
  • S1 E36- Scott Mair | Men, Parenting and Mental Health
    Aug 28 2024

    From Scott's website:

    Scott Mair, is an expert in paternal mental health and parenting. Navigating the uncharted waters of fatherhood, Scott provides invaluable insights into the often overlooked intersection of paternal mental health and effective parenting. He seamlessly combines professional expertise with a compassionate approach, drawing from his own lived experiences and the evidence base to offer a comprehensive guide for fathers facing the challenges of parenthood and those seeking to support them.

    At the forefront of change, Scott works at a national and local level, advocating for greater father inclusivity and emphasising the vital role fathers play in family dynamics. His initiatives include the successful establishment of fathers’ support networks, leveraging his military background as an Infantry soldier to create a specialised network for fathers on the frontline. Scott extends his consultancy services to health organisations and the corporate sector.

    Key Points of the Episode:

    • Busting the myth of men not talking.
    • How he puts a positive spin on his past in the present.
    • HIs time in the military and the adjustment on leaving.
    • How parenthood can be isolating, and solutions he offers.
    • How Family Solutions came about, and what it offers.
    • Understanding the Fathers Journey.
    • Permission to be the "Dad you want to be rather than the Dad society says you "should" be.
    • His work with special educational needs people.
    • How an "unspoken expectation" about Dads may make it harder to engage.
    • Stats: 1 in 9 people are stay at home dads, 16% of solo parents are Dads.
    • Burnout and parental guilt.
    • His work with local authorities and city councils.
    • Different pressures on Mums and Dads in relationships that have split up.
    • How some Dads feel the system is against them.
    • How 15 or 20 minutes of quality time can do a lot - and the thinking outside the box to achieve it.
    • What's next.... and an encouraging message.

    Reach out - Search "Scott Mair, Fatherhood Solutions"

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    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • S1 E35 - Shocka | Men, Rap Music and Getting Sectioned.
    Aug 14 2024

    Shocka is a Tedx speaker and a talented music rap artist. Here we chat to him about his life and career.

    Key points of the episode:

    • A close misunderstanding of football :)
    • How he grew up in a stigmatised area of London, and the tension between the police and the people that lived on the estate.
    • How he thought it was "normal"
    • How he used to want to be a footballer.
    • How much talent is in Tottenham, and the depth of the lyrics.
    • How pain births creativity - including in music.
    • How rap was "woken up" and birthed in him.
    • The twists and turns of his career story.
    • His difficulties with mental health on occasion.
    • How to get started in a practical sense with self love.
    • Forgiveness for self and others. Celebrating small wins.

    Reach out on Insta on @shocka_artist

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    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
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    42 mins
  • S1 E34 - Jonathan Macdonald | Men and Neurodiversity
    Jul 31 2024

    Jonathan Macdonald is a fascinating, dyslexic, neurodiverse and brilliant man, whos passion is creating an education revolution for girls aged 11-18.

    Here he chats with Andrew about many aspects of his life, his knowledge, passions and how he got to this point.

    Key Points of the Episode

    • A philosophical perspective on his early life experiences.
    • Reflections on his relationship with his brother.
    • How it was as a mixed race child with white (adoptive) parents.
    • His counter experience of "racism" as a mixed race person that experienced white privilege!
    • His thoughts on education for neurodivergent people.
    • ... and the application of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to help (fascinating).
    • His stroke recovery and how he did it as a dyslexic.
    • His core positive beliefs...
    • ....and a positive message for all.

    Reack out on https://potency.world/

    If you enjoyed listening, please leave a review and recommend us to your communities. To find out more about Andrew's work, check out...


    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrewpain1974

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • S1 E33 - Josh Munns - Men, Gambling and Addiction.
    Jul 17 2024

    Josh Munns is originally from London but hemoved up to the East Midlands to change his life around and get the support and help he needed in my battle with addiction.

    He is currently volunteering his services through cutting hair for the service users in some drop in centres, he is also on a course at the minute doing a Level 2 youth course to become a youth worker.

    He has an amazing story to share to those who are wanting to make a change in their life’s and to just share to those so that they can see there is hope out there.

    Key points of the show:

    • His life as a kid. And how his parents relationship affected him.
    • How his Dad's problems caused him to grow up very quickly.
    • How he had hardly anyone to talk to.
    • How he felt he had missed out on the "fun" stuff like alcohol, weed and gambling.
    • The progression from cocaine to crack and heroin.
    • The beginning of how he turned his life around.
    • How gambling is marketed as very "male" and "macho"
    • How it becomes addictive.
    • Advice for carers for people with a gambling addiction.
    • His podcast which shares lived experience.
    • The importance to him of giving back.

    Podcast Spotify/Apple/Amazon - "Recovery Talks 27/7"

    If you enjoyed listening, please leave a review and recommend us to your communities. To find out more about Andrew's work, check out...


    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrewpain1974

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    35 mins
  • S1 E32 - Andrew Hamilton | Men, and Closing the Education Gap For Boys
    Jul 3 2024

    Dr Andy Hamilton is a research associate with the Taking Boys Seriously (TBS) project at Ulster University. TBS is a longitudinal action research initiative spanning over 18 years. The research works alongside adolescent boys and the educational ecosystem that surrounds them to transform experiences and outcomes in education, particularly for those young men faced with compounded educational disadvantage.

    Andy’s background is in informal education. His doctoral research investigated the multiple ways in which youth workers approach peacebuilding with young people in Northern Ireland and stemmed from over a decade of experience as a practitioner and trustee in the youth sector.

    His current role with Taking Boys Seriously brings together multiple research interests including equity and equality in education, gender and masculinities, participatory action research, youth in contested societies, and applied social and political theory. It also continues to inform his own practice as a volunteer youth worker with young people in north Belfast.

    More information on Taking Boys Seriously including a suite of research articles and the TBS principles for working in a gender-conscious relational way with boys and young men, can be accessed via our website:


    Written evidence from TBS research that has recently been published by the UK Parliament Education Committee for their Inquiry into boys' engagement and attainment in education is also available from this link:


    Key points of the show:

    • His experience in growing up in Northern Ireland.
    • Good relationships with his family growing up.
    • How he did not know what he wanted to do while growing up.
    • (and one word from a confidante changed that)
    • How at one point he truly believed he was out of his depth! #impostersyndrome
    • Why calling men "Toxic" as in Toxic Masculinity is ultimately not helpful, and a useful reframe.
    • How the relationship with their educators really affects boys.
    • How the relationship to their own masculinity is not explored, and should be.
    • "Local Educational Ecosystems" that encourage boys to thrive.
    • How more and more people are taking boys education more seriously.
    • Why there is nothing intrinsically "wrong" with these boys, but the system needs to change.
    • How boys AND girls need their advocates.
    • Wise and final words

    If you enjoyed listening, please leave a review and recommend us to your communities. To find out more about Andrew's work, check out...


    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrewpain1974

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    43 mins
  • S1 E31 - Rob Wells | Men and Surviving Domestic Abuse
    Jun 19 2024

    Rob Wells is a former Military Police officer and security professional as well as a published author, international speaker and writer. He is also a survivor of female perpetrated domestic abuse.

    Ribert has delivered talks to a diverse range of audiences, including domestic abuse frontline agencies, Military Welfare Units, Government Councils, the Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and the Royal Marines. His expertise has been also sought by civilian police, the Ministry of Defence and the National Health Service.

    His story has been featured in multiple national and international newspapers and magazines, with appearances on radio shows in both the UK and USA. Robert was invited by the Durban government in South Africa to present on domestic abuse.

    Robert is available for national and international engagements, including training courses, conference speeches, business consultations, and media interviews on the subject of domestic abuse.

    Reach out to him on: 07853 621303

    Key Points of the Show:

    • What most stands out for him as a child. (And how the 70's and 80's were better!)
    • How he was the last of 5 kids, and what he was told about it.
    • How he could not choose between army and police.
    • What life was like in military training (legalised bullying)
    • How there was zero mental healthcare here.
    • Why military included the best 12 years of his life.
    • Why he got into campaigining about domestic abuse.
    • How domestic abuse affected him, and the innocent mistake that drew him in.
    • The time he could actually speak about it.
    • Why domestic abuse is hard to spot, even though the red flags are there in full view.
    • How on one occasion he was treated worse by the police than the abuse itself.
    • How depression set in when he was trying to turn it into a positive.
    • His take on modern masculinity - what it takes to be a "gentleman"
    • Some final wise words.

    If you enjoyed listening, please leave a review and recommend us to your communities. To find out more about Andrew's work, check out...


    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrewpain1974

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    55 mins
  • S1 E30 Ricky Nuttall - Men, Grenfell and PTSD
    Jun 5 2024

    Ricky Nuttall - Mental Health Advocate | Motivational Speaker | Former Firefighter and first responder at Grenfell Tower | Published Poet | Actor

    Mental health advocate, motivational speaker and public voice, focusing on raising awareness on the importance of social and workplace mental health and well-being.

    ManIFF nomination for The Firefighter short film. Written and acted by Ricky himself, produced and directed by Roy Khalil of Grenfell Voices. Ricky also wrote and acted the lead role for a short piece, for The Russell Howard Hour based around depression and mental health.

    Media appearances including; BBC Breakfast and This Morning talking about Grenfell, his role there and his subsequent mental health struggles.

    Reach out to him here:

    Key points of the show:

    • Early influences of his life, with some contrasting experiences.
    • How "normal" is not necessarily normal apart from the individuals perception.
    • His theory on why people that have been through trauma are drawn into potentially dangerous jobs.
    • The culture change in the fire service - in some ways....
    • ....and what still needs to change.
    • Grenfell. His experience.
    • His experience of PTSD. Brilliantly articulated.
    • An authentic message of hope.

    Reach out on www.justrick.co.uk

    If you enjoyed listening, please leave a review and recommend us to your communities. To find out more about Andrew's work, check out...


    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrewpain1974

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    58 mins
  • S1 E29 - Jeremy Davies | Men, Fatherhood and the Gender Pay Gap
    May 22 2024

    Dr Jeremy Davies is Deputy CEO of the Fatherhood Institute, a UK charity working to build a society that values, prepares, and supports men as involved fathers and caregivers.

    Jeremy leads the organisation’s communications and policy work, including the FI’s 6 weeks for dads campaign for a better statutory paternity offer for all UK fathers; manages funded research and impact projects, including collaborations with universities, like the PIECE (Paternal Involvement and its Effects on Children’s Education) study; and develops evidence-based resources for family practitioners (e.g. the Engaging Dads toolkit, with the Royal College of Midwives), and for fathers (e.g. Becoming Dad, with the Mental Health Foundation).

    He has led the development of ISAFE (Improving Safeguarding through Audited Father-Engagement), a social work training package undergoing a randomised controlled trial in seven English local authorities, and is now part of a project to bring Fathers for Change, a US one-to-one therapy intervention for men who have used violence against their co-parent and/or children, to the UK.

    A passionate believer in the transformational power of involved fatherhood, Jeremy is a former journalist, who joined the FI in 2006 after completing a Masters in Research and a PhD about gay fathers' paternal experiences and practices. He has a son, now 24.

    Key points from the interview:

    • How his childhood was idyllic and free and easy, but it became harder as he got into his teens.
    • How Boy George on Top of the Pops was a huge cultural moment!
    • How there is seemingly less freedom today on rules, but more on restrictive gender stereotypes.
    • How he felt that no one was really talking to him or supporting him as a Dad, because of the "boxing in" of men.
    • How he posited that gay men were "redoing" fatherhood....
    • And how their sexuality was the least "interesting factor in it!
    • Looking at fathers as a risk AND resource.
    • How the current services can be somewhat biased.
    • What causes the gender pay gap.
    • How men are hard wired to care.
    • How the media love a black and white story.

    Reach out to Jeremy on www.fatherhoodinstitute.org

    If you enjoyed listening, please leave a review and recommend us to your communities. To find out more about Andrew's work, check out...


    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpain
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrewpain1974

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    1 hr