• Man or Bear? Why Women Feel Safer with Wildlife EP8
    Jun 5 2024

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Have you heard about the man versus bear debate in the woods? Women would rather encounter a bear than a random man in the woods, surprising, not really. This idea stems from the belief that masculine energy is intimidating and unsafe for women and the notion that women have to teach men about their experiences.

    I'm joined by my special guest, my daughter Ava, for another deep conversation about how societal norms have pushed women to choose the bear. Ava's unique insights and personal experiences bring a valuable perspective to the conversation on gender dynamics and communication.

    Focusing on fostering empathy and healthy relationships, we offer practical strategies and thoughtful observations on the impact of masculine energy on women. Engaging in open, honest conversations and committing to deepening understanding makes her an essential contributor to discussions about gender relations and balance in relationships.

    We explore masculine energy's impact on women and its influence on communication and relationships, providing practical strategies for engaging in deep and meaningful conversations with men to foster understanding and connection. Balancing feminine and masculine energies in relationships is significant for improved communication and harmony.

    Statistics on violence towards women versus bear encounters underscore the need for creating safer environments. The preference for encountering a bear over a random man reveals a deep-rooted fear of exploitation and harm. We emphasize the importance of open and honest conversations with men about women's fears and experiences to foster empathy and understanding. Addressing societal biases and power dynamics through dialogue is crucial for promoting safety and inclusivity.

    Masculine energy impacts women and relationships, stressing the need for a balanced dynamic that allows for mutual support and understanding. We challenge traditional notions of masculinity and embrace empathy in relationships as key components of fostering healthy connections. The transformative potential of engaging in curious conversations about gender dynamics is an opportunity for personal and collective growth.

    You never know who you're going to help. The power of listening, understanding, and fostering curiosity in relationships cannot be overstated. This episode aims to provide practical insights and strategies to help navigate the complexities of gender dynamics, ensuring safety and fostering healthy, balanced relationships.

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    38 mins
  • An Honest Conversation on Violence Against Women in Entertainment and Setting Boundaries with Ava EP7
    May 29 2024

    Are you seeking to achieve deeper intimacy and understanding in your relationships? Do you want to truly connect with your loved ones on critical societal issues? If so, you're in the right place. We dive into the heart of complex relationships and societal perceptions to spark a more profound understanding of how the media we consume affects how we show up in life.

    In this special episode, I sit down with my daughter, Ava, to explore the often uncomfortable yet crucial conversations about violence against women in entertainment and the importance of setting boundaries. You may not have even noticed the on-screen violence, as we as a society have been so conditioned that it is okay to see women being raped and beaten. But once the veil has been lifted, you will see women's current male-depicted role in most media.

    Have you ever felt uneasy about your partner’s media choices but didn't know how to address it? You’re not alone. Many of us have been told to let it go, not rock the boat, or that it’s not a big deal. But the pain of suppressing your truth and seeing no change in your relationship will lead to unhappiness.

    Ava shares her discomfort with a popular TV show, Game of Thrones, the portrayal of women, and how she opened a conversation with her boyfriend about his TV choices. This discussion opens a deeper conversation about media influence, relationship dynamics, and societal norms. We offer a fresh perspective on approaching sensitive topics and setting healthy boundaries.

    This raw and honest episode dives into the intricate layers of relationships and societal issues. Together, we'll explore the power of meaningful conversations and media and discover their profound impact on our lives and relationships.

    Join us on this journey towards greater connection and understanding.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

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    45 mins
  • Embracing Menopause with Curiosity and Grace EP6
    May 22 2024

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Join me on my journey through menopause as I share my unique experience as a woman. This isn’t about negating anyone else's experience; I am offering my perspective with the hope that it might resonate with some of you.

    Let’s explore menopause from multiple lenses. As a woman who honors the natural world and a psychologist who views human experiences through a distinct lens, I bring a dual perspective to this conversation, from silent bystander to active participant, sharing insights on the female body, life's cycles, and the impact of societal structures.

    We live in a patriarchal system that often shames natural aging processes like menopause. If we shift our perspective to a matriarchal viewpoint, emphasizing feminine consciousness and holistic well-being we can approach menopause with curiosity and celebration. This has allowed me to navigate menopause with grace, not seeing it as something broken or wrong.

    I’m sharing my journey with alternative healing and natural childbirth and how our narratives influence our experiences. These stories have shaped my approach to menopause, fostering a sense of awe and wonder rather than fear and confusion.

    There is an interconnectedness of our physical and mental health, the importance of what we put into and onto our bodies, and how societal expectations influence our perception of menopause. By embracing a narrative of love, honor, and curiosity, we can redefine this stage of life.

    Whether you're experiencing menopause, approaching it, or simply curious about a different perspective, I invite you to listen with an open heart. This is for anyone ready to explore a new narrative and find beauty in the natural cycles of a woman's life.

    Let's celebrate our bodies and the profound journeys they take us on.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

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    31 mins
  • Feminine Consciousness and the Cycles of Womanhood: Periods, Childbirth, Menopause EP5
    May 15 2024

    ​​If you're feeling weighed down by the shame and inconvenience of your natural cycles, like periods, childbirth, and menopause, then you are not alone! The societal narratives around these life phases have been deeply entrenched in patriarchal beliefs, leading to feelings of embarrassment, inconvenience, and fear. Let’s explore the phases of womanhood from the patriarchal and matriarchal lens. Which one would bring us more celebration and joy?

    Women have been conditioned to view their bodies and experiences through a lens of shame and limitation. Still, there is a different way to approach these cycles, one that honors and celebrates the feminine consciousness. Why have the cycles of our bodies been looked at as inconveniences? After all, without the woman’s body and natural cycles, there would be no life on this planet.

    Everything you thought you knew about your body and its cycles was just a fraction of the truth. A truth that has kept you feeling shameful and embarrassed about your beautiful body that creates life: we need to bring feminine consciousness to the surface to begin leading to a life of beauty, power, and profound wisdom.

    Join me as I share the real stories of periods, childbirth, and menopause through a matriarchal lens. Come with an open mind and be ready for a paradigm shift that will challenge societal norms and unlock the hidden potential within you. This is your invitation to a more beautiful way of living and being.

    The changing of the lens starts here, and the possibilities are endless.

    Are you curious to explore the untold narrative of womanhood? The path to feminine consciousness awaits.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

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    38 mins
  • Aging as a Spiritual Journey EP4
    May 8 2024

    Are you tired of the overwhelming pressure to maintain a youthful appearance? Have you found yourself trapped in a cycle of trying endless anti-aging products, only to feel unsatisfied and constantly striving to keep up?

    It's time to break free from the toxic beauty culture holding you back and redefine your worth beyond appearance. We need to explore how embracing natural aging can lead to a sense of liberation, allowing you to tap into the beauty of your journey. Aging should be celebrated, not shamed.

    About seven years ago, as I sat in the salon watching all these beautiful women, including myself, apply harmful chemicals to their scalps, I realized something needed to change. This ignited my curiosity, and I began to ask deeper questions.

    Why did we all feel we had to harm ourselves with these toxins being rubbed into our scalps to be acceptable in society? Why aren’t gray hairs a sign of wisdom instead of something we try to hide? That moment changed everything and opened a new lens on the beauty industry and the world of aging with confidence. I let my grays grow out and haven't dyed my hair since.

    I have decided to accept the story that aging is a natural, beautiful, privileged part of my life. There's nothing to change. There's only everything to honor, celebrate, and notice. ~Dr. Amanda

    Aging is a natural process that should be embraced rather than feared. It is a journey of wisdom, experience, and growth. Embracing the changes with age can lead to a deeper sense of self-acceptance and confidence.

    Join me in discovering the true essence of aging as a spiritual and transformative experience on the Midlife Muse Podcast.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

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    25 mins
  • The Princess to The Queen: Claiming Your Confidence as a Woman EP3
    May 3 2024

    If you feel like you're constantly seeking validation, approval, and love from others but still feel unworthy and unfulfilled, then you are not alone! The struggle to transition from the princess archetype to the queen archetype can leave you feeling stuck in a cycle of seeking external validation and never feeling truly powerful within yourself.

    But we are not at fault for falling into the Princess archetype. The impact of media and traditions handed down from generation to generation shape women's perspectives, and this is evident in the prevalence of the princess narrative in fairy tales and movies. The limited representation of women's experiences and desires in media reinforces the need for external validation. Recognizing and challenging these narratives can help women cultivate self-love and authenticity.

    As a Princess, you are seeking outside validation to feel worthy. You are showing up with a “look at me, love me, am I good enough” energy. As a Princess, you might be pretending or acting as a way to fit in.

    Embracing your queen archetype involves recognizing and internalizing your self-worth and setting higher relationship standards. The transition from princess to queen requires embodying qualities like self-love, confidence, and assertiveness. By embracing queen energy, women can attract relationships and opportunities that align with their true worth.

    It's time to break free from the limitations of princess energy and step into your queen-like confidence and power. Let's explore how to make that shift and start owning your worth from within.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

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    34 mins
  • Patriarchy: How Fitting in Could Mean Losing Yourself EP2
    May 2 2024

    We are missing the women of our lives. We are missing from the stories of our very own beautiful lives. And yet we think we have everything else that we were told, made for a beautiful life. We think that because we have food and shelter, we're not supposed to ache for more beautiful love, deep conversations, heartfelt embraces, or tender moments sitting on the floor with our friends.

    Patriarchy does not just hurt women; it also hurts men. Patriarchy hurts everybody. - Dr. Amanda Hanson

    Underneath, in everything we explore, we will always look at the ways that patriarchy told us we were supposed to operate by or believe in. I will help you constantly disentangle from that and look at your life through the lens of feminine and matriarchal consciousness.

    If you feel trapped in a cycle of inherited limitations, constantly battling to break free from societal expectations, then you are not alone! The struggle to thrive as a modern woman, juggling career, relationships, and self-worth, can be overwhelming.

    You may have even found yourself repeating patterns passed down through generations, feeling the weight of unspoken rules and unfulfilled potential.

    We need to understand the impact of societal norms on women's emotional well-being and shine a light on the pressure to suppress emotions. It is so important for women to embrace their emotions without judgment; this can allow women to navigate challenges in modern society.

    But what if there's a way to transform these struggles into opportunities for self-discovery and power?

    It’s time for women to break free from limitations passed down through generations. Questioning societal norms and inherited beliefs allows women to define their paths and pursue their dreams. Breaking free from these limitations is essential for personal growth and power.

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

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    24 mins
  • Reclaiming Our Full Power as Women EP1
    May 1 2024

    If you're feeling trapped in a cycle of inherited limitations, constantly battling to break free from societal expectations, then you are not alone! The struggle to thrive as a modern woman, juggling career, relationships, and self-worth, can be overwhelming. Perhaps you've found yourself repeating patterns passed down through generations, feeling the weight of unspoken rules and unfulfilled potential. But what if there's a way to transform these struggles into opportunities for self-discovery and personal power?

    Imagine being at the crossroads of despair and power, feeling the weight of generations of unspoken limitations. I’m sharing my wisdom I’ve gathered on my journey and adding my professional expertise to illuminate the path to self-discovery and personal growth for modern women. Through countless encounters with women from different walks of life, I have discovered a universal theme of suffering stemming from societal constructs that hinder women from thriving.

    My passion for guiding women into their power was sparked by my own experiences and the transformations I witnessed in the lives of countless women. My soul mission is to guide women through conversations that challenge the status quo, inviting them to embrace their emotions, question inherited narratives, and embark on a journey of becoming. My hope is to pave the way for women to break free from societal constraints and embrace a more nourishing narrative.

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

    Together We Rise

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    8 mins