
  • S14 Trailer: Reclaiming Wonder
    Jul 23 2024

    Around the turn of the century, German Sociologist, Max Weber coined the phrase ‘disenchantment’ as a way of describing society’s transition from a mythical or religious understanding of the world to a rationalistic, scientific view. Advancements in science and technology alongside a perceived decline of religious devotion rendered the world demystified or void of magic.

    Religious opponents celebrated this transition as a liberation from old superstitions and worn-out beliefs, to a world formed purely of empirical fact. But after a hundred years or more since this shift in the social conscience, the human heart continues to yearn for meaning beyond the material world. It is the artist whose work bridges the realm of everyday life with the realm of mystery and deeper meaning. It is the artist who again re-enchants the world and calls us to reclaim our sense of wonder.

    In this upcoming season of the podcast, we are going to explore what it means to reclaim wonder. We are going to talk with a number of guests from artists and theologians to Enneagram experts and actors. We want to invite you to take the journey alongside of us.

    If you’re looking to reconnect to a sense of deeper meaning both in your creative life and your spiritual life, this season is designed to help.

    Starting Tuesday, July 30th, and running every week following, the Makers and Mystics podcast begins our series to reclaim wonder.

    Join us for deeper discussions on Patreon.

    Make a one-time donation to support our work.

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    3 mins
  • The Value of A Dream with Stephen Roach (Recorded Live in Urbana Illinois)
    Jul 16 2024

    In this live talk, recorded at the Audiofeed Festival in Urbana, Illinois, Stephen Roach encourages listeners that the value of a dream is not contingent upon its coming to pass. The value of a dream, he says, is in the dreaming.

    For anyone, who has grappled with the death of a dream or the pain of letting go, this talk will encourage you that a dream can take many shapes and forms and that nothing is wasted.

    Join the Makers and Mystics Creative Collective

    Take Stephen's FREE course on Creativity & Fear

    Support the podcast with a one-time donation.

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    17 mins
  • S13 E13: Frameworks of Community with Conor Sweetman and Yi Ning Chiu
    Jul 2 2024

    In this Season Finale round table, founder of Ekstasis magazine, Conor Sweetman and essayist, Yi Ning Chiu discuss expressive individualism, various frameworks of community and why physical community remains essential in our modern, digitized culture.

    Alongside of Ekstasis, Conor serves as the director of innovation for Christianity today while Yi Ning writes Please Don’t Go, a newsletter about life in community—why it’s terrible, why it’s essential, and why we shouldn’t give up on cultivating it.

    Help us keep our show alive! Become a monthly patron.

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    39 mins
  • Getting Reoriented: Life Update from Stephen Roach
    Jun 27 2024

    If you’re a regular listener to the podcast then you know that we haven’t produced our regular episodes for the past few weeks. And if you follow us on Instagram or get our email newsletters then you know the reason why.

    On May 27th, my studio laptop was stolen.

    In light of this event and feeling disoriented, I began to study the word 'orient.'

    I discovered that ‘orient’ means to arrange something as to face east. The implication is to look in the direction of the sunrise. To be disoriented then means a time of darkness. And to be reoriented means looking past the darkness to a rising sun. ⁣ ⁣

    This short update is an encouragement for anyone who has felt themselves disoriented or interrupted.

    You can contribute to the cause here.

    You can become a monthly patron here.

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    5 mins
  • S13 E12: Hospitality As Revolution with John Heers
    May 23 2024

    Hospitality is more than the generous treatment of guests or strangers, but is a way of peeling back the layers of separation and getting closer to the heart of a group or individual. In this way, hospitality is the heartbeat of community and true friendship.

    The word hospitality comes from the Latin hospes, meaning "host", "guest", or "stranger". Hospes is formed from hostis, which means "stranger" or "enemy" (where we get terms like "hostile.”) So hospitality or coming to a shared table can be a place where strangers transform into friends and enemies can be re-humanized.

    In this episode, fellow podcaster, community builder and co-founder of the First Things First Foundation, John Heers shares about how the Art of Hospitality has become a revolutionary act. He shares about a Georgian feast - called a Supra - where he plays the role of a Tamada and invites guests to share in this counter-cultural revolution by coming to the table.

    By joining the Makers and Mystics Creative Collective, you can help us continue our work of advocating for the arts and connect with a tribe of creatives from around the world.

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    30 mins
  • S13 E11: A Brutal Love with Kimberly Phinney
    May 15 2024

    Kimberly Phinney is a professor, counselor, poet and writer. She’s been published in Ekstasis Magazine, Fathom, Humana Obscura, and many other publications. She is the editor and founder of the literary community The Way Back To Ourselves. Earlier this year, Kimberly’s poem “An Ode to Hard, Dark Nights” won the Audience Choice Award in our Bright Wings Poetry Contest in partnership with Ekstasis magazine.

    In this episode, Kimberly shares how the vision for her creative community and her recent book of poems, Of Wings and Dirt were born out of her journey through an intense season of illness. As a community leader, Kimberly shares her thoughts on how artists and creatives can move against the modern bent toward isolation and disembodiment.

    Join The Makers and Mystics Creative Collective

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    Music in this episode by Some Were At Sea

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    33 mins
  • S13 E10: Comedy and Context with Andi Marie Tillman
    Apr 30 2024

    Andi Marie Tillman is an Appalachian comedian, musician, and self-proclaimed “recovering Pentecostal.” Her roots in performance began at the early age of 8 when she sang in churches across the Southeast. It was here Andi gathered much of the inspiration for what would later become her well-known cast of original characters.

    Andi has acted in numerous shorts, feature films, commercials, and music videos including Come and Save Me by Danielson. But it was Andi’s series of TikTok sketches that elevated her platform and struck a chord with folks both native and new to Appalachian culture.

    In this episode, Andi shares about the roots of her acting, her winding journey through Appalachian spirituality, and the healing power of laughter.

    Join the Makers and Mystics Creative Collective

    Andi’s advice to those who left the church

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    35 mins
  • S13 E09: To Mend The World with Charlie Peacock and Andi Ashworth
    Apr 24 2024

    What does it mean to be a culture maker in a world of hurt and wondrous possibility? And what does it mean to mend the world, to bring healing and hospitality through our art and the details of our everyday lives?

    Today’s episode features multi-Grammy winner Charlie Peacock and his wife and author, Andi Ashworth. Charlie and Andi have recently published a wonderful book together titled, Why Everything That Doesn't Matter, Matters So Much: The Way of Love in a World of HurtThe book draws from their 50 years of marriage and lifelong experience working with artists in community.

    In this conversation, Charlie and Andi share from their book on what it means to mend the world through honest, meaningful relationships and a hopeful imagination.

    Patrons of the podcast can hear additional interview segments with Charlie and Andi on the power of writing letters and keeping a consistent practice of journaling.

    Visit patreon.com/makersandmystics to gain access.

    Music in this episode by Some Were At Sea

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    41 mins