• [WisDUMB] Peace Karorero, Author: Introducing our Guide through the 31 Proverbs in the 31 Days of July 2024
    Jun 24 2024

    As we prepare for our Summer 2024 Proverbs odyssey, working through the thirty-one chapters in Proverbs during the 31 days of July 2024, today we meet Peace Karorero, the author of the Proverbs journal that will serve as our Proverbial guide. (The journal, "A Journey through 31 Proverbs in 31 Days" is available for free in the Northwest Christian School office.)

    Born in Burundi, Africa, a neighboring nation to Rwanda where NCS had a team serving this summer, Peace's story is surely compelling. But, the most compelling--and inspiring element to her testimony--is her personal pursuit of Godly wisdom and how that pursuit has shaped her life.

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    12 mins
  • [WisDUMB] Stefan Wilson, Colson Center for Christian Worldview: "We always need to come back to Genesis 1 to understand worldview as designed by God."
    Jun 17 2024

    The image and importance of trees is inescapable in Scripture. From the Genesis account in the beginning--the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden--to the Tree of Life in the end within the book of Revelation, and every tree in between--the Tree in Psalm 1 or the Tree on Golgotha--trees are integral.

    In today's Kingdom Culture Conversation, G and Stefan tackle these trees, tying Psalm 1 to Genesis 1, and discuss practical steps that we can each take to see God's wisdom more fully realized in our lives.

    As part of Northwest Christian School's annual "Crusaders Charge into Summer Reading" campaign, we are in pursuit of wisdom, gearing up for reading the 31 Proverbs during the month of July 2024.

    For more information on this year's Crusaders Charge into Summer Reading campaign, please follow this link.

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    8 mins
  • [WisDUMB] Stefan Wilson, Colson Center for Christian Worldview: Worldview and Wisdom - How We Think and How We Act are Deeply Interconnected
    Jun 10 2024

    "Wisdom and Worldview are two sides of the same coin."

    It's a statement that seems obvious enough but it opens the door in today's Kingdom Culture Conversation with Stefan Wilson, to a deep dive into belief and behavior.

    As part of Northwest Christian School's annual "Crusaders Charge into Summer Reading" campaign, we are in pursuit of wisdom, gearing up for reading the 31 Proverbs during the month of July 2024.

    For more information on this year's Crusaders Charge into Summer Reading campaign, please follow this link.

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    8 mins
  • [WisDUMB] Stefan Wilson, Colson Center for Christian Worldview: "Wisdom is so much more than a mere intellectual enterprise.""
    Jun 3 2024

    Crusaders Charge into Summer 2024 picks up in our second week with the critical query, "What is it that wisdom is meant to produce in our lives?" Starting with King Solomon's thesis is Proverbs 1, Stefan and G discuss why true Godly wisdom runs so much deeper than an intellectual enterprise.

    Running all summer long, Kingdom Culture Conversations features conversations drawn from the "Crusaders Charge into Summer 2024 Reading" campaign.

    This summer, our theme is "WisDUMB" and all summer we will be wrestling with the question, "How do I stop making DUMB decisions and start walking in Godly WISDOM?"

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    10 mins
  • [WisDUMB] Stefan Wilson, Colson Center for Christian Worldview: "Wisdom and Worldview equip us to live confidently, courageously, and correctly in culture gone crazy!"
    May 27 2024

    Starting today, and running all summer long, Kingdom Culture Conversations features conversations drawn from the "Crusaders Charge into Summer 2024 Reading" campaign.

    This summer, our theme is "WisDUMB" and all summer we will be wrestling with the question, "How do I stop making DUMB decisions and start walking in Godly WISDOM?"

    Today, we kick off the summer-long quest for wisdom with a conversation with Stefan Wilson, a member of the Colson Educators team at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    20 mins
  • A Special KCC Preview: "I Witness-The Lazarus Project"
    May 21 2024

    Yesterday, we enjoyed a Kingdom Culture Conversation with Chris Zimmerman, the head of Northwest Christian School ministry partner Red Five Media and the mastermind behind "I Witness-The Lazarus Project", a podcast-based audio drama that has gone viral within the last month.

    Today, as a special KCC episode, we're playing episode 1 of I Witness so KCC listeners can check it out!

    To hear more episodes of "I Witness-The Lazarus Project", please follow this link.

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    20 mins
  • Chris Zimmerman, Red Five Media: Discussing "I Witness-The Lazarus Project", a NCS podcast that has gone viral!
    May 20 2024

    We'd hoped it would be big. For the sake of the students and staff who poured their hearts and talents into it, we were praying that the reception for I Witness would honor their efforts.

    God answered those prayers! I Witness--the story of a group of high school students who go back in time, via virtual reality, to Bethany in the first century--has been blowing up literally all over the country! And, to date, nearly two dozen countries outside the U.S.!

    So, today, Geoff and the podcast's mastermind, Chris Zimmerman of Red Five Media, sit down to discuss the viral podcast and ask some looming questions...

    Will there be a season 2 of I Witness?

    Will we hear more from Miles or Quinn?

    To listen or learn more about "I Witness--The Lazarus Project", please follow this link.

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    14 mins
  • Marietta Wright, Holocaust Survivor: The Courage to Overcome and Confront Unimaginable Evil
    May 13 2024

    Marietta Wright's earliest memories are framed by tragedy and trauma.

    Wright vividly recollects that, when she was a child living in Holland, Nazis worked to exterminate Jews that she counted as friends and neighbors. Her parents hid the Jewish members of their community within their home--and in so doing became the targets of Nazi hostilities.

    What motivated the Wright family to risk life and livelihood to defend their neighbors? Where did the strength come from to confront evil? How did Marietta find it in her heart to forgive the atrocities that she came to see as part of her daily existence?

    Today's powerful Kingdom Culture Conversation follows a special chapel at Northwest Christian School in which the 85-year-old Marietta Wright told her story to 6th through 12th grade students. Following the chapel, students compiled a list of questions that they had for Mrs. Wright. And, in today's Kingdom Culture Conversation, Marietta answers those questions.

    In the episode, G references a wonderful piece of art that Marietta painted for the school. You can see that piece here.

    "Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

    For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org/

    For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit: https://www.ncsaz.org/

    To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email gbrown@ncsaz.org or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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    20 mins