• "I was angry that I wasn't angry" Mastering the Art of Self-Awareness
    Jul 10 2024

    What if you could turn even the most hostile confrontations into opportunities for growth? In this enlightening episode of "Let that Shift Go," Noel and Lena share personal stories and transformative insights that showcase the power of self-awareness and emotional resilience. The episode kicks off with a playful and revealing exchange using Skin Deep cards, where Noel and Lena uncover surprising facts about each other, setting a light-hearted yet introspective tone.

    Noel recounts a recent encounter with a confrontational stranger that tested his emotional maturity. Reflecting on his ability to stay calm, Noel recognizes his progress in personal development, with Lena highlighting how his openness to growth has paid off. Together, they dive deep into managing negative energy, inspired by the teachings of BK Shivani. Learn three different approaches to handling verbal insults or negativity—reflecting it back, absorbing it, or transforming it into something positive. This discussion ties into Gabor Mate's "Greenbush" concept, illustrating how our insecurities make us vulnerable to insults and how self-security can keep us grounded.

    Finally, we explore mindfulness practices and the wisdom of Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements" as tools for healing and self-awareness. By addressing the unseen and unheard parts of ourselves, we can reduce daily triggers and maintain emotional balance. The episode wraps up with the practice of Ho'oponopono, emphasizing its four key phrases as a method for cultivating inner peace and resolution. Embrace the transformative power of love, forgiveness, and gratitude with us, and let's navigate the path to emotional resilience and personal freedom together.


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    28 mins
  • People Prefer the Versions of You They Can Control
    Jun 19 2024

    When was the last time you felt truly free? Join Lena and Noel in this episode of Let That Shift Go as they unravel their personal journeys of transformation, from Lena's exhilarating liberation after quitting her job to Noel's youthful realization of independence. We dive into the complexities of personal growth and how these shifts can jolt the people around us out of their comfort zones. Discover how setting boundaries and abandoning people-pleasing behaviors can not only challenge those close to us but also carve a path toward profound self-growth.

    In our discussion on boundaries, we underscore the significant impact a mother's mental health has on her child's well-being, stressing the necessity of self-reflection. We confront the resistance and fear of isolation that often accompanies breaking old patterns, and how moving away from indirect communication can be both difficult and freeing. As we share our insights, we aim to empower listeners to embrace the discomfort of change, recognizing it as an essential part of personal development.

    Recognizing red flags in relationships, particularly verbal abuse, is crucial for healthy growth. We talk about identifying these early signs and the importance of addressing them with compassion and clear communication. Noel reflects on how others' perceptions of him changed as he evolved, and we highlight the role of empathy and active listening in navigating these shifts. Join us in this episode to better understand the nuanced dance of personal and relational growth, and how to foster supportive environments for transformation.


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    31 mins
  • The Shimmer of Self-Reflection: Navigating Conflict and Social Media's Mental Toll
    Jun 12 2024

    Can self-reflection turn a quick-to-anger fighter into a master of conflict resolution? Join Noel and Lena in this thought-provoking episode of Let That Shift Go as they share their personal journeys with the new Amusing deck of Skin Deep cards. Noel opens up about his transformation from someone quick to flare-up to a more measured and reflective individual, while Lina stresses the essential practice of introspection to understand our roles in conflicts. The discussion moves towards the empathetic approach of seeing things from others’ viewpoints and the power of empathy in easing tensions.

    Triggered by listener Daniela's idea, we dive into the captivating topic of "Blinded by the Shimmer," examining how social media comparisons can fuel depression and anxiety. Drawing insights from Eric Godsey and statistics from Jonathan Haidt's "The Anxious Generation," we discuss the rise in mental health issues among teens and young adults since 2010. The conversation turns serious as we highlight the emotional toll of constant digital exposure and the critical need to equip youth with self-regulation and coping skills. This episode underscores the dual importance of parental guidance and self-exploration in building a healthier relationship with digital media.


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    25 mins
  • The Hidden Cost of Expectations: Building Better Relationships
    Jun 5 2024

    Are unspoken expectations silently sabotaging your relationships? This episode of Let That Shift Go podcast unpacks the complexities of unspoken expectations versus boundaries. We start with an engaging warm-up using skin deep cards to reveal personal truths, which sets a reflective tone for our conversation. Drawing inspiration from Neil Strauss's poignant quote about premeditated resentments, Noel and Lena dive into the differences between boundaries—personal limits we set for self-protection—and expectations, which are often unrealistic assumptions about others' behavior. Through relatable scenarios like discomfort with physical touch or the irritation of early morning calls, we illustrate how clear communication can prevent unnecessary misunderstandings and ensure harmony in relationships.

    Why do some relationships suffer from silent tensions while others thrive on open communication? We explore this question as we navigate the nuances of expectations and communication in both personal and professional settings. From understanding why loved ones may not call regularly to the complexities of love languages, we uncover how different individuals perceive acts of love and attention. Shifting to the workplace, we highlight how unspoken expectations can lead to resentment and conflict. Sharing our own experiences, we emphasize the importance of using "I" statements to express our feelings and needs, thereby fostering a healthier dialogue and minimizing conflicts.

    Ever felt invalidated during a conversation or uncertain about how to approach a tough discussion? We wrap up by discussing the critical role of validation in effective communication. Validating someone's perspective doesn't mean you agree with them; it simply prevents ego clashes and fosters a mutual understanding. We also provide practical tips for navigating difficult conversations, such as choosing the right time and setting, and using breathing exercises to maintain calm. We challenge you to identify and articulate your unspoken expectations in your relationships to enhance understanding and connection. Don't forget to reach out with your questions and join us on social media for future engaging discussions!


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    33 mins
  • Shift on Deck !: Sergio Cardenas on Mental Health and the Art of Self-Metamorphosis
    May 19 2024
    Have you ever stood at the edge of change, heart pounding with the raw reality of transformation and growth? Sergio Cardenas, a seasoned flight nurse with Mercy Air and my soul brother, joins us on a powerful journey that delves into the essence of mental health and the art of personal metamorphosis. Through candid stories of his own life, Sergio pulls back the curtain on the struggle to define and redefine identity amidst life's tumultuous shifts, and how embracing vulnerability can lead to profound healing and self-discovery.

    Sergio's experiences unfold a narrative that many of us can relate to - the protector, the provider, the unwavering support system for others, often at the expense of our own emotional availability. Together, we traverse the paths from emotional unavailability to presence in our relationships, illustrating the paradoxical truth that sometimes, to gain control, we must first let go. The stories we share, from recognizing the unconditional love surrounding us to the life-changing conversations with loved ones, emphasize the unmistakable strength found in openness and self-reflection.

    Join us for heartfelt discussions on overcoming the fear of being discarded, the importance of closing life chapters on our own terms, and the realization of our self-worth. Sergio's voice lends wisdom to the significance of mentorship and self-care, reminding us that our journey isn't solely about reaching destinations, but about cherishing the growth along the way. So settle in, open your heart, and prepare to be inspired by an episode rich with encouragement and brimming with insights on embracing the full spectrum of love, acceptance, and the exhilarating plunge into the depths of self-awareness.


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    56 mins
  • This Shift Doesn't Make Sense: Choosing a Familiar Hell Over an Unknown Heaven
    May 15 2024

    Have you ever felt chained to patterns in your life that seem to replay like a broken record, yet can't quite figure out how to stop the music? That's what we're unpacking today, as we venture into the hidden alleys of our past and present choices. We've all been there, in that space where the familiar becomes a little too cozy, even when it's not what's best for us. Noel and Lena lead the way through unraveling the complexities of our relationships, dissecting the threads of our upbringing, and the impact of our need for safety on the decisions we make.

    As your guides on this journey, we don't just talk at you—we talk with you. Together, we grapple with the mirage of self-worth, peel back the emotions beneath our reactions, and embrace tools like the RAIN technique to understand our triggers. We recognize the fixer in all of us, sometimes at the cost of our own care, and learn the art of nurturing ourselves. Acknowledging the patterns we've lugged from childhood to adulthood, this episode is a call to arms against the cycles that hold us back, championing the belief that we are all inherently enough.

    Wrapping up, we take that daunting leap towards authenticity, challenging the allure of the shiny facades we've been taught to value. We delve into the importance of honoring our personal journey, setting boundaries lovingly, and the transformative power of saying 'no'. As we draw the curtain, we leave you with the courage to trust your path, armed with the support of a community that champions self-compassion and growth. Join Noelle and Lina in this heart-to-heart, which is more than a conversation; it's a transformation waiting to happen.


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    35 mins
  • Forgiving Death: Dr. Adam Rizvi on the Dance with Death and the Healing Power of Presence
    May 8 2024

    When Dr. Adam Rizvi, a neurointensivist with an intriguing passion for the spiritual dimensions of healing, joins us, the conversation transcends the ordinary. His "Forgiving Death" workshop, rooted in his intensive care unit experiences, teaches us to embrace presence and empathy when life dwindles to its last breaths. With stories that touch the heart, Adam guides us through the delicate art of end-of-life care, sharing how a deeper understanding of consciousness can aid healthcare professionals and comfort those facing loss. This episode isn't just about the end; it's a profound look at life's totality and the eternal dance with the divine.

    Our dialogue takes a reflective turn as we explore the philosophical terrain of life, death, and the realms beyond our physical existence. Inspired by the visually stirring movie "What Dreams May Come," we exchange tales of love's enduring strength in the face of mortality. A patient's transition in Tucson becomes a poignant example of the crucial role healthcare providers play in guiding souls towards tranquility. We contemplate the transformative power of acceptance, love, and the impact such realizations can have not just at the end, but in every moment leading up to it.

    The finality of life's journey and the act of letting go are themes we approach with both reverence and openness. In the company of Dr. Rizvi, we learn about the importance of granting freedom and love to those on the verge of passing. Our conversation is an invitation to recognize our innate bond, to feel the liberation that comes with true understanding, and to extend this to the ones we cherish. As we close, we offer a silent acknowledgement of our shared humanity, leaving listeners with a sense of peace and an eagerness to explore the depths of the "Forgiving Death" workshop further.



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    37 mins
  • "The Shift That comes Outta Your Mouth" The Subtle Art of Parenting and the Power of Listening
    May 1 2024

    When my marriage began to crumble, it felt like my world was ending. But as I navigated through the chaos of heartbreak and self-discovery, a startling truth emerged—one that would ultimately stitch the fabric of my family back together and teach us the invaluable lessons hidden within our missteps. This episode is an intimate journey into the silver linings of life's most challenging moments and the profound healing that can ripple through a family when we face our shadows with courage.

    No one warns you about how your own unfulfilled dreams might weigh on your children's shoulders, or how the ambition you instill in them could blur the lines between inspiration and pressure. Alongside my siblings, Noel and Lena, we unravel the complexities of parenting and sibling dynamics, revealing how the quest for perfection can sometimes overshadow the need for empathy and self-forgiveness. We navigate these emotional waters, exposing the delicate dance of guiding our loved ones without losing sight of their individual paths and the generational patterns we strive to break.

    Communication is a delicate art, and in this heart-to-heart, we explore its transformative power. Through stories of active listening and mutual understanding, we illuminate how truly hearing each other can foster trust and empower intuition within the family. Reflect with us on the importance of validating each other's experiences and the humility needed to learn from the wisdom of our children, as we peel back the layers on the journey to deeper connections and enriched family bonds. Join us, and you might discover that the echoes of your own family's laughter and lessons resonate within our shared stories.


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    33 mins