
  • Finding the Silver Lining
    Nov 10 2020
    Everyone wants to be appreciated. Pretty basic stuff, right? Yet why are we having so much depression and anxiety and stress? Why are nearly 84% of workers not engaged. Why is our world being divided into us vs them? There are three things that can make a major difference in someone's personal and professional life. They are I see you. I hear you. You matter. Eight words that can change our life, our organization and the world. Why is this so hard? I wish I had the answer. I don’t, however my guest Sarah McVanel, recognition expert, will share with us how we can rediscover our own greatness, and recognize the greatness in others.
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    56 m
  • Find Your Friggin Joy
    Nov 3 2020
    Today we are going to talk about Facing and Our Fears and finding our joy. Fear is a very powerful emotion. It can motivate some to take action and it can paralyze others. Where does your fear come from? Is it from a past trauma, be it physical, mental or emotional? Is it because you tried and failed at a task or a job or a marriage? Is it an irrational fear or phobia you just can’t get past? What ever it is, until you face your fear it will continue to suck the life and joy out of you. My guest today is Belinda Farrell who has experienced debilitating physical, mental and emotional fear, but rather than giving up, she picked up the pieces and discovered fear is not an invincible opponent and she is showing others how to become alive with a CAPITAL A.
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    56 m
  • Getting Unstuck
    Oct 27 2020
    We all have periods in our life where we just feel stuck. No matter what we think we want to do; we just never get around to getting it done. We find ourselves in a rut spinning our wheels and going nowhere. So, we settle for being stuck waiting for “mythical someday” to come. As we have said on this show before, “That in order for people to embrace and activate change, they have to feel it is both possible AND important.” So, what do you want to change? Maybe you want to stop smoking or drinking, or become more assertive, or overcome a phobia that keeps you stuck. Maybe you want to change a dynamic in your family or personal life. It may be important enough, but is it possible? The answer is yes and Darlene Corbett will show us how!
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    56 m
  • Believe in Yourself
    Oct 20 2020
    The current state of the world has brought us to an inflection point. Some people and organizations have thrown up the hands and said why bother – I don’t see a silver lining or a light at the end of the tunnel. Fortunately, many more people believe everything happens for a reason and are grateful for the lessons they are learning and the opportunities that are being presented. If you are thinking, what lessons and what opportunities, then be grateful you tuned to hear my interview with Eileen Bild. Eileen believes and teaches that life expresses itself through our experiences, the good and the bad. She will make you believe in yourself and your ability to shape your journey.
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    54 m
  • It's The Little Things That Matter
    Oct 13 2020
    Life Is Not Measured By the Number of Breaths We Take, But By the Moments That Take Our Breath Away. It is the little things in life that reach out and grab our hearts; that make us smile; that we always remember with great joy. Very often these moments appear during some of the most difficult times in our life to remind us that no matter what obstacles life puts in our way, we can always look up, get up and never ever give up. Connie Bramer has experienced more than her share of adversity. Death of her mother at age 26, divorce, breast cancer in her mid 30's, yet Connie is the person we look forward to seeing or simply talking too, that always makes us smile. She can find the lighter side in almost every situation. She makes us laugh and she can laugh at herself. She remind us that no matter what crisis we are facing, our attitude and outlook makes all the difference.
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    54 m
  • Crappy to Happy
    Oct 6 2020
    Have you ever noticed that good answers and good choices rarely occur when we are stressed out or in crisis mode? You cannot focus. You cannot find clarity of thought. You cannot rationally weigh the pros and cons. It is like trying to hold back the ocean during high tide. You are simply reacting to a situation you cannot change, alter or win. Our cluttered mind then tells us we have lost or we failed. At this point our lives are “CRAPPY.” So how do we go from CRAPPY back to HAPPY. My guests today are Kat O'Keefe-Kanavos, one of the primary authors of Crappy to Happy and Mike Pitocco a contributing author. The book CRAPPY to HAPPY is being released today.
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    56 m
  • Yes You Can
    Sep 29 2020
    We all know that misery loves company. It waits and watches for those who are hurting. It senses the storm seeds in our mind. Misery starts out as a friend. It will gain our trust. It will commiserate with us by watering and nurturing our storm seeds. It will not offer help. If we challenge misery and try to move forward, it will pull us back down. It takes advantage of us. It sucks the very life out of us. Misery’s goal is to replace our hope and faith with anger, depression and despair. My two guests today Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes and Ken Walls know this story all too well. They lived it. They did find the courage to stare down misery. They found support and rebuilt their lives. Now they both provide guidance and support for other and both are contributing authors for the book Crappy to Happy which will be release on October 6.
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    53 m
  • The Power of Giving
    Sep 22 2020
    Today we will hear about the Power of Giving. Given the current state of affairs in the world, it is hard to find good news or even accurate news. It is frustrating and depressing as we go through the process of re-opening, and re-closing and trying to re-open again. But there are stories that give us hope, that make us smile, that make us cheer for people who despite their own hardships and heartache go out of their way to help, to give to others and willingly serve in their communities. Today, we are going to put the gloom and doom aside and talk about something positive. I have two guests today that will make you smile. They will touch your heart and give you hope. Both will downplay all they have done, because real heroes never act for personal gain or praise. They act because in their heart it is the right thing and the only thing to do. Harold Mintz and Dean Eller, have had more than one altering event thrust upon them, yet they continue to give.
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    57 m