
  • Addressing Racial Bias in Healthcare AI: Elliott Green of Dandelion Health
    Jul 18 2023
    Last month Dandelion Health, a healthcare data platform specializing in artificial intelligence and precision analytics, launched a public service to evaluate racial bias in health algorithms.  The company is partnered with three major healthcare providers in the U.S.
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  • An Update on the GUARDIAN Newborn Sequencing Study with Wendy Chung
    Jun 27 2023
    Most of the leaders of genomic medicine that we speak with say we are headed toward genome sequencing at birth.  Last year a first-of-its-kind study called the GUARDIAN began piloting just such medicine.  The ambitious multi-year study based in New York State is the brainchild of a titan in the field, Wendy Chung. 
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  • Gene Patent Decision at 10 Years, State of Genetic Testing with Ellen Matloff, My Gene Counsel
    Jun 15 2023
    Ten years ago this week, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that genes could not be patented.
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  • Proteomics Bigger than Genomics, It’s Just Taking Time, Says Jeff Hawkins, CEO, Quantum-SI
    Jun 1 2023
      Today we feature Quantum-SI, one of the new wave of proteomics tools companies.  The company was founded by serial life science entrepreneur, Jonathan Rothberg, originally as a long read sequencing company.    Though the company pivoted to proteomics, they kept the sequencing part.
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  • Biden, AI, and DeSci: John Cumbers Previews SynBioBeta 2023
    May 9 2023
      SynBioBeta is the largest gathering of the synthetic biology community worldwide.  It’s taking place May 23-25 in Oakland, California.  John Cumbers is the founder and CEO of the conference, and he joins us to talk about trends in the space and preview this year’s confab. First, we discuss the impact Washington D.C. is having on the field.  What doe’s Biden’s love for bio mean for synbio? 
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  • Proteomics Today Where Genomics Was in the 80s: Margaret Donovan and Asim Siddiqui of Seer on Landmark Study
    May 8 2023
    It’s a thrilling time to be in proteomics.  Today we discuss a recent paper in PLOS One demonstrating how new technology has revealed a novel biomarker for non-small cell lung cancer previously undetected by other methods.  The paper could be a model for new proteomics research going forward.  Our guests are Margaret Donovan, Product Marketing Manager, and Asim Siddiqui, Senior VP of Research, both at proteomics company, Seer.
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  • Is This New Platform an Answer to the Reproducibility Crisis? with Guy Rohkin
    Apr 27 2023
    Philosophers talk about various kinds of knowledge.  There is knowing that something is.  We learn that the sun is 90 million miles from the Earth.  There is also knowing how to do something.  This includes skills we learn like riding a bike or cooking spaghetti.  Knowing how is different from knowing that.  
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  • Elegen Pioneers Long DNA Subindustry with CEO Matt Hill
    Apr 19 2023
    Long DNA has arrived.   Elegen, a new company based in San Carlos, California,  is out this year offering just long DNA.  According to their founder and CEO, Matt Hill and today's guest, the company’s product is twenty times more accurate than anything else presently available. What does this mean for the world of biology and the world in general that we're seeing the emergence of a new subindustry devoted specifically to long DNA?
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