🏔 Chadd Wright is a motivational speaker, business owner, entrepreneur, and retired Navy SEAL who served as a Navy SEAL master training specialist and instructor for 12 years. When he retired in 2019, he also started the 3-OF-7 Project together with his brother, Blake Wright, which is a project dedicated to assisting people in becoming the best version of themselves. Chad also continues to push himself with new goals as an ultramarathoner, with completing and winning events such as The Revenant, Mid State Mile, and Single Track Maniac. →IN THIS EPISODE… Joe and Chadd talk briefly about Joe’s experience at the proving ground and Chadd's ideas and philosophy around leadership. Chad shares his journey and commitment to becoming a Navy SEAL, his struggles with a silent heart issue, and how his singular focus allowed him to overcome this obstacle. He told Joe about the power of the mind to break barriers and achieve the things you want to manifest in life, how accountability is the sign of a truly great leader, and how to deal with self-doubt. 🔍 Breakdown with Chadd Wright: Chapter 1 (0:00) Joe Introduces Chadd Wright Alex is the author of Endure, and publishes many articles in Runner’s world and Outside Chapter 2 (1:20) Positive and negative leadership inspiration Everything Chadd has created with his 3of7 company has been fed from what he learned from being a Navy Seal. He credits so much of what he learned from being a seal instructor and feels he has a master's degree in forging warriors. Chapter 3 (5:48) An unachievable lesson In BUDs Chadd experienced a setback in a particular exercise of extreme endurance, but it was because his instructors had set an unrealistic goal. What he learned from that experience was something he implements today. Chapter 4 (14:25) Failure as a leader We all experience failure, and although it may seem more glaring as a leader, the best thing you can do is take ownership. Own the mistake, learn from it, and do better. Chapter 5 (19:30) Becoming a navy seal Chadd set a goal of becoming a navy seal and wouldn’t let anything stand in his way. Not even a rare heart condition that almost took him out of the running to be on the seal's team. Chapter 6 (34:59) Proving oneself to others Proving himself to family, friends, and any naysayers around Chadd wasn’t his top driver, it was his internal drive that pushed him to achieve his goals, from becoming a Navy Seal to his ultramarathon experiences. Chapter 7 (42:10) Finding motivation to keep pushing yourself Motivation comes from Chadd’s brothers and sisters who have contributed in some way to the 3 fo 7 project. Chapter 8 (47:52) Putting in the miles Chadd doesn’t just put out goals without setting them for himself. He set goals such as training for the mid-state mile, which is his principles put into practice. Chapter 9 (51:43) Your tongue is your rudder The minute you allow yourself to speak words of self-doubt or insecurity, you allow the idea of giving up to set in. The power of a positive mindset and positive self-talk is crucial to your success. Chapter 10 (58:41) The day after a major achievement After you have trained and prepared for a race or event, the following day can be depressing. The letdown, if you don’t prepare for it can take you by surprise. Chadd allows himself 1-2 days to feel sad. He knows it will come, and he plans for it, and allows it to have its place. Chapter 11 (1:05:55) Being in a flow state This life is a gift, and the best gift we can give ourselves is to be present and to challenge ourselves to the best we can be. To experience the good and the bad, and to learn and grow from each experience. Chapter 12 (1:21:03) Joe wraps up the episode Joe concludes the episode and recaps highlights from his time with Chadd. Material Referenced in this interview: →https://3of7project.com/ →The Podcast →The Basic Course →The Proving Grounds 📞 Connect with Chadd Wright →https://www.facebook.com/3of7project →https://www.instagram.com/chadwright278/ 👊 To learn more about Not Almost There by visiting this link → Not Almost There http://notalmostthere.com/ Connect with Joe on social here: →Instagram https://www.instagram.com/joe_chura/ →Facebook https://www.facebook.com/notalmostthere/ →Twitter http://twitter.com/joechura