
  • Where Art and Service Meet: How Voices for Veterans helps with PTSD with Mike Armstrong
    Jul 2 2024

    Mike Armstrong is an award-winning contemporary artist, author and veteran of the Australian Army for 23 years. He served in East Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq and was part of the Tactical assault Group East.

    He did his Master of Arts while deployed in Iraq, and now works in a variety of media from his art studio in Canberra. Mike has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Ballarat, Master of Arts in Creative Arts from USQ and a Masters in Cyber Security from UNSW.

    Mike supports veteran’s health through art, movement and connection. He uses his art to explore his and other veteran experiences after service as they live with PTSD. He offers regular opportunities for people through his projects Voices of Veterans and Rogue BJJ.

    Mike created Voices of Veterans in 2021. It is an award-winning art photography project that uses molasses as a metaphor for living with PTSD. Since then, Voices of Veterans has influenced countless veterans and their families to get help and created awareness of the veteran health crisis through exhibitions around Australia.

    Mike facilitates art workshops and is a mentor to artists, works with art galleries, museums and events around Australia.

    He holds black belts in several martial arts including Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ). His studio, Rogue BJJ supports veterans and first responders to connect them to BJJ as a healing modality. In 2023 Mike was awarded the Uni SQ Alumni community Service award.

    His companion dog Squish accompanies him everywhere.


    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

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    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    59 mins
  • Surviving a Traumatic Childhood to Find Success in Australia with Neil Morley
    Jun 25 2024

    Neil Morley opens up about his incredible journey from a challenging upbringing to finding success and fulfillment in Australia. His story is a powerful reminder of resilience, the importance of mentorship, and following your heart.


    I was born in Liverpool UK and raised by my grandmother who had 11 children. She raised me as number 12. My mother has always had mental health issues and still does today, I have never met my father.

    I grew up in a council flat (Government housing) when I was around 12, we moved to a different government housing estate that was plagued with heroin addicts. While living in this area, I was always worried about going outside and was constantly in flight or flight mode.

    I was beaten up an a number of occasions. I left school at 16 and did Music and Drama, I did plays/musicals in Europe and I also sing and play guitar. I have done this for a living when I was in my early 20's and played at local pubs and clubs.

    Just before my 20th birthday I applied for a Working Holiday Visa for Australia and spent 1 year in Australia in 1995-1996, this was the best year of my life up to that point. I have been a camp councilor with African American kids in the USA teaching music and football (Soccer). have worked as a residential social worker at a boarding school with kids who were close to going to kids prison.

    I also worked with adults and children with Autism and did 3 years at a London High school as a Learning Mentor. I have since gone on to get married, have 2 children and owned a recruitment business for close to 14 years. The last year has been by far the most challenging year I have had.Edit Hero Background


    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

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    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    56 mins
  • How an ADHD Diagnosis, Music and Human Sciences Saved Me with Dan Grey
    Jun 18 2024

    Dan Grey grew up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney and loves to surf. He had a loving and nurturing childhood with strong familial relationships and connections to nature.

    He was academically challenged due to ADHD, which required extra support in school and medication during high school that significantly improved his grades. He studied public health and community services, reflecting his interest in community well-being and human connection.

    Dan’s passion is music, playing the drums, and enjoys entering a flow state through the creative aspects of music.

    He emphasises the importance of meditation and connecting with nature in his daily routine to maintain mental and emotional health. Dan expresses a strong desire to work in the music industry and make a difference by creating community-based spaces for connection, meditation and healing.

    Dan describes the challenges of transitioning between tasks and managing distractions, which are significant aspect of his neurodiversity. He also describes the stigma and experiences of neurodiverse individuals.

    He is determined to create supportive resources and communities to help others facing similar challenges and contribute to the health and well-being of others.

    ‘Music has been such a healing thing for me; singing, live music and listening to music in general. I truly believe if you can get a bunch of people, thousands of people together and have a band play in front of them, and to experience that feeling of seeing live music, people can be healed and we can decrease crime or any sense of, hostility just from the experience of seeing music.’


    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

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    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    26 mins
  • Being Emotionally Open & Vulnerable in spite of Trauma with Jason Higson
    Jun 11 2024

    Jason’ s mother gave birth to him at a very young age of 15. Because of this he grew up in a challenging, lower socioeconomic environment with difficult family dynamics.

    Jason also experienced sexual abuse by a family member, which led to long-lasting effects such as PTSD and flashbacks. These factors, along with his grandfather’s mental health struggles, contributed to the traumas that affected his childhood and later life.

    He explains how this early trauma has influenced his adult life, shaping his emotional and mental well-being and his ongoing battle with his mental health, highlighting the effects of PTSD and its triggers.

    Jason describes his struggles with suicidal ideation, discussing the importance of recognising and managing these thoughts effectively. He emphasises the importance of therapy in his journey towards understanding himself and fostering personal growth.

    The importance of being emotionally open is very significant, particularly in how it affects Jason’s relationships and personal healing and overcoming societal and internalised stigmas surrounding mental health issues.

    Jason shares his reflection on his ongoing journey of self-improvement, acknowledging both setbacks and progress in his quest for a healthier mental state.


    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

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    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    53 mins
  • Advocating for Accessibility after Legally Blind at 42 with Narelle Gatti
    Jun 4 2024

    Narelle has a severe vision impairment that means she uses a guide dog to get around. She only started to lose my sight about 16 years ago and has lived with only seeing shapes for the last two years.

    She is an advocate for digital accessibility in Australia and work to let people know about the benefits of ensuring that everyone can access the information, understand the information and make informed decisions based on the information.

    The benefits of good communication and digital accessibility are important to her. And the benefits of being disabled. We are normal.







    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

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    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    31 mins
  • Terminated Employment & Challenging Surgeries after Cancer Diagnosis with Paul Tredinnick
    May 28 2024

    Paul has had an amazing business career in marketing some of the world's largest consumer brands including McDonalds, Burger King and Snickers. He has had lot of fun in growing large and small organisations even setting up his own business to launch into Australia an amazing soft drink brand from Scotland called Irn-Bru.

    While his life has been filled with the ups and downs of life, the real crunch came last year when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few days after his youngest daughter's wedding. From an incredible high of the wedding to a few days later to be told he had suspected prostate cancer certainly gave him and his family quite a hit.

    To add to the challenge, his employers decided they felt he could no longer effectively perform his role to the required standards and ended his job. Then began an incredibly challenging year for Paul and his family, including major surgery, the sale of their family home, a beautiful wedding, the birth of their third grandchild and the news of another one on the way.

    He has a beautiful family with his wife Janine and two daughters Jordon and Ashlyn and their respective husbands. He has three grandkids with another on the way.

    Along with a love of God, these things are what keep him going everyday through the tough times and the amazingly good.


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-tredinnick/


    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

    YouTube || Facebook || Instagram || LinkedIn || Website

    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Living with Crohn's Disease and Infectious Optimism with Justan Singh
    May 21 2024

    Justin has had a lifelong battle with Crohn's disease, a crippling bowel condition.

    His courageous story is about the consequences of that disease, both physically, emotionally, and psychologically, of chronic illness, including the medical interventions and the setbacks around that.

    Justin believes he had got the disease because of his family dynamics as a child, where there was a stigma around going to the toilet. This resulted in the normalising of pain and struggle that defined his childhood, made his school life hell and affected his later life in extremely challenging ways.

    He was hospitalised numerous times and had excruciating surgeries but learned coping mechanisms with the support of his mum and by watching SpongeBob SquarePants videos.

    "She's like, don't worry, sonny boy. You don't have to worry about working. You don't have to worry about anything in the world. Just be happy and smile."

    He made peace with his disease and learned to stop trying to fit in and celebrate his differences. – this transformed his life.

    Justin's purpose is now defined by learning how to thrive with a disease, and that's how he defines his mission. For people with disabilities, he suggests focusing on what you can do, not what you can't. He is now helping people with courses and information and by his example. He is writing a book about how to thrive in the workplace.


    Instagram: @thriving.with.crohns

    Udemy course: https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-tackle-chronic-illness-with-a-positive-mindset/


    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

    YouTube || Facebook || Instagram || LinkedIn || Website

    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    57 mins
  • A Stage 4 Diagnosis is not the End of your Options with Dominic Lynch
    May 14 2024

    In December 2022, Dominic was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Not only did this have a huge impact on him and his family, but it also clearly shook those around him, particularly his male peers, to whom he had always been a pillar of strength. His treatment is ongoing, and he does not yet see himself as a cancer ‘survivor’.

    He has used his living experience to give back through community engagement, both actively through talks and podcasts, and passively in his day-to-day conversations.

    Dom has a particular passion around encouraging men to show their vulnerabilities and believes that this has helped him both mentally and physically as he takes on this fight. He has become passionate about understanding his personal journey and embracing the powerful connection between a positive mindset and the human body.

    “I didn't want to dwell on cancer. I didn't want to be defined by being a cancer patient or a cancer battler. For me, it was about what have I learned and how can I use that experience? How did I respond to adversity or a message like that to help people understand that they they're not going through it alone, and to have the balls to go and do the health check, if they find something adverse, they’re not alone.”


    Dominic Lynch lives on Sydney's Northern Beaches with his wife and 18-year-old twins. He embraces the environment in which he lives and having hung up his rugby boots after 25 years, he took up surf boat rowing and mountain biking and remains an active surf lifesaver.

    His professional career has seen him work in the engineering and construction industry in Australia and overseas.


    We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Kintsugi Heroes.

    Please take care: if you have been triggered by listening to this episode we recommend you get in contact with someone who can help keep you safe and give you the support you need. This may be Lifeline, AA, a friend, a counsellor, or some other support group.

    If you’d like to share your story on Kintsugi Heroes, please get in touch by contacting us via the website here - https://www.kintsugiheroes.com.au/contact

    We hope you continue enjoying the heroes stories!


    The Kintsugi Heroes team

    YouTube || Facebook || Instagram || LinkedIn || Website

    Theme Song: "Broken" by Colin Lillie

    This episode of Kintsugi Heroes was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at cbf.org.au.

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    45 mins