• People places and Service for others.
    Mar 26 2023

    Today I'm here to talk to you about people above profit. At the end of the day no one wants to live in a world , where the only goal is to make money. It is time to put people above profit. To prioritze service for others before the pursuit of financial gains. When we put people first we create a better world for everyone.

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    11 mins
  • The return of LBJThe Heartfelt Truth
    May 29 2022

    Please listen to the following for a full explaination of current events.

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    19 mins
  • This is a New Year 2022
    Jan 2 2022

    There is a message for you inside here just listen. Then tell me what you think.

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    15 mins
  • All you need is alittle love.
    Nov 21 2021

    During this upcoming holiday season, when you start to think about all the people that you truly care about and love, Please! Please! Please! don't forget the one person that matters also...YOU.

    Love Yourself this holiday season. It will help you love others.

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    14 mins
  • Meditation and Therapy a safe place.
    Oct 16 2021

    It could happen to any of us. At some point and time our life, we will need one or both of these practices in our lifes. My belief is that it can only help us on our journey to becoming the best version of ourselves. Just "TRUST" the process.

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    19 mins
  • A Message to all... with LOVE!
    Sep 5 2021

    In these trying times, things can get a little over whelming and we all could use a little love and understanding. My message today comes from a place of love to all. Please look out for your loved ones and friends. Because you just never know, who needs your help and they are just to afraid to ask. You just might be that life boat they need. GB

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    17 mins
  • Backyard conversation
    Jul 5 2021

    We must never forget to enjoy quite time with ourselves. And the backyard is a god place to start. Soakin all the sounds around you and see where it takes you. Enjoy!

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    19 mins
  • Life's little instructions
    Jun 21 2021

    Life's little instructions for all to hear.

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    19 mins