
  • Is Culture Killing Your Business
    Sep 21 2023

    Bad and Struggling


    Restaurants are closing all over America and it might be something different than what you are thinking? Is it poor food? Bad Finances, or is it something greater than all of the above?


    What if it was determined by the CULTURE of our restaurant. That’s right I said CULTURE. 



    Bad culture is what is plaguing the industry and leading to the mass exodous from the industry. 


    -        20% of all restaurants in your market

    -       Some are already dead and just don’t know it, merely zombies going through their week, only providing just enough sustenance to get through to the next.

    -        Ultimately they feel like they are living in a literal hell



    -       Losing money or at best barely breaking even

    -       Owners working long hours in restaurant

    -       Do not know what customers want

    -       No clue on menu profitability (not knowing your numbers)

    -       Few systems in place

    -       No consistency in marketing

    -       No formal training or further education

    -       No hiring systems


    The owners are stressed, overworked, broke mentally physically and financially, and are consumed in pride and ego


    Toxic Culture Traits

    -       Gossip

    -       Drama

    -       High Turnover and Call Offs

    -       Poor Sanitation

    -       1-3 Star Ratings

    -       Prime Costs at 65% or more

    -       Cliques

    -       Employee Entitlement

    -       Excuses

    -       Staff is mostly low performers

    -       No leadership or management

    -       PANIC MODE!


    The Team Runs Your Restaurant THEIR way



    Below Average Restaurant WANT to focus on : Product

    What they NEED to focus on: SYSTEMS


    You most likely need a restaurant coach. If you really had the mindset and capabilities, you would have already fixed your problem


    Bad restaurants make poor hiring decisions: Hiring for Desperation produces poor results


    -       Comments on Estelle


    Action Plan:


    -       Find where the bleeding is. Perform a cost analysis on menu, labor, and fixed costs. Find where the money is pouring, and plug the drain, 

    -       Establish high standards. Raise the bar to what you will not tolerate

    -       Quality recruiting is your new life and your livelihood depends on it. 

    -       Get rid of toxic staff. They are a cancer to your Brand

    -       Get a mentor, business coach, or consultants. 





    Donald Burns drops a great truth bomb in the next chapter he says:


    “Restaurants become better when the people in them become better people”


    He is not only talking about the bad apples of our staff, but ourselves. We have to become the best versions of our selves. 

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    12 mins
  • The Pricing Challenge
    Sep 18 2023

    It is a tough economy that seems to get tighter and tighter by passing week. Food costs are increasing, labor costs were already through the roof, yet some how we are expected to make a salary from the fruits of labor?

    it seems like all we do is work away. We forget sometimes that the most important part is making sure we are making enough to afford our own lifestyle. Setting pricing can be tough and relies on many variables. 

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    10 mins
  • Find Profits NOW
    Sep 11 2023

    Post Covid restaurant business is very difficult for many operators. We are fighting rising food and labor costs, utilities, and rent and we are combatting that with more hands on work around the restaurant. We are washing dishes, cooking on the lines, running food, and then the night is finally over we are too exhausted to fulfill our duties as owners or management. We want to provide a blueprint for a 30 day focus on your establishment to increase your profitability so you can have the funds for more staff, renovations, or simply , more money for you as the owner to enjoy our business.

    1. Menu optimization: Analyze your menu to identify high-profit margin items and popular dishes. Streamline your menu by removing low-performing or low-margin items. Highlight and promote your most profitable dishes and consider introducing new items with higher margins. Additionally, regularly review ingredient costs and negotiate with suppliers to ensure you're getting the best prices.
     2.Efficient inventory management: Implement an inventory control system to minimize waste, spoilage, and overstocking. Monitor ingredient usage, track inventory levels, and establish par levels to optimize your purchasing and reduce food costs. Consistently review your suppliers to ensure you're getting the best deals and consider purchasing in bulk when it makes financial sense.
     3.Cost control and expense management: Scrutinize all expenses and identify areas where you can reduce costs without sacrificing quality. Look for opportunities to optimize labor costs, such as cross-training employees, scheduling efficiently, and monitoring staff productivity. Analyze utility bills and explore energy-saving initiatives to reduce overhead costs. Additionally, negotiate with vendors for better pricing on supplies and services.
     4.Upselling and suggestive selling: Train your staff to effectively upsell and suggest additional items or higher-priced options to customers. Encourage them to highlight daily specials, recommend popular dishes, and suggest add-ons like appetizers, desserts, or beverages. Well-executed upselling techniques can increase the average check size and boost revenue.
     5.Focus on customer satisfaction: Prioritize exceptional customer service to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Provide training to your staff on proper etiquette, attentive service, and handling customer complaints. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your restaurant to others, contributing to long-term profitability. 
    6.Optimize table turnover: Efficiently manage table turnover to serve more customers and increase revenue. Train your staff to provide prompt service, streamline order-taking and delivery processes, and implement reservations or waitlist systems to minimize idle tables. As a chef I always go back to the kitchen. I call it the Heart of House. The kitchen is the pulse that runs through the restaurant's veins. I want my kitchen driving ticket times and speed of service. I want my servers to have push to work more efficiently knowing that their kitchen is going to pump out the food in 8-12 minutes max, minus a well done filet. Is your menu set up that way. 
    7.Business to Business should be a key element of your business. If you are interested in how to develop a Business to Business sales, I have a link below for our episode from a few days ago to help you along with your business 2 business development. 
    8.Monitor and analyze financial performance: Regularly track and analyze key financial metrics such as food and labor costs, gross profit margin, and sales trends. Utilize restaurant management software or POS systems to generate reports that provide insights into your business's financial health. This information will help you identify areas that require improvement and make data-driven decisions to increase profitability.


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    24 mins
  • 5 Reasons Restaurant Fail
    Sep 7 2023

    It is a tough world in restaurants. Together we break down what is happening in restaurants today that is affecting the success rates in restaurants today. Comment below what you think the greatest failure of restaurants are. 

    Already this year, tens of thousands of restaurants have closed in the United States. The NRA reports that, on average, about 60% of new restaurants close within the first year of operation. Additionally, within the first five years, the closure rate increases to around 80%. Why is this? and how can we not become a statistic?


    What do you think is the #1 reason that restaurants close? Leave your answer in the comment section below!!!! 


    Hello, my name is Jonathan Boyd I am an Executive Chef turned Restaurant Consultant, and here at Kitchen Bootcamp we want you to succeed beyond your wildest imagination, and it is possible with a few skills and techniques. This is completely free content designed to help restaurants nationwide keep their doors oen and reach their dreams. To learn more please like and subscribe, it helps our reach to save restaurants nationwide who are struggling. 



    We want to help you grow your business, to at least begin that process we need to see where restaurants are failing. When we have these discussions this is not me, having an I am better than you, it is me helping you avoid the same fate my first restaurant did. So let's get started. 


    1.  Lack of experience and expertise: Running a restaurant requires a combination of culinary skills, business acumen, and management expertise. Inexperienced or novice restaurant owners may struggle with understanding the complexities of the industry, including menu planning, inventory management, financial analysis, marketing, and customer service.

    2.  Insufficient capital and poor financial management: Starting and sustaining a restaurant requires significant capital. Insufficient funding or inadequate financial planning can lead to cash flow problems, an inability to cover expenses, and mounting debt. Poor financial management, such as inadequate cost control, high overhead costs, or improper pricing, can also contribute to financial instability.

    3.  Location challenges: Choosing the right location is crucial for a restaurant's success. Poor location selection, such as an area with low foot traffic, limited parking, or intense competition, can hinder customer acquisition and revenue generation. High rent or lease costs can also strain finances, especially if sales don't meet expectations.

    4.  Inconsistent quality and service: Providing consistent quality in both food and service is vital for success. Restaurants that fail to deliver on customer expectations regarding taste, presentation, and overall experience risk losing patrons and damaging their reputation.

    5.  Staffing issues: A restaurant's success heavily relies on a competent and motivated staff. High turnover rates, inadequate training, poor communication, or insufficient staffing levels can lead to inconsistent service, customer dissatisfaction, and operational inefficiencies.

    It's important to note that the restaurant industry is inherently challenging, and success requires careful planning, a deep understanding of the market, a strong value proposition, and continuous efforts to meet customer expectations and industry trends.

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    12 mins
  • The Big Pig Announcement
    Sep 4 2023

    Together we are going to crack the wonders of the magical pig. One of my favorite meats to eat, and one of the easiest meats to mess up. Together we are going to grow our piglets from scratch, all the way to butcher. Super excited about our opportunity to learn about the mysterious pig!

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    5 mins
  • How to Chose to Right Puppy!
    Jun 22 2022

    We finally had a litter of puppies. We are needing a new male after losing our Alpha Male last year, Chopstix, to Parvo. Not all dogs are created equal. What helped us chose our new puppy  Big Tuna from our litter of puppies from Marla and Sushi?

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    21 mins
  • Preserving Food 101
    Jun 15 2022

    Preserving food is a top opportunity for most homesteaders. It is something we could be doing both in the city or on a 100 acre homestead yet few people actually chose to preserve food. Why is this?

    Maryeve, mama food farm live, is going to walk us through the absolute basics of preserving food and why this is something you should invest in this summer 

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    28 mins
    Mar 11 2022

    Sorry for the very long delay in episodes. I have been making one of the biggest lifestyle changes of my life. I have left working in the restaurants as a full time executive chef. It has been a huge change and one that has taken time to make happen. Listen in as we discuss more

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    43 mins