
    Jul 28 2024
    Project Monarch appears to have been an "unofficial" trauma-based mind control program associated with MKULTRA to fragment a person's psyche into dissociative identities. These alters or personalities are programmed with specific triggers, enabling the manipulation and switching between them for various tasks, functions, and operations. Could some individuals be sleeper assassins, super soldiers, and "stars" implanted within the entertainment industry? For more information, go to the MKZINE Facebook page and read Ron Patton's article, PROJECT MONARCH: NAZI MIND CONTROL.
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  • Episode 24: MILABS - MILITARY MIND CONTROL AND ALIEN ABDUCTIONS with Dr. Helmut Lammer and Whitley Strieber
    Jul 15 2024
    Today's show starts with Jeff Rense interviewing Dr. Helmut Lammer, co-author of the book, MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction. It's an in-depth look at the history of behavioral modification experiments, focusing on alleged kidnappings of "alien" abductees by covert military intelligence personnel. In the second half of the program, we have author and alleged alien abductee, Whitley Strieber talking about his recovered memories of a child which included missing time and abuse. Whitley wonders if he was part of a top-secret program with other gifted children that included the implantation of screen memories.
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  • EPISODE 23: Mind Control in America with Steve Jacobson
    Jul 8 2024
    Your thoughts may not always be your own! Under the right circumstances, people can be led to believe things that are not true. This can be primarily achieved through hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, and subliminally. Media personalities, salesmen, preachers, and politicians use these techniques to manipulate vulnerable minds. The world of Orwell's "1984" has grievously arrived unnoticed in America. Psychological warfare is being waged against an unsuspecting public through the control of mass media and the altering of public education.
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  • Episode 22: MIND CONTROL AND 5TH GENERATION WARFARE with Sarah Westall
    Jul 1 2024
    We feature Mike Adams interviewing Sarah Westall about her engaging docuseries, Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare, which delves into the hidden layers of control, manipulation, and advanced technologies shaping our modern world.
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  • EPISODE 21: TRANCE - Mind Control and Human Slavery with Cathy O'Brien
    Jun 17 2024
    Today's show features Cathy O'Brien, an MKULTRA, and Project Monarch survivor. She talks about her victimization by family members, intelligence agencies, and high-level politicians. Cathy also discusses the ultimate goal behind the NWO agenda which is to implement mind control deeply into our government, education system, health care, and media.
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  • EPISODE 20: Overview of Mind Control with Walter Bowart, Alan Scheflin, and Randy Noblitt
    Jun 10 2024
    On today's show, we feature a panel presentation at the Cult and Ritual Abuse, Trauma-Based Mind Control and Dissociation symposium in Richardson, TX on March 26, 1995. Walter Bowart, investigative journalist and author of Operation Mind Control talks about his research into mind control, the CIA's and military's use of mind control. Alan Scheflin, an attorney and author of The Mind Manipulators, addresses therapists dealing with clients with recovered memories of abuse in today's atmosphere of intimidation with the false memory movement. Scheflin states that therapists now must recognize therapy as a social influence setting and must be knowledgeable about police interrogation literature. Randy Noblitt, a clinical psychologist, speaks about cult and satanic ritual abuse and the use of trauma in nefarious religious rituals.
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  • EPISODE 19: Road to Recovery - Healing from Trauma with Mary Knight and Sue
    Jun 5 2024
    We start with part 2 of Mary Knight's story about her recovery from ritual abuse and how she was able to understand the accuracy and validity of her memories. Mary also talks with other survivors who courageously discuss their healing journey from severe trauma. The following segment is the testimony of Sue, a survivor of horrific abuse as a child by relatives and catholic clergy. She also remembers being subjected to torture at a military base. Sue explains how she was able to process and heal her trauma through a loving spiritual community.
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  • EPISODE 18: Memories of Ritual Abuse with Mary Knight
    Jun 5 2024
    On today's episode, we feature part one of a compelling story by Mary Knight, who endured severe abuse as a child by her parents. Courageously, she confronts the leadership of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (now defunct), who justify and defend pedophiles and perpetrators while they minimize and gaslight victims of extreme trauma and abuse.
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    1 h