• Asiyah the wife of Fir'awn Pt 2
    Aug 13 2023

    Salam guys!

    This episode is 2/2 of Asiyah (ra), were we talk about Asiyah (ra) telling Fir'awn about believing in Allah, as well as her death. We also touched on the story of the hairdresser. This is the end of our series of the 4 women promised Jannah, as well as it being the end of season 1. Stay tuned for season two and please checkout our socials so we can be more interactive, Asalamualykom for now ;)


    ◦ When Musa (as) ran away and worked at madyan ->

    Surah Al-Qasas

    ◦ Asiyah being shaded by angels wings ->


    ◦ Allah taking Asiyah’s soul before the boulder landed on her ->


    ◦ The Prophet (saw) smelling something beautiful when he was riding the Buraaq on Isra and Miraj ->

    Sahih, Imam Ahmad -Musnad 1/309

    ◦ Muslim women not allowed to marry a non-muslim ->


    ◦ Renouncing belief being fine to protect your life ->


    ◦ Surah Tahrim ->


    ◦ Surah Tahrim ->


    ◦ The hairdresser of Fir'awn's daughter ->


    ◦ The boy and the king (baby speaking) ->


    ◦ Omar Suleiman talk (touches on the torture she faced) ->


    ◦ Pharaoh’s dream (book) ->

    Muhammad Ilyas

    ◦ Islamic Guidance talk ->


    ◦ Podcasts we listened to ->


    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    34 mins
  • Asiyah the wife of Fir'awn Pt 1
    Jul 30 2023

    Salam guys!

    This episode is 1/2 of Asiyah (ra), were we talk about Fir'awn's dream and the birth of Muse (as), and how he ended up on the doorsteps of Asiya (ra). We also touch up on the fact that he was raised by Asiyah (ra) in the palace. Next episode we will be finishing the series of the 4 women promised Jannah, and we will be focusing on the trails of Asiyah (ra).


    ◦ Maryam and Asiyah -women who attained perfection in Imaan

    ->Bukhari 3433

    ◦ Surah Yunus ->


    ◦ Surah Qasas ->


    ◦ Whoever Allah guides nobody can misguide ->

    Surah Al-A’raf 7:178

    ◦ Omar Suleiman talk ->


    ◦ Pharaoh’s dream (book) ->

    Muhammad Ilyas

    ◦ Islamic Guidance talk ->


    ◦ Podcasts we listened to ->


    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    27 mins
  • Maryam Bint-Imran Pt 2
    Jul 4 2023

    Salam guys!

    This episode is 2/2 of Maryam (ra), were we talk about the revelation of Maryam ra being pregnant and then we went into the birth of Elsa (as). As well as the reaction of the Bani- Israil, especially after Esa's (as) miracle of talking. We also touched on the 3 different sabr. Next episode we will be focusing on the last of the 4 women promised Jannah, Asiyah (ra) Fir'awn's wife.


    ◦  Omar Suleiman talk ->

    https://youtu.be/ZgJuK0OtRf8 (https://youtu.be/ZgJuK0OtRf8

    ◦ Virtues of the day of Arafah ->


    ◦ We plan but Allah best of planners ->

    Surah al-Anfal Ayah 30

    ◦ Allah asking us (souls) if he is our lord ->


    ◦ If is from shaytaan ->


    ◦ 3 types of sabr ->


    ◦ Believer pricked expiated sins ->


    ◦ Rabbana aatina dua ->


    DISCLAIMER -> Statement of Umar (ra) -MISTAKEN -actually a statement of Imam Shāfi’i

    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    42 mins
  • Maryam Bint-Imran Pt 1
    Jun 18 2023

    Salam guys!

    This episode is 1/2 of Maryam (ra), we focused on her families background and her mothers important dua's which should be an inspiration to all! We then touched on who looked after Maryam once her father died and the influenced she had on her uncle Zakariya (as) dua asking for a child. Next episode we will be covering the rest of Mariyam (ra)'s story.


    ◦Uthman ra Hadith prophet covered self when he walked in ->


    ◦ Hadith of Ali ra -Maryam (as) is the best woman of her time ->

    Bukhari 3432

    ◦ Hannah sees bird with baby ->

    Stories of the prophets (PBUT) Imam Imaduddin Abdul-Fida Isma'il ibn kathir Ad-Damishqi 700-774 H

    ◦. Bani-Israel forbid places of worship for women ->

    Sahih Bukhari 869

    ◦ Surah Ma’ūn ->

    Ayah 107

    ◦  “If you give thanks, I will give you more” ->

    Surah Ibrahīm 14:7

    ◦  “If you try to count the blessings of Allah, you will never numerate them” ->

    Surah An-Nahl 16:18

    ◦  No child born but they are pricked by Shaytan ->

    Sahih Muslim 2366

    ◦  “I am as my servant sees me” ->

    Hadith 15, 40 Hadith Qudsi

    ◦  Dua of Zakariya (as) ->

    Surah Ali-Imran 3:38

    ◦  Duas of Ibraheem (as) ->

    Surah Baqarah 2:126 and Surah Ibrahīm 14:35

    ◦  Omar Suleiman talk ->

    https://youtu.be/ZgJuK0OtRf8 (https://youtu.be/ZgJuK0OtRf8)

    ◦  Ustadha Maryam Amir ->

    https://youtu.be/QNVRlKecRVo (https://youtu.be/QNVRlKecRVo)

    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    50 mins
  • Fatimah Bint-Muhammadﷺ Pt 2
    Jun 4 2023

    Salam guys!

    This episode is 2/2 of Fatimah (ra), Which was poignant as we focus on the death of Muhammad (pbuh) and the rest of Fatimah (ra)'s life before her fathers death, as well as her own death. We touch on how these calamities affected Ali (ra). Next episode, we will be moving on to Maryam Bint-Imran (ra) who was the mother of Esa (AS).


    ◦Women promised house in jannah Asiya and Khadija ->


    ◦The Quraysh threw camel meat on the prophet (saw) while he was praying ->

    Bukhari 3854

    ◦Fatimah (ra) complained to the prophet (saw) and was taught adhkar ->

    Bukhari 3113

    ◦ Fatimah (ra) response to her fathers death & Ali (ra)'s poem when Fatimah (ra) was buried ->


    ◦ The books we’ve used mainly used with most of the info ->

    Women around the messenger (Muhammad 'Ali Qutb)+ The women of Madina (Muhammad Ibn Sa'd)

    ◦ Prophets are given a choice before dying ->

    Bukhari 2/638

    ◦ Omar and Abu Bakr (ra)’s reaction to the Prophet (saw)’s death ->

    Bukhari 5:59:733

    ◦ Ayahs recited by Abu Bakr ->

    Surah Ali-Imran (3:144)

    ◦ Hadith of Aisha (ra) of Fatima (ra) being the most similar to the Prophet(saw) ->

    Tirmidhi 3872

    ◦ The simplicity of the companions’ lives (Abu-Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah) ->


    ◦ Even Umar (ra) as Calipha was sparing with himself and own clothes ->


    ◦ The fact that sahabahs realised the prophet (saw) was sick cause he didn’t come to lead salah (not specifically mentioning sahabahs realising) ->


    ◦ Rotating between his wives (Seerah books would mention this as well) ->


    DISCLAIMER -> We mentioned we will see if the narration is authentic about Ali (ra) not being able to hold Fatimah (ra)'s coffin and we were unable to find this.

    Also, when we mentioned that the people were waiting for the good news that the prophet (saw) was getting better it was an assumption we put together.

    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    24 mins
  • Fatimah Bint-Muhammadﷺ Pt 1
    May 21 2023

    Salam guys!

    This episode is a continuation of the four women promised jannah. In this part 1/2, we touch on the beginning of Fatimah (ra)'s life up to her marriage with Ali (ra), and how she was an amazing support system for the prophet (pbuh) at such a young age. We also discuss how precious she was to the prophet (pbuh). As well as the struggles she endured throughout her lifetime. Don't miss the next episode, as we will be touching on the death of her father (Muhammad (pbuh)), as well as her own death.


    ◦ Khadija promised a house in jannah ->


    ◦The Quraysh threw camel meat on the prophet (saw) while he was praying ->

    Bukhari 3854

    ◦Fatimah (ra) complained to the prophet (saw) and was taught adhkar ->

    Bukhari 3113

    ◦The books we’ve used mainly used with most of the info ->

    Women around the messenger (Muhammad 'Ali Qutb)+ The women of Madina (Muhammad Ibn Sa'd)

    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    28 mins
  • The First Mother of the Believers Pt 2
    May 7 2023

    Salam guys!

    This episode is a continuation of Khadijah (ra)’s story. In this part 2/2, we touch on the rest of Khadijah (ra)'s life, and how she was an amazing support system for the prophet (pbuh), and how precious she was to him, even after she passed away. Next episode, we will be moving on to Fatimah (ra), who was the prophet (pbuh)’s daughter and the second of the four best women in paradise, according to the Hadith.


    ◦Saying salams on the prophet ->

    Surah Al-Ahzab (33:53)

    ◦Women promised house in jannah Asiya and Khadija ->


    ◦First Ayahs revealed ->

    Surah Alaq (96:1-5)

    ◦Description of angel Jibra’eel ->

    Sahih Bukhari 4856

    ◦The surah refuting Abu-Lahab ->

    Surah Masad (111)

    ◦Ayahs favouring the early Muslims and giving them hope ->

    Surah Tawbah (9:100)

    ◦Hadith of Aisha (ra) about the wisdom of revelation ->

    Sahih Bukhari 4993 

    ◦Verses of alcohol revealed and Madina’s instant obedience ->

    Surah Nisa’ (4:43), Sahih Bukhari 4620

    ◦Verse of hijab revealed/ Muslim women ripping garments to obey ->

    Surah Nur (24:31), Sahih Bukhari 4481

    ◦“If they were to put the sun in one hand moon in the other…” ->

    Ibn Ishaaq in al-Maghaazi (1/154)

    ◦Islam came as a stranger… ->

    Sunan Ibn Majah 3986

    ◦The book we’ve used mainly ->

    Khadijah: Mother of History’s Greatest Nation (2016) by Fatima Barkatullah

    ◦Khadijah (ra) was the best of women of her eta… ->

    Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 58 Hadith 164

    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    40 mins
  • The First Mother of the Believers Pt 1
    Apr 23 2023

    Salam guys!

    Eid Mubarak from us to you! We hope you're all well. This episode is the first of our series on 'the four best women in paradise,' starting with the prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s first wife, Khadijah (ra).

    In this part 1/2, we introduce this inspirational lady and we also learn how she met and married our beloved prophet (pbuh).


      ◦  The four best women in Paradise ->

    Sahih, Musnad Ahmad 2896

      ◦  The book we’ve used mainly ->

    Khadijah: Mother of History’s Greatest Nation (2016) by Fatima Barkatullah

      ◦  The dua of Ibrahim (as) ->

    Surah Baqarah (2:126)

      ◦  Allah loves us more than our mothers ->


      ◦  Allah tests the ones he loves ->

    Sahih, Bukhari 5645

      ◦  3 ways a dua gets answered ->


    *If we have made any mistakes in Islamic Hadiths or explanations, please be patient with us and do let us know iA so we can correct ourselves


    Layla & Leena

    Check us out and interact with us on the following platforms:

    INSTAGRAM: learningfromourlegends

    TIKTOK: learningfromourlegends

    EMAIL: learningfromourlegends@gmail.com


    Nasheed By @Halalsounds2020

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Show more Show less
    36 mins