
  • Table 27 by Ryan Armstrong
    Feb 13 2024

    From award winning internationally produced and published playwright Ryan Armstrong, we bring to you Table 27. Featuring real life performing couple Kim Gordon and Richard Sewell in this wonderful piece that is about loving the moment. Being in the moment and thriving in the moment. Stay for the talk back with performers Kim and Dick and director/executive producer Joe Swenson.

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    10 mins
  • Angel Flight by Joe Swenson
    Feb 13 2024

    1st Class section of Flight 1038 non-stop from Boston to Minneapolis. The plane is also carrying four fallen soldiers, victims of an IED explosion outside of Mahatma Bahrain. This is an Angel Flight. But is there more going on?

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    23 mins
  • Ties That Bind by Nancy Temple
    Feb 13 2024

    Carol and her daughter Kim meet to discuss Kim's upcoming wedding. A furious Kim reveals that she has just learned that she is adopted and demands to know why Carol has always hidden this from her. Carol reluctantly reveals that Kim was born in prison. Kim later admits to secrets of her own. Mother and daughter must come to terms with painful revelations in order to reconcile.

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    21 mins
  • Time to Talk by Christopher Soucy
    Feb 13 2024

    The description that Chris leaves for this show on his website is: A chance meeting in a park.

    Anything else would give it away. We don't want to give away anything either. Enjoy the show.

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    11 mins
  • Right as Rain by Joe Swenson
    Feb 13 2024

    Buster and Hank would meet at the dock on the lake that Hank grew up on every Sunday for the past 43 years. They tell stories of the past, stories that they've told hundreds of times. Today is different though as Hank has something to tell Buster that is going to change everything.

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    25 mins
  • Ahavah by Dana Hall and David Lipschutz
    Feb 13 2024

    After his Bubbie’s death, Saul returns home to his family after a long absence to sit Shiva. Alice, Saul’s girlfriend joins him. Saul tries to portray the perfect version of what he thinks his family wants. However, a message from the beyond leads both Saul and Alice to some meaningful realizations.

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    20 mins
  • For Mr. Cuddles by Erin Moughon
    Feb 13 2024

    Mr. Fluffybottom McWhiskers Cuddles the Third (Mr. Cuddles to his friends), Molly's beloved cat and the bane of her sister Sarah's existence, has passed. Molly is throwing him a funeral with only Sarah in attendance when suddenly vet Beth appears with Mr. Cuddles' autopsy. Is this really a funeral to express Molly's love for her cat or an accusation of murder? A venue can serve two purposes!

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    19 mins
  • Play In The Rain by Joe Swenson
    Feb 13 2024

    David is a teenager that has a Demyelinating Disease (Such as severe MS). His only way to communicate with his family is through a tablet. His mother (Maria) loves him dearly and wants to protect David in every possible way. His father (Thomas) wishes for some normalcy in his relationship with David, but finds some of those fatherly affirmations through playing catch with the neighbors son. David just wants to be seen and to play in the rain.

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    24 mins