• 😍 How to Create an Irresistible, "Hell Yes" Online Course, Coaching or Membership Offer (Inspired by 2am Flights and Toddler Meltdowns)
    Jul 29 2024

    Recently, I embarked on an extended Euro-trip.

    [Read the full blog post here].

    EXCITING, of course – but, with a catch.

    The flight to Dubai en-route to Europe departed from Brisbane at 2am.

    Tricky in any event, but even moreso with a two and four year old to contend with.

    I did the sleep math olympics trying to figure out how to cope.

    My realisation?

    From a toddler perspective, I was likely screwed regardless of HOW I decided to approach things (especially since those awesome inflatable travel beds for kids on planes are banned on my Emirates flight – damn, right).

    And so, I started focusing on my own sleep.

    “If we get on the plane at 2am, they MIGHT go back to sleep for a few hours and it’s going to be smart to try and catch at least a couple of hours myself so I’m not zapped and losing my proverbial s$%# when we arrive in Dubai 14-hours later” – I thought.

    In other words? I started to focus on the things I thought I MIIIIIIGHT be able to semi-control.

    And so began my deep-dive into the world of getting sleep on planes.

    Plot twist: This turns into a content piece on how to create an irresistible, hell yes online course coaching or membership offer so bear with me.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • 🙌 Simple Scales: Swipe This ‘Less is More’ Lifestyle Business Blueprint
    Jul 22 2024

    Simple scale, complex fails.

    Has a catchy ring to it, right.

    And, a whole lotta truth.

    Here’s how I know.

    [Read the full blog post here].

    As a person, I am naturally someone that tends to overcomplicate things.

    Give me a task to complete, and I will somehow singlehandedly find the most complex, convoluted way of completing it.

    Back in my corporate days, I worked as a Marketing Manager.

    Working closely alongside me was our PR Manager – who was the exact vision of what you would expect a PR Manager to be.

    Vibrant, sociable, vivacious.

    And, light on detail.

    Whenever we were given a project to work on, she and I would approach things so very differently.

    I always admired her approach:

    Pick up the phone, get it done, smiling all the way.

    Meanwhile? I would sit at my desk for hours upon hours, writing up complex plans and generally just overcomplicating things.

    Of course, both were strengths in a way – and our very different approaches complimented each other.

    When I started my business, though?

    I noticed myself taking that same tendency to complicate things into it.

    And, let me tell you:

    THAT did not serve me well – until, it did.

    In many ways, it was my tendency to overcomplicate things that resulted in the business I have today.

    I have spent many years learning the art of simplicity.

    As a result?

    I create online courses sharing the same simple strategies I created for MYSELF to eliminate my tendency to overcomplicate.

    Of course, old habits die hard, and the truth is?

    That still every day I have FIGHT MYSELF not to overcomplicate my business.

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    53 mins
  • ⏱ I've Worked 5 Hours a Week Since March. Here's How.
    Jul 15 2024

    This isn’t a piece on passive income.

    It’s not a piece on the freedom to work from anywhere.

    Or, to pick up and travel the world.

    Instead? It’s about building a drop everything business and how I built it.

    [Read the full blog post here].

    You see, when most of us think of course or digital-product based businesses we think of the fun freedom that it may one day give us the opportunity to enjoy.

    We aspire to build the “bucket list” business:

    One that creates deep impact for those we serve, whilst simultaneously giving us time, freedom and happiness in spades to spend time with little ones, live without financial burden and go on extended staycations.

    I know I sure did.

    Happily, six (almost seven) years of hard work, trial and error in, I have mostly done that.

    But, here’s the clincher.

    It’s not the “bucketlist” business that I have been the most grateful for this year.

    It’s the drop everything business.

    It’s building a business that has afforded me the ability to scale back and work less not by choice, but by necessity.

    From about March on this year, I have worked around 5-hours a week.

    The fact that I even COULD – without financial burden or business ruin? – is something that I will always be eternally grateful for.

    And so, in today’s podcast episode I want to share with you some of the things that made that possible for me.

    The truth is that it is, unfortunately, highly likely that at some point in all of our business careers there will come a time that we’re forced to slow down, pause or stop business as usual for less-than-desirable reasons.

    It might be a diagnosis, or a chronic health condition, or an accident.

    Whatever the reason, having the foresight to know HOW to set your business up in a way that supports you even when you aren’t “in it” is, I think, a superpower and a gift.

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    45 mins
  • ⌛ How to Build an Email List to 1000 Subscribers From Scratch & For Free
    Jul 8 2024

    To sell an online course or leveraged offer, you need people to sell to.

    [Read the full blog post here].

    The problem?

    Those looking to build an online course business from scratch usually fall into one of two camps.

    1) They are existing content creators looking to leverage their extensive audiences by building a course based business around it; or

    2) They are service providers seeking to take their skillset and build something more leveraged from it.

    My experience is that usually?

    In both cases, the founder hasn’t started or prioritised email list growth, and they are either starting from scratch or they are starting with a small email list that they haven’t nurtured.

    So, how do you start and build an email list so that you are able to successfully sell an online course, group coaching program or membership?

    Here’s two things to keep in mind first and foremost:

    Firstly, quality matters much more than quantity.

    The secret? A super aligned email list, and high quality nurture of the people on it.

    Alignment comes from making sure that the lead magnet you offer to people in exchange for their email address is very closely aligned to the topic of your core offer.

    High quality nurture means that your lead magnet is more than just a PDF.

    People need several touchpoints with you (the number is up for date, but it has increased with time – last time, it was around 17) before they are ready to buy from you.

    And secondly, your email list growth should be done WHILST you are building your business.

    It’s common to spend months and years spinning your wheels trying to hit a magical number BEFORE you start selling, but actually?

    The act of starting your course business and launching will be the thing that grows your list as you go.

    For both of those reasons, the strategy I recommend for people that want to build a successful course business in 2024 is to start by creating a mini-course and delivering it live over four or so weeks.

    Read more about it in my blogpost.

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    52 mins
  • 🌏 Last Minute Eurotrips, Self-Sabotage and 2-Year Olds on Planes
    Jul 1 2024

    Have you ever dreamed of jumping on a plane and running away?

    [Read the full blog post here].

    Wanting to live the laptop lifestyle and work from anywhere but unsure how to *actually* do it without your business burning down?

    Wonder how all of those people on Instagram every European summer actually afford to do it?

    In a week, I am jumping on a very last minute plane to Eurosummer, family (including a wild 2-year old and lively 4-year old) in tow.

    This hasn’t been something I’ve had on the planning list for a long time (please listen to last weeks podcast episode where I share about losing my Mum for more context on my snap decision).

    More than anything?

    This trip is an exhale.

    This trip is therapy.

    And, this trip is a complete disconnect from reality, to reflect, honour, enjoy and heal.

    At the same time, I know there will be some wondering how I can be so lucky or privileged to make this happen. Which, of course, I am.

    But, it’s not all that. And maybe, it could be possible for you too.

    If you’ve ever dreamt of an extended trip and feel compelled or inspired to make it happen, in today’s podcast episode I am going to share how I’ve done it, what it is costing, my thoughts, fears and nerve-citement around doing it with young children and all of the nitty gritty.

    Let’s dive in.

    PS. Here's the link to the card I use (I get points if you use my code, my travel fund thanks you).

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    44 mins
  • 🙏 Grief, Loss and Showing Up as a Personal Brand Business Owner In Difficult Seasons (I’m Back)
    Jun 24 2024

    This is a story about grief, loss and how to navigate it as a personal brand.

    [Read the full blog post here].

    Almost six weeks ago now, I lost my beautiful mum.

    (It hurts to type that).

    It feels like my security blanket has been ripped from under me.

    I feel alone, exposed and honestly? Just so very sad.

    Here’s the thing as a personal brand business.

    Personal things happen.

    They bleed into business.

    And as a result, running a very front-facing business in challenging times feels extra challenging – something that has absolutely been my experience over the past while.

    Today, I want to share a little about my experience navigating profound loss as a personal brand.

    Helpful Resources:

    Insanely helpful conversation:

    Navigating Grief [ft Therapist Gina Moffa] – With Sam Vander Wielen. I resonated with so much of this. It talks about personal brand businesses in particular, and I listened twice.

    Feeling seen:

    Motherless Daughters – Grief support for mother loss. Simply scrolling through these has helped me a lot, the posts are real and reflect a lot of the things I think myself. Simply knowing I am not alone has helped immensely.

    Questions and conversations with loved ones:

    List of Questions for Interviewing Your Loved Ones – Brendon Burchard wrote this list of questions he asked his Dad.

    Lucy Percy at Head and Heart Estate Planning sent me some Legacy of Love conversation starters (not sure if she is offering these, but her Instagram is useful also).

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Real Talk: Should You Create a Membership Site? Part Two
    May 6 2024

    Pre PS We've currently waitlisted our Lifestyle Business School program and we'll be reopening soon. Join the waitlist here if you want to get updated on the best deal and the special VIP bonuses soon as we re-open doors.

    Last episode I talked about some of the cons of having a membership site as your offer.

    Now, let's switch sides and talk about the pros of building a membership site.

    And, when you go into it with realistic expectations - there are many!

    I do think it's important to start with the cons however, because they aren't usually considered and it's the reason people become disillusioned and give up.

    Memberships can be magical - with some big ifs and buts.

    They can be magical 🪄... IF:

    You are willing to do the work (because, it's WORK - and a lot of it);

    You have the mental fortitude to deal pragmatically with cancellations;

    You have a spirit of optimisation and genuinely want to improve and be of service;

    You have an understanding of numbers and a willingness to learn more advanced concepts, memberships:

    And, your offer suits it.

    If you've ticked yes to all of the above, memberships can over time become a fairly lucrative money making machine.

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    42 mins
  • Real Talk: Should You Create a Membership Site? Part One
    Apr 30 2024

    Pre PS We've currently waitlisted our Lifestyle Business School program and we'll be reopening soon. Join the waitlist here if you want to get updated on the best deal and the special VIP bonuses soon as we re-open doors.

    Should you create a membership site?

    So often, it's sold as the ultimate dream:

    "Create a membership site and you too can enjoy recurring revenue - forever", they say.

    Which is kind of true.

    Only, it also comes with a very, very big asterisk:

    Memberships are one of the most advanced, psychologically trying, long-game, difficult leveraged business models out there.

    And, no-one is sharing THAT when they are selling the dream.

    In October 2023, I launched my very own online membership site.

    Believe me when I say that I have aged 26 Internet years in the months since (just kidding - kind of).

    Here's the truth though:

    They are no joke, and this is coming from someone with six years in the online business space, experience in every leveraged business model under the sun, an advanced understanding of data and advanced marketing concepts and serious grit and resilience.

    Cliff notes, though: I am a sucker for punishment and I actually enjoy the game of it.

    But, honestly?

    I think I'd be in the minority here. It's kind of like an Ultra Marathon runner:

    It takes a special breed to want to put yourself through it, but it's worthwhile if you have what it takes, you're willing to play the long game and you're up for the task 😅.

    If you're finding yourself wondering "should I create a membership site?", I want to share with you the cold, hard truth about running a membership site based on my own personal experience.

    Take from it what you will. My hope is that it will help you go into this model with eyes wide open, because misaligned expectations is the ultimate dream killer.

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    58 mins