
    Jul 29 2024

    The text used for this show is Proverbs 16 in entirety. My purpose in selecting this passage is to reinforce to others the totality of God’s control in our lives, and how choosing to follow His better way leads to abundant blessings unimaginable. Regardless of our desires and wants, only the Will of our Heavenly Father will be established in the end. We do not have the Lord’s eyes nor his thoughts. Thus, our knowledge is no competition with His wisdom. Essentially we are puppets dancing to the tune of a mighty puppeteer. Hence, as He guides our predestined path we must follow. Without God we can do nothing, like a ship without a sail, just floating in the water and going nowhere. Choose the straight and narrow way where blessings untold await.

    Más Menos
    51 m
    Jul 8 2024

    The central theme of this show is belief or faith in oneself and in God’s Word. We will encounter many trials and tribulations in our journey through life. These situations are often more than we think we can bear. However, faith gives us peace in knowing that trouble is temporary. We can conquer the obstacles of life by believing in God’s power to overcome them. Keeping a positive mindset, regardless of any crisis, will leave room for Christ to enter your heart with His wonder-working power to heal our brokenness. Overall we must keep the faith, believe in ourselves, persevere through dark times, and be thankful for our blessings. Stay close to God and He will stay close to you. Nothing can separate us from God’s love and providential care, except for our unbelief. Why must we thank Him for our problems? Because otherwise we would not know that He can solve them.

    Más Menos
    51 m
    Jul 1 2024

    The message in this show comes from my personal medical concern and what it meant for someone to take the time to pray for me. I was immediately at ease and worry free for the moment. There are many people needing prayer around the world and this is a plea for everyone to join hands virtually and pray continually for others. When prayers go up blessings come down. Trials and tribulations will come to us all, but God is a doctor in the sick room and He has never lost a case. We must trust Him and believe in His Word, and hold fast to our faith regardless of what happens in our lives. Listeners are encouraged to set aside a meditation time with God every day, and as they listen to my prayer to call out the names of everyone that is in need of prayer. God hears all sincere prayers, and He will answer in the fullness of time.

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    45 m
    Jul 15 2024

    Many people fail to realize the importance of praising God in their daily lives. They often feel that their situations are bleak, not hopeful or encouraging and unlikely to have a favorable outcome. However, God has a treasure trove of blessings just waiting to be given to those who believe in his Word and have faith and trust in Him to help us in times of need. We must always remember to praise Him regardless of what life sends our way, and thank him for the bounty of His goodness that we have already received. If God never does another thing for us He’s done enough. However, with each morning comes new mercies. We must continue to praise Him no matter what. That is not a choice, but a command. God will never leave us or forsake us. A childhood hymn reminds us of this teaching early in life: Praise Him, Praise Him all the little children. God is love, God is love.

    Praise Him, Praise Him all the little children. God is love, God is love.

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Honor Your Father While You Can
    Jun 17 2024

    Today, Father’s Day 2024, we pray for fathers everywhere. They are charged by God to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and to love them unconditionally. The Bible speaks to both parents and children. Children are charged to always honor their parents, thereby receiving the reward of a long life. Parents are instructed to raise their children with compassion and love not provoking them to wrath. Happy Father’s Day to all living and Heavenly fathers. We give thanks and homage to you on your special day.

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    46 m
    Jul 22 2024

    God is faithful to His Word and we must believe and trust in Him to help us in times of need. Trouble has been in the world since its creation, and it will come to each of us in time. We must understand that God hears and answers all prayers. When we feel downtrodden and alone, God is near us. When our souls are tormented by principalities and powers of darkness, He is there to comfort us. He promises never to leave or forsake us. Through it all, we must learn to depend upon God’s grace and mercy to carry us through. Never give up. It is a precious gift to be in the family of God.

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    53 m
    Jun 10 2024

    Matthew 5:16 states, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” The purpose of this show is to reinforce the understanding that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is an exact replica of God’s glorious light, as the Son and Father are one. We are to reflect their light in our daily lives, just as the most precious stone, a diamond, reflects the light around it, and as we shine brightly in quietude others will see our Heavenly glow and be drawn nearer to the Savior. The illumination of God’s light is much brighter than the greatest star in the universe, the sun. It is where we must be in times of trouble, whereas darkness will lead us away from God’s magnificent love. We will prevail with God on our side.

    Más Menos
    48 m
    Jun 3 2024

    My biblical references for this show are from the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon, son of King David is considered the richest and wisest man of the earth. He is credited for writing this book, which is a journal or diary of Ecclesiastes the preacher. It tells about his life as an older person looking back on the folly of his youth, seeing the life that he once lived and wishing that he could start anew. Early in the book he speaks of life being meaningless. Everything repeats itself and there is nothing new under the sun. However in chapters three through ten God is acknowledged as the giver of all gifts. The message is that life is very fragile and fleeting. There is no time to waste and it is imperative that we cherish the people that we love for the time that we have them. Quality of life is better than quantity. We cannot go back in time, but we can change our course in the now and future by putting God first and praising Him always and in all situations, whether good or bad. God is the source of everything that we have whether great or small and we must be thankful and live in His Will.

    Más Menos
    56 m