out and receive it. We must find grace and receive grace to experience and enjoy grace. God’s grace is available to all who find it. If you are still bound by the law, you will never realize the true meaning of grace and you will never appreciate the gift of grace that God has given you.
    Law vs Grace
    A mixture of both is where we get into a state of confusion. Mixture is doublemindedness which makes us unstable in all our ways. We must avoid the mixture of law and grace. One of the very first thing Jesus said publicly is, I have come to fulfill the law. What did he put in its place, grace.

    Fulfill - bring to completion.

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    56 mins
  • Episode 81: Does God Really Love Us Unconditionaly? Pt 2 Union and Oneness
    Jun 20 2024

    We are excited to have you with us on the Kingdom Building broadcast today and we hope that you receive from the Lord a word of encouragement. Last week our topic was, Does God really love us unconditionally? We are going to continue that topic and discuss the unity and oneness he desires to have with us. As a reminder from last week;

    Unconditionally - it's absolute and not subject to any special terms or conditions.

    Absolute means complete; perfect. free from limitations, restrictions, or exceptions.

    We are going to continue to show you that God loves you no matter what. To some it is difficult to understand, due to some of the things you have been told. If so, go back to our podcast, Deconstruct to Reconstruct. God is capable to take out what needs to be taken out and put in what needs to be put in, but he can’t put the new wine into old wineskins. Our new creation must come forth in us.

    We can’t truly understand how much God loves us if we are separated from him. Some know that he loves them but think there are conditions to that love. That is not the case. God desires us to be in unity and oneness with him. He said that he would never leave us or give up on us. If there is distance between you and God, it isn’t God. God gave us a beautiful example. Marriage is an example of two becoming one.

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    57 mins
  • Episode 80: Does God Really Love Us Unconditionally?
    Jun 12 2024

    Does God Really Love Us Unconditionally?

    This is a really huge topic and may take many weeks to cover. Today we are going to lay some of the groundwork and in weeks to come, we will try to answer some of the tough questions many including us might have thought about and wanted answers to.
    Unconditionally - it's absolute and not subject to any special terms or conditions.

    Absolute means complete; perfect. free from limitations, restrictions, or exceptions.

    The first thing we need to ask ourselves is, does God love unconditionally or are their specific conditions where he doesn’t love and what are those conditions. Over the next few weeks, we are hopefully going to make a convincing case that God loves us unconditionally, but like all revelation, it must be revealed to you by his Spirit. We need to ask ourselves another question, are we loving unconditionally? I should put it this way, are we seeing ourselves loving more every day?

    We believe this is one our most important Podcast.
    Contact us at kingdombuilding73@gmail.com

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    56 mins
  • Episode 79: Face to Face With Christ
    Jun 5 2024

    The power of communicating face to face builds relationships.

    You may have heard the expression; it is nice to put a name with a face. In business, many talk by phone and never meet the person face to face. When they finally meet face to face, the connection becomes greater.

    That is why God wants a face-to-face relationship with us. It is more intimate, and you feel a closer bond. Some call this prayer.

    Ask yourself this question, is it more effective to talk to someone face to face or through someone else (mediator/go between)?

    When we first started walking with the Lord, we typically started with a mediator (pastor/teacher), but their job is to direct you to hear God and speak to God for yourself.

    Face-to-face communication is the most effective means of communication because misunderstandings are less likely. Have you ever texted someone and they took it the wrong way?

    Think about the misinformation and misunderstandings that have and is discussed throughout the church. If you go to 10 different local churches and hear what they are saying about God, you might not think they are all talking about the same God.

    The reason is clear, we are all walking this thing out at different levels of understanding and experiences.
    He desires and loves to have a close, intimate relationship with us; however we must die to self to have that kind of relationship with him. All the old way of thinking must be done away with. So, he can bring in a new way of thinking.

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    53 mins
  • Episode 78: It's Time to Receive Your Double Portion
    May 29 2024

    It is time we cross over and step into our promised land. It is time to leave the wilderness, cross over Jordan and enter the promised land. Don’t allow fear, apathy, or laziness to prevent you from receiving your double portion. It is available to all of us, but as you will see in our message today, we must be diligent about the part that we must play.
    God is getting ready to release a double portion of his spirit, but it only comes when we see the old things passing away. If we want to hold on to the former way, we will not receive the double portion. We will remain exactly where we are.
    The promised land is where we go spiritually speaking when we finally realize our place in God. When we realize our true identity. It is a place within us where there is no condemnation, only peace, joy, contentment and experiencing the love and the presence of God.

    It is a new day, and it is time for us to cross over into our promised land.

    Some of us need a new day to dawn on the horizon. We are no longer satisfied with the status quo. We have been going around the same mountain for years now and you know there is much more in your walk with God. Today is your day of awakening.

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    54 mins