• #88 - Jack Martin: EVERYTHING You Need to Know about Mushrooms
    Sep 26 2024

    Jack Martin is the owner of Woodland Mushrooms. Jack is passionate about gourmet and medicinal mushrooms, sustainable organic agriculture, and the intriguing world of psilocybin mushrooms. His journey into the world of mushrooms started after a life-changing motocross accident, and since then, he's been on a path of discovery, self-healing, and entrepreneurship. We'll dive into the fascinating nutritional benefits of mushrooms, sustainable farming practices, and the profound impact of psilocybin on self-reflection and spiritual growth.

    Jack graduated from ABJ in 2018 and pursued chemical technology at NAIT. However, an unfortunate accident while dirt biking left him hospitalized for a month, with multiple surgeries and a severe concussion. This injury sparked his interest in natural medicine, specifically mushrooms like Lion’s Mane, which are known for their potential to heal brain injuries. While recovering, Jack spent countless hours researching mushroom cultivation and eventually turned a horse stall in his grandmother's barn into a growing chamber. Although he briefly returned to school for his passion for chemistry, he soon withdrew during the COVID-19 era and decided to focus entirely on mushroom farming.

    After leaving school, Jack went all in on mushroom farming, renting a warehouse in Edmonton with a partner to expand his operation. He began selling mushrooms in bulk to local restaurants and gradually built a loyal customer base. His small-scale mushroom cultivation quickly grew into a successful business, and today, Woodland Mushrooms is based just outside Sherwood Park. Jack's dedication to sustainable organic farming and his passion for mushrooms continue to drive the success of his enterprise.

    Jack’s knowledge extends beyond just growing mushrooms; he’s deeply familiar with their nutritional and medicinal benefits. From gourmet varieties like oyster mushrooms and shiitake to medicinal mushrooms like reishi, Jack highlights how they are packed with protein, micronutrients, and compounds like beta-glucans that promote gut health and boost the immune system. He emphasizes incorporating mushrooms into everyday meals, such as stir-fries and soups, as a simple way to boost nutrition and reduce health risks like cancer.

    An important aspect of Jack's journey involves his exploration of psilocybin mushrooms. He views them as powerful tools for self-reflection and spiritual growth, which he has used to gain deeper insights into himself and the world. Jack emphasizes the importance of intentional use, particularly within the context of his Christian faith, using psilocybin as a means to become a better person. For those interested in using psilocybin for personal growth, Jack advises entering the experience with a positive mindset and surrounding oneself with trusted individuals for a safe and profound journey.


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    1 hr and 37 mins
  • #87 - David Pardell: How Action Fuels Ambition & Curiosity Outshines Efficiency in Learning
    Sep 23 2024

    David Pardell is a software developer and current computer science student. David has always had a strong passion for computers and software, which have fueled his academic pursuits and career aspirations. Outside of the tech world, David’s competitive nature was fostered through sports, having played volleyball at the collegiate level at NAIT. His background in athletics continues to shape his outlook, contributing to his drive and determination in his studies and work. Today, we’ll dive into three important topics for David: ambition, learning, and technology, exploring how these areas have shaped his journey thus far.

    David’s view on ambition has evolved significantly over time. Initially, he saw ambition as a static trait, something you either had or didn’t. However, his experiences, especially in the gym and returning to school, have led him to see ambition as something that emerges from taking steps toward action. Rather than waiting for motivation to strike, David believes that showing up, putting in the work, and making an effort brings ambition to life. Whether overcoming the transition between work and school or re-energizing himself after burnout, ambition has been the force driving him forward. David’s story highlights the importance of proactive steps in creating a positive outlook for the future.

    When it comes to learning, David takes a highly individualized approach. For him, staying up-to-date with rapidly changing technologies is not just about chasing trends but going back to the basics. He views programming languages and technologies as variations of foundational concepts. Mastering these essentials allows him to adapt quickly and effectively to new tools. David’s learning methods have also evolved since he began studying computer science. Rather than sticking to a single strategy, he adapts based on the course or project. Whether through hands-on projects, problem-solving, or taking a more theoretical approach, David emphasizes that curiosity should drive the learning process.

    In terms of technology, David is most excited about the developments in artificial intelligence, particularly the groundbreaking work being done at institutions like the University of Alberta. He’s currently diving deep into compiler technology, which transforms human-written code into machine-executable programs, a topic he finds fascinating due to its active research and practical applications. David’s approach to staying informed about the latest trends is twofold: out of necessity, when solving specific problems, and out of sheer interest in discovering new innovations. He acknowledges, however, that action is key—while staying informed is important, progress is only made through hands-on work.

    Finally, David recognizes the ethical challenges that come with today’s technological advancements, particularly in AI. The biases present in our world can easily be reflected and amplified in the data that powers machine learning models, leading to dangerous feedback loops. He feels there is a great responsibility to ensure that technology serves to improve lives while avoiding harmful societal impacts. David is optimistic about the future of technology but believes that mindful development is essential in continuing to create tools that benefit everyone without unintended negative consequences.


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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • #86 - Ethan Jahnke: How to make Meaningful Friendships on Campus & Living a Principled Life
    Sep 18 2024

    Ethan Jahnke, also known as Fresh-E, is an artist, university student, and a close friend who has had a profound impact on the lives of those around him. Ethan is someone who takes a thoughtful and intentional approach to life, always striving to grow through self-introspection and living by his principles. He’s passionate about making meaningful connections and has embraced both the opportunities and challenges of university life. Ethan and I share a special bond, having run a marathon together, and his influence continues to shape my perspective on life.

    During the summer, Ethan didn’t travel far, but he made the most of his time by staying home and spending quality time with his family. For him, home life was filled with moments of reflection, relaxation, and connecting deeply with his loved ones. This time was important to Ethan, as it allowed him to recharge and appreciate the value of close relationships. Despite not going many places, he considers his summer at home to be incredibly fulfilling and memorable.

    On campus, Ethan developed what we call the “left and right method,” a strategy he used to engage with the people sitting next to him in class. By taking the initiative to talk to those on his left and right, Ethan created opportunities to form new connections. He understands that many students are anxious or hesitant to reach out, but believes that taking the first step and putting yourself out there can lead to meaningful friendships. He’s aware that rejection is part of the process, but also recognizes that interacting with others enhances personal growth and fosters a stronger sense of community.

    Ethan’s commitment to living a principled life has deepened through his recent exploration of the Bible. He strives to live by the core values of kindness, respect, and faith, seeing them as foundational to a meaningful life. Ethan recognizes that life is filled with challenges and temptations, especially in a university environment, but believes in having a plan and replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthier alternatives. While faith is a journey that comes with doubts, Ethan views his relationship with God as essential to navigating life’s difficulties and staying grounded in his principles.

    Self-introspection plays a central role in Ethan’s life. He believes in looking within, recognizing his own faults, and taking accountability for his actions. While it can be difficult to ask the question, “Can I be doing more?”, Ethan views this process as liberating. By holding himself accountable and seeing both sides of a story, he believes that self-awareness is key to personal freedom and growth.


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    2 hrs and 7 mins
  • #85 - Miguel Del Rosario: Climbing Creativity - Scaling New Heights in Video and Content Creation
    Sep 17 2024

    Miguel Del Rosario, a talented video editor and Handycam operator, joins the Long Term Podcast to discuss his journey in both the creative and athletic worlds. With a background in video editing and a passion for rock climbing, Miguel brings a unique perspective on balancing physical and creative pursuits. Having spent four years in the creative industry, he currently works for the ad agency Kulin, specializing in Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing. When he's not editing UGC content, Miguel can be found behind the lens of his trusty 2013 Sony Handycam, capturing moments and honing his skills in video production. Now based in Kelowna, Miguel reflects on the interplay between his career and personal interests.

    Miguel's love for rock climbing began unexpectedly during a camping trip with his sister in Golden, where he was introduced to sport climbing. The experience had a profound impact on him, teaching perseverance and sparking a passion for the sport. Climbing not only challenges him physically but also mentally, forcing him to trust his instincts while navigating difficult climbs. For Miguel, climbing fuels his inner child, keeps him active, and has introduced him to a welcoming community of fellow climbers. This sense of accomplishment and personal growth has kept him hooked since he started climbing in October.

    In terms of balancing the mental and physical aspects of climbing, Miguel credits the sport for helping him develop a stronger mind-body connection. He views each session as an opportunity to learn and grow, no matter the outcome. The sport challenges him to build physical confidence and trust in his abilities, all while keeping his workouts fun and engaging. Though he doesn’t find many direct similarities between rock climbing and video editing, Miguel hopes to one day merge his passions by filming climbers in action. For now, rock climbing serves as an outlet to clear his mind and stay energized for his creative work.

    Miguel’s journey into the creative industry began with inspiration from his brother’s photography and a high school project where he discovered his love for editing. Over the years, he’s honed his skills and found great reward in giving back to the community by supporting friends and fellow creators. Surrounding himself with like-minded individuals has kept him motivated, and moving to Kelowna has opened new opportunities to collaborate and grow within the creative field. While he may not see himself as pushing massive boundaries, Miguel believes in steady progress, continuously refining his craft through new experiences and ideas.

    As a video editor, Miguel approaches each project with a focus on engaging the audience. He believes in the power of a strong hook and well-structured content, whether it's a visual, product, or statement-driven narrative. Drawing inspiration from his life experiences, Miguel strives to bring fresh perspectives to every edit. His most memorable project involved capturing content for a friend’s run club, an experience that allowed him to merge his love for video production with personal connections. For Miguel, the key to balancing technical skills with creativity is knowing when to give just enough to meet the project’s needs while preserving his energy and creativity for future endeavors.


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    1 hr and 47 mins
  • #84 - Cheyenne Horth: Do not Follow what Society wants You to Do & Trust yourself
    Sep 14 2024

    Cheyenne Horth is a passionate traveler who took an unconventional path right after high school. Instead of pursuing the typical route, Cheyenne decided to explore the world and spent two years living in Australia and three years in British Columbia. These years of travel allowed her to discover her independence, face challenges head-on, and live life on her own terms.

    Cheyenne’s journey is a testament to the power of trusting oneself and stepping outside the expectations of society. Through her travels, she learned how to embrace new experiences, make lasting memories, and build connections with people from all walks of life. She credits her supportive upbringing for giving her the confidence to pursue her dreams without hesitation.

    The episode delves into Cheyenne’s story of self-discovery and growth. Her decision to travel instead of following a traditional path shaped her perspective on life, helping her realize that true fulfillment comes from aligning her actions with her own values. Cheyenne's experiences have given her unique insights into the importance of self-reliance and the freedom that comes with following your heart.

    As a solo traveler, Cheyenne has developed a strong sense of independence. She highlights how trusting oneself is the biggest tool for overcoming uncertainty. Her journey involved pivotal moments like buying a car and living in it for a while, finding work, and making connections with people from different cultures. These experiences shaped her approach to decision-making and helped her navigate life with confidence.

    Throughout the episode, Cheyenne emphasizes the importance of not following what society expects but instead creating your own path. Her story serves as an inspiration to those feeling stuck or pressured by societal norms. Cheyenne encourages others to align their actions with their values and pursue what makes them happy, reminding everyone that there is no one "right" plan for life—each person must find their own way.


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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • #83 - Jack Bizuk: Embracing Gender Identity & Following your Passions
    Sep 11 2024

    Jack Bizuk is a University of Alberta student majoring in math at Campus Saint-Jean, who also happens to be a passionate musical theatre dancer. Jack's story is one of finding balance between academics and the arts, especially in spaces where he doesn't always fit the typical mold. Recently, Jack has also been contemplating a shift toward engineering, building on his strengths in math and his father’s background in the field. We’ll be diving into how Jack navigates his academic journey, his experience as a male dancer in a female-dominated sport, and his reflections on gender and identity. It promises to be an insightful conversation on following your passions and staying true to yourself, no matter the circumstances.

    Jack's decision to pursue a math major was influenced by his natural aptitude for the subject, something that has always resonated with him. His father, being an engineer, has played a role in shaping his interests, and Jack is now seriously considering engineering as a future career path. Still, he’s not entirely certain that math is the right fit for him and continues to explore his options. He's faced doubts and challenges along the way, questioning whether he should stick with math or make the leap into engineering. His advice to students struggling with the same decisions is simple: it's okay to switch. Jack himself has changed his major twice and is open to doing so again if needed. It’s about finding the right fit, even if it takes time.

    As a male dancer in musical theatre, Jack has navigated a unique and sometimes challenging experience. In elementary and high school, he often felt alienated from his peers, unable to fully relate due to his involvement in a sport typically dominated by women. However, he’s learned to handle stereotypes and misconceptions with resilience. Jack believes that just being present as a male dancer helps break down barriers. His advice to other guys interested in pursuing dance or similar fields is clear: go for it! Life is too short to let societal expectations hold you back, and it’s essential to follow what makes you happy—whether it’s math, dance, or something entirely new like engineering.

    When it comes to gender and identity, Jack has developed an open-minded and accepting approach. Through his involvement in both math and musical theatre, he's come to see how different environments shape our understanding of gender roles. In the theatre, where gender fluidity is often celebrated, Jack feels more comfortable embracing his full self. However, in more traditional or male-dominated spaces like math and engineering, he sometimes chooses to express himself more conservatively. Jack sees society becoming more accepting of diverse gender identities and hopes that his own experiences can inspire others to embrace a more open and accepting mindset.

    At the core of Jack’s journey is a strong sense of self-expression. Whether in the classroom, on stage, or potentially in an engineering lab, he values the ability to define his identity on his own terms. He believes that self-expression is one of the few things we have control over, and while he doesn’t always fully express himself in every setting, he finds empowerment in choosing when and where to do so. As gender roles continue to evolve in society, Jack hopes to contribute to that conversation by being a living example of following one’s passions and supporting others in their journey of self-discovery.


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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • #82 - Amanda Fuenmayor: Navigating Identity & Belonging Across Borders
    Sep 9 2024

    Amanda Fuenmayor is a university graduate with a degree in psychology who is now finishing her studies in interior design. Amanda’s passion for exploration has driven her to take a gap year to travel and immerse herself in new cultures. Originally from Venezuela, Amanda has lived in multiple countries, and her rich life experiences make her an insightful guest. We’ll be diving deep into her cultural identity, her approach to fitness, and how she manages anxiety while navigating her busy life.

    Amanda’s multicultural upbringing, having lived in Mexico and Canada after leaving Venezuela, shaped her identity in profound ways. She shared the struggle of not feeling “Venezuelan enough” when visiting her home country, nor “Mexican enough” while growing up in Mexico, which added layers of complexity to her sense of self. The contrast between her Mexican and Venezuelan roots, and later life in Canada, gave Amanda a unique perspective. However, it wasn’t until she connected with the Latin American community at university that she began embracing her heritage with pride, discovering a deep sense of belonging.

    In addition to her cultural exploration, fitness has played a significant role in Amanda’s life. Initially, her relationship with fitness was challenging, as she struggled with body dysmorphia and societal pressures. Over time, however, fitness became a source of empowerment for her. Amanda found solace in activities like walking and dancing, particularly during emotionally turbulent times, such as after a breakup. Walking, for example, became a therapeutic way for her to reconnect with herself, especially while traveling through countries like Italy.

    Amanda's experiences with anxiety have been intertwined with her lifestyle of constant movement. Moving between countries and adapting to new cultures has at times left her feeling unmoored, leading to struggles with identity and fear of the unknown. Her separation from family across different continents adds to the anxiety, amplifying feelings of guilt and loneliness. However, Amanda has developed coping mechanisms like journaling, meditation, and even reaching out for professional help when necessary, to manage these challenges.

    Her background in psychology has provided her with a deeper understanding of anxiety and the importance of self-care. Amanda emphasizes the need to create supportive environments and to maintain healthy boundaries. For her, anxiety isn’t something to be conquered overnight, but rather an ongoing journey that requires patience, self-awareness, and learning to accept help when needed.


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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • #81 - Jonah Karsten: Spike your Potential & Living in the Moment
    Sep 6 2024

    Jonah Karsten is a dynamic student-athlete and volleyball coach from MacEwan University. Jonah is in his fifth year as a business student and a member of the Griffins men's volleyball team. He has been playing competitive volleyball for eight years, including four years with MacEwan. His experience extends to winning a U17 national championship with FOG Volleyball Club in 2019. Beyond his playing career, Jonah is deeply involved in coaching, currently leading Spotlight Volleyball and working as an assistant coach for Park Elite U15 Blue.

    Volleyball has been a central part of Jonah’s life, and in this episode, we explore his insights into both indoor and beach volleyball. Jonah describes the strategic and skill-based differences between the two formats, emphasizing that while indoor volleyball relies heavily on power and systematic play, beach volleyball allows for more creativity and improvisation. With only two players on the court in beach volleyball, Jonah highlights the importance of building strong chemistry with a partner, while in indoor volleyball, teamwork and communication are paramount to success.

    As a coach and community builder in Sherwood Park, Jonah is committed to developing young talent and expanding the local volleyball community. His coaching philosophy revolves around fostering mental resilience, encouraging players to step out of their comfort zones, and guiding them toward becoming leaders. At Spotlight Volleyball, Jonah aims to provide a space where athletes not only improve their skills but also build character, make new connections, and develop the discipline necessary to succeed in both volleyball and life.

    In this episode, Jonah also shares his strategies for finding joy in the present moment. As a busy student, coach, and athlete, he stresses the importance of mindfulness and breathing exercises to stay grounded and avoid unnecessary worries. Jonah believes that focusing on what can be done in the present moment, rather than dwelling on past mistakes or future uncertainties, is key to achieving peace of mind. He recently started journaling as a way to organize his thoughts and create a clear path forward.

    Throughout the conversation, Jonah emphasizes the importance of staying present, not only for himself but for his players as well. During high-pressure moments in games, he encourages his athletes to focus on their teammates, maintain eye contact, and regroup after every point. By embracing struggle and maintaining a positive outlook, Jonah believes that players can overcome adversity and perform at their best, both on and off the court.


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    1 hr and 36 mins