• Season 2 - Episode 9: Holding Power to Account: From Local Corruption to National Failures
    Jul 11 2024

    National Corruption and Team OD's planned destruction of Harford County continues.

    What if everything you believed about the mainstream media's portrayal of President Joe Biden was a lie? This episode of Live Free Die Last kicks off with a critical examination of media narratives and their evolution from praise to an acknowledgment of Biden's decline. We scrutinize the media’s handling of pivotal events like COVID-19 and the Iraq War, highlighting the eerie parallels and the pervasive influence of "Operation Mockingbird." Reflecting on the 2020 election, we dig into the media's early dismissal of concerns about Biden's capabilities, urging listeners to consider who is truly steering the country's direction.

    Next, we tackle the pressing issues undermining democracy and amplifying censorship. From elder abuse in politics to election manipulation and the weaponization of government agencies, we leave no stone unturned. Our critique extends to the Democratic Party's decisions on voter registration and election integrity, Supreme Court rulings, and the role of social media titans like Facebook in controlling the narrative. We also delve into the impact of past administrations on today's political climate and the ongoing struggle between Liberty and the deep state, considering the broader implications for future elections and democratic processes.

    Our episode then transitions to a contentious discussion on U.S. involvement in Ukraine, critiquing current policies and drawing parallels to historical conflicts. We explore the constitutional missteps in declaring war, financial motives behind prolonged conflicts, and the portrayal of Ukraine's government. Additionally, we examine national security and infrastructure concerns, the flawed education system, and local corruption issues in Harford County. Whether it’s the ethical allocation of tobacco tax dollars or the alarming oversight of hazardous material trucks, we advocate for freedom, truth, and accountability, calling out corruption and advocating for genuine leadership. Join us for an episode packed with revelations and a steadfast commitment to uncovering the truth.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 8: The Crusade for Honesty in American Governance
    Apr 23 2024

    Is freedom just a word, or is it the bedrock of our society? We, John Connor, Josh, and Travis, confront this question head-on in a powerful discussion that ignites the Patriot's spirit in every listener. As we navigate the murkiness of government overreach in Harford County and beyond, we're not just commentators—we're defenders of the core values that form the foundation of our great nation. We take a stand against the worrying trends in local governance, from the manipulative tactics used against General Flynn to the alarming bias infiltrating our education system.

    This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a rallying cry for integrity and accountability. We dissect the Harford County budget debate, unveiling the harsh realities of financial mismanagement and the push for increased funding that could spell disaster for the taxpayer. We pierce through the noise to bring you unfiltered truths about the actions of our local council president and the ethical dilemmas plaguing our officials. Our commitment to preserving our constitutional rights has never been stronger as we challenge the silent subversion taking place in council chambers and school boards alike.

    Join us as we cement our position as truth warriors, unwavering in the fight against the politicization of law and the shadowy tactics that threaten our republic. We draw a line in the sand, urging you to take a stand with us, to bolster our community's resilience, and champion a return to honest leadership. With each revelation and every call to action, we're not just sharing insights; we're inspiring a movement to "Make America Honest Again." This episode is more than a podcast. It's a testament to the undying flame of American patriotism.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 7: Guardians of the Homestead and the Pillars of Freedom
    Mar 31 2024

    Property rights and personal liberties are under siege, and we're pulling no punches in exposing the threats! In a world where the sanctity of one's home can be so easily violated by squatters and government overreach, we thrust into the heart of Florida's legislative counterstrike and historic defenses against home invaders. As we unpack the gnarly knot of property laws, we don't shy away from the hard truths about the bridge collapse in Maryland or the chilling implications it holds for infrastructure and political maneuvering. We're not just talking about the foundations of concrete and steel that keep our society standing, but the very pillars of freedom that our nation is built upon.

    If the power plays of the music industry and political elite leave you feeling queasy, you're not alone. We're pulling back the velvet curtain to reveal the unsettling alliances and the steep price of fame. Our dissection of the culture of power is raw and unfiltered, as we tackle the allegations that circle high-profile figures in entertainment and politics. When it comes to education funding, we're holding feet to the fire, questioning the dubious decisions of local school boards and the questionable use of taxpayer dollars, all while championing the efforts of those who genuinely put children's best interests at heart.

    We wrap up with a big salute to the warriors of the Choose Hope Women's Center, who've thrown down the gauntlet with an invitation to VP Kamala Harris to witness their life-affirming work. And let's not forget about the elephant in the room – illegal immigration in Maryland is a hot potato that we're not tossing aside. We're demanding accountability from our state's representatives with the same fervor as a three-alarm fire. Buckle up and join us as we confront these issues head-on, because when it comes to protecting our liberties and demanding results, we're relentless!

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    58 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 6: Rallying for Transparency: The Struggle for Parental Rights, Community Voice, and Defending Freedom
    Mar 19 2024

    Government overreach isn't a myth—it's a pressing reality that Marylanders are facing head-on, with alarming redactions from the CDC on critical health information. Patriots, if you're tired of being kept in the dark and fed half-truths, this is the episode you can't afford to miss. We're rallying around the flag of freedom, and with guests like TJ and Josh fueling the debate, we're dissecting the lack of transparency post-FOIA request to the CDC on myocarditis and questioning the complacency of local officials during the pandemic. It's more than just a conversation; it's a battle cry for standing our ground against invasive mandates and unwarranted government control.

    Schools were once safe havens for learning, but now, they're battlegrounds for the hearts and minds of our children. When Dr. Seuss books get the boot, replaced with content that challenges the core values of many families, it's time to speak up. We're not just talking about the books on our shelves—we're delving into the very essence of parental rights and reflecting on the importance of protecting our children from sensitive topics better addressed within the home.

    Harford County's greatest generation left a legacy of community engagement and participation—a stark contrast to the challenges we face today, where leaders may not have the county's best interests at heart. Against a backdrop of political corruption, budget concerns, and the echo of our forebears' civic duty, we're issuing a rallying cry for a return to integrity in leadership and proactive involvement. As we honor the past, we are determined to shape a future where the community's voice reigns supreme, and the pillars of democracy stand strong. Join us as we honor our heritage and take responsibility for the direction of our beloved Harford County.

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    55 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 5: Echoes of Revolution in the Fight for Modern-Day Liberty
    Mar 7 2024

    Is the Republican National Committee still under the thumb of Trump's influence, or has the political landscape shifted since his presidency? Tune in to our in-depth discussion where we, John Connor, Josh, TJ, and Travis, scrutinize the ex-president's sway over the party and its ripple effects on election integrity, media portrayal, and the immigrant vote. We're not shy about asking the hard questions: Will Biden replicate his previous voter 'turnout', and what truth lies behind the election fraud claims that continue to stir public concern?

    Dive headlong with us into the murky waters of local politics right here in Harford County. We don't just talk national; we're on the frontlines of our own backyard, revealing the corruption that often plagues our council chambers and Sheriff's office where personal agendas can overshadow public service. From the power struggles of council members to the debate on political symbols in schools, we shed light on the issues that hit close to home. Discover how community activism is shaping governance and how you, too, can be a force for transparency and integrity in the civic arena.

    To cap things off, we draw parallels between the fiery passion of the Boston Tea Party and today's need for unwavering commitment to liberty. The Live Free Die Last Podcast isn't just a platform for discussion; it's a battle cry for all patriots to step up, engage with local government, and demand accountability. We honor the unsung heroes who toil tirelessly to safeguard our freedoms, and we want to light that same fire within you. So, fellow patriots, join our mission—after all, it's your voice and action that will help preserve the freedom we hold so dear.

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    54 mins
  • Season 2 - Episode 4: Grasping the Reins: Unpacking Foreign Aid, Vaccine Controversies, and the Call for Local Empowerment
    Feb 14 2024
    Could our government's spending habits be fueling conflicts rather than solving them? This week, we scrutinize the staggering $95.3 billion aid package approved for countries like Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, questioning the priorities that allow for such hefty foreign aid while domestic issues like border security simmer on the backburner. We're not just voicing concerns; we're demanding accountability. With embalmers reporting unusual post-vaccine clots, we also bring Patrick Warren to the table, delving into vaccine safety, medical ethics, and the heated debate over the transparency of vaccinated blood.

    Strap in for a geopolitical roller coaster as we dissect Tucker Carlson's eyebrow-raising sit-down with Vladimir Putin, scrutinizing the narratives woven by both the Russian leader and Western media. We raise the alarm on potentially compromised safety standards for political correctness, as diversity quotas sneak into airline pilot recruitment. And as always, we're keeping a sharp eye on the politicians who seem to forget their constituents unless it's election season or donation time. It's a candid discussion about leadership, or the lack thereof, and the urgent need for grassroots engagement.

    Finally, we pivot toward a message of hope and action. We shine a spotlight on the grassroots level, celebrating community involvement, like attending local council meetings or supporting initiatives like the We the People of Maryland Monthly Meeting at the Harford Vineyard on February 21, 2024. We're here to remind you of the power of checking in on your community, the importance of informed voting, and the undeniable impact of local engagement. Tune in for a journey through the pressing issues of our time, punctuated with a promise of optimism in our next installment, featuring the 'freedom pod' liquor cabinet—a symbol of fellowship and local support.

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    58 mins
  • Season 2 - Episode 3: Tilling the Seeds of Freedom: Unearthing the Struggle for Food Sovereignty and Honesty in Harford County
    Feb 8 2024

    Embark on an aerial journey with us in the Freedom Pod as we cast a spotlight on the French farmers' valorous stand for their rights and the parallels with American agricultural challenges. This episode welcomes Josh, TJ, and Travis for a robust discussion on food sovereignty, the undercurrents of global governance, and why your backyard garden might just be an act of defiance against the World Economic Forum's controversial views on personal cultivation. Together, we unite in solidarity with those who till the land and delve into the implications of Bill 3589 and the Harford County Council's decisions for our fundamental freedoms.

    As we navigate the murky waters of media narratives and international conflicts, we dissect the public's dwindling engagement in activism and question the depth of integrity in our political arenas. The war in Ukraine, Tucker Carlson's NSA saga, and local legislative debates stir a cauldron of skepticism, demanding a closer look at the strings pulling at the fabric of democracy. Join us as we sift through the noise, seeking clarity and accountability amidst allegations of corruption and the unsettling erosion of public trust in the post-pandemic era.

    In the heart of Harford County, we tie the threads of community resilience, medical mistrust, and the specter of 'Disease X' into a tapestry of awareness. It's a call to arms for civic engagement, an invitation to question the status quo, and a reminder that every act of local support weaves strength into the fabric of society. Tune in, be part of the resistance, and remember—the integrity of our collective future rests in the power of informed and engaged individuals like you.

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    1 hr
  • Season 2 - Episode 2: Between the Lines: Disease X, Election Integrity, and the Call for Vigilance in the Face of Government Overreach
    Jan 30 2024
    Could the shadow of Disease X be looming on the horizon, heralding a future where government overreach becomes the norm in the name of public health? This episode peels back layers of concern, from the echoes of COVID-19 to Bill Gates' polarizing prophecies, to spotlight the potential for authoritative encroachment as we gear up to tackle pandemics yet unseen. We dissect the uncanny similarities between combating digital and biological viruses, cast a critical eye on the disputed origins of COVID-19, and challenge the opaque agendas of health narratives woven by influential figures.

    Tune in as we pivot to the bedrock of democracy, urging a closer examination of local political engagement and the sanctity of our elections. With a nod to our insightful guests Travis, Patrick, and Josh, we rally Patriots to scrutinize their candidates, from school boards to the Senate, and to apprehend the ripple effect of local politics. As we recount the ironies and allegations of election fraud, the conversation intensifies around Lynn Garland's forewarnings about Maryland's voting machines and the paradox of her connection to Attorney General Merrick Garland, spotlighting the convoluted entanglements of voter registration, immigration, and election security.

    In our closing segment, we confront the contentious debates of voter fraud and Second Amendment rights in Maryland. Exposing the challenges and potential loopholes of mail-in voting, we question the strategies of local Republicans and the state's policies on undocumented immigrants. The dialogue culminates with a call to arms for active civic engagement, emphasizing the power of supporting candidates and causes that resonate with your values. Stand with us, fellow Patriots, as we remain vigilant in our quest to ensure our leaders embody the integrity and principles that define our great nation.

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    49 mins