• 3.13: Three Mindsets for Faculty
    Jul 3 2024

    In this podcast episode, I explore three predominant mental models that faculty members often have about their roles within academia.

    The first model is the "freelance independent contractor" mindset, where faculty members see themselves as autonomous professionals who primarily set their own goals and priorities. They may view their relationship with the institution as transactional, valuing their independence and control over their work.

    The second model is the "employee" mindset, where faculty members see themselves as committed members of the institution, aiming to align their efforts with the organization's goals and expectations. This mindset often prioritizes collaboration and institutional success.

    The third model is described as "faculty as the moral compass of the institution," where faculty members view themselves as guardians of academic values and principles, sometimes in opposition to institutional agendas that prioritize financial or administrative goals over educational or ethical ones.

    I acknowledge the complexity of these models and encourage listeners to reflect on their own attitudes and approaches to their careers. I emphasize the importance of understanding one's primary narrative within academia and how it aligns or conflicts with institutional culture and expectations. Additionally, I suggest considering whether adjustments can be made to better align with institutional goals or personal values.

    Overall, the episode invites listeners to consider their own perspectives and experiences within academia, offering a framework for self-reflection and potential dialogue with colleagues and supervisors.

    You can access Josh’s substack & podcast here:

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    16 mins
  • 3.12: Two Kinds of Coaching
    Jun 5 2024

    In this episode of "Two Kinds of Coaching," I explore the essentials of coaching, particularly in an academic context, and distinguish between individual and group coaching. Emphasizing the transformative power of coaching, I explain how both individual and team coaching can help individuals and groups align their work with their values and goals, enhance fulfillment, and navigate high-pressure environments.

    The episode begins with an in-depth look at one-on-one coaching, covering the process from the initial discovery call to setting goals and creating action plans. I underscore the importance of finding a coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) to ensure adherence to high standards and ethical practices.

    The discussion then shifts to the specifics of group and team coaching, illustrating how these methods can facilitate strategic planning, improve team dynamics, and foster a culture of accountability and emotional agility.

    Through examples and personal anecdotes, I highlight the benefits of coaching in achieving personal and professional growth, and encourage my listeners to consider how coaching might support their own academic and career journeys.

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    27 mins
  • 3.11: Mindfulness For You
    Apr 3 2024

    In this episode of “The Mindful Academy,” I delve into the significance and personal impact of mindfulness and meditation.

    Highlighting mindfulness as a crucial tool for personal and client coaching, I share insights into the transformative power of stepping out of automatic, knee-jerk reactions and into a space of creativity and intention.

    Meditation and mindfulness are portrayed not just as practices for self-improvement but as foundational techniques for becoming a more effective individual.

    I also share my personal journey with meditation, including the use of various apps, programs, and retreats, emphasizing the simplicity yet profoundness of mindfulness and meditation. By recognizing thoughts as transient and not an absolute reality, individuals can foster flexibility, intentionality, and resilience.

    My current practice involves Ziva meditation. But I'm really showcasing the diversity in meditation techniques and the importance of finding one that resonates with you personally.

    Furthermore, this episode outlines the benefits of mindfulness, such as increased awareness of default patterns, enhanced emotional intelligence, and the ability to silence the inner critic. Through examples and personal anecdotes, I illustrate how mindfulness facilitates a deeper connection with oneself, leading to improved emotional awareness and decision-making.

    Finally, this episode touches on the broader applications of mindfulness in academic and leadership contexts, while advocating for its role in fostering self-compassion, empathy, and a grounded sense of self.

    I invite all of my listeners to explore or deepen their mindfulness practices.

    Get in Touch!

    Need more insights or want to discuss mindfulness further? Reach out to me at jennifer@jenniferaskey.com or connect on LinkedIn and Instagram. You can also visit my website: https://www.jenniferaskey.com/

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    19 mins
  • 3.10: Getting a Handle on Success
    Mar 14 2024

    Successful academics know that they can’t do it all – or at least not all at once.

    So a key step in getting a grip on your overwhelm is to decide what success looks & feels like for you.

    The answer to the question: what does success look like for me is NOT, however, a list of check-offable goals. A book, an R1 grant, this much $$, this many citations, this many articles, etc. NOPE.

    I will feel successful when . . .
    I will love my work when . . .
    Success to me has always meant . . .

    Please allow yourself to be honest, to dream, to even be wildly unrealistic here – because you neeeeeed to tap into your desires and dreams and values when it comes to thinking about success, because NOT being in touch with your values and your dreams miiight be how you got to discontent and frustration in the first place.

    Knowing what is at stake for you in moving in the direction of your success will make it more likely that you complete the goals and tasks you end up putting on your to-do list. Nothing is worse than feeling pulled in a hundred different directions and not being sure why or how any of them matter.

    So – get clear on how you want to feeeeeeel. What will be different when you feel more successful than you do now? What will your life feel like when you don't feel overwhelmed? When you know that your time is being spent wisely? When you know you are doing good work with good people for a good cause? How will you know you’ve gotten there?

    Connected to your own deeply felt sense of success, capture & write down what is going on that makes it so.

    And again, be honest even if you don’t immediately like what pops up for you.

    For me, I know one of the things that I need in order to feel successful is external recognition. Just that small bit of insight points me in several directions and invites me to get specific about what that means for me. What form does recognition come in? Which of those do I feel the desire for most, etc.

    Instead of external recognition, you might thrive on solo efforts, on working alone. Success might feel like hands-on work with your subject matter; or it may feel like a room of people following your lead – clarity on what success feels like is so so important.

    If figuring this out seems like a tall order because you’ve always been told what success is and haven’t developed the habit of deciding for yourself, asking a trusted friend what they think about you when you are at your happiest and most professionally fulfilled can give you some insights. There are assessments on workplace style, like DISC or Belbin team roles, that give insights as to your natural workplace behaviours and can be a launching point for discussions around what success feels like for you. Along with those assessments, my coaching clients do a narrative debrief with me that focuses on turning points and highlights in their careers – all of this information is data you can use to intentionally design the next stage of your career.

    Because once you know the feeling of success you want to work for, you can make plans and decisions that move you in the direction of that.

    What does your flavour of success mean for:

    - Research – types, collaborations, sources, methods, venues?
    - Teaching – design, assessment, structure of mentoring
    - Service & leadership – what committees, organizations, and roles put you in closest proximity to the kind of success you want to feel?

    In each of these areas, you can think about being in front or behind the scenes, being solo or with a group; working towards a shared vision or being the one who sets the vision.

    One of the hardest things about figuring out your success recipe is the realization that you can’t, really, do it all. It is impossible to give 100% effort to every potential goa

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    18 mins
  • 3.9 Getting out of Overwhelm
    Feb 15 2024

    The Mindful Academy - Episode 3.9 Highlights

    Overcoming Faculty Overwhelm: A Deeper Dive

    Greetings, Mindful Community!

    In the newest episode (3.9) of the Mindful Academy, I talked about the intricacies of faculty overwhelm. Last episode(3.8), I identified four faculty frustrations, and today, I’m tackling the beast of overwhelm.

    Check-in with Your Emotions

    Feeling overwhelmed is common, but how do you respond? Anger, shutdown, hyperdrive? It is sooo important to identify your emotional response and give it a name, in order to pave the way for effective coping strategies.

    If you want help and pointers for identifying the emotions you’re experiencing in the moment, I recommend the “How We Feel” app on both Google and Apple.

    Ground Yourself in the Present Moment

    For those drowning in anxiety and stress, I have a quick grounding exercise. Two minutes, five senses - a powerful tool to pull yourself back from the whirlwind of overwhelming thoughts.

    Craft Your Speciality, Avoid Overwhelm

    In academia, the pressure to excel in various roles can be exhausting. There is a remedy: identify your specialty, your superpower, and align your work accordingly. Less overwhelm, more intentional steering.

    Saying yes to every opportunity may not be the best strategy. I advise putting your hand up for tasks that align with your strengths and contribute to your fulfillment. It's about focusing on your strengths and doubling down on them.

    Get in Touch!

    Need more insights or want to discuss your faculty frustrations? Reach out to me at jennifer@jenniferaskey.com or connect on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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    20 mins
  • 3.8: Four Flavours of Faculty Frustration
    Feb 1 2024

    🔍The Mindful Academy Episode 3.8 Highlights: "Four Flavours of Faculty Frustration"

    📚 1. Overwhelm at Work:

    The aftermath of the pandemic has left academic workplaces in overdrive, with workload spikes persisting. Whether it's adapting to changes or working at cross-purposes with colleagues, overwhelm is a common thread. If you're feeling this, consider where the pressures are coming from—internal, external, or both.

    💼 2. Success Metrics and Prioritization:

    Metrics for success can vary, from grants to publications, teaching evaluations, and more. If you're frustrated with output goals despite doing all the right things, it's time to rigorously prioritize. Focus on what success means for you, set meaningful priorities, and stay true to your own success metrics.

    🤝 3. Interpersonal Circumstances:

    Academic environments can sometimes foster toxic behavior, impacting your experience. Issues like harassment and less contentious but frustrating interpersonal challenges can impact your joy and fulfillment at work. Developing self-awareness and self-trust is vital to making meaningful decisions about your career.

    💡 4. Intrapersonal Circumstances:

    As you grow and change, the job may no longer fit. Values conflicts, misalignment, or simply feeling done can lead to frustration. Assess your values, skills, and priorities. Acknowledge patterns that might be hindering your growth and explore possibilities for change—whether within your current role or by considering new opportunities.

    🎙️ Upcoming Episodes:

    Stay tuned for in-depth discussions on each of these faculty frustrations, offering guidance and strategies for overcoming them. Plus, explore the concept of intentional job design and maintaining excitement in your academic journey.

    🔗 Connect with Jennifer Askey:

    For personalized support and further insights, visit JenniferAskey.com and book a free consultation. Connect on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferaskeycoach , and follow on Instagram at @Jennifer_Askey.

    👂 Your Input Matters:

    Where do you find yourself frustrated at work? Share your thoughts and experiences. Let's continue the conversation and work towards a more fulfilling academic experience.

    Thank you for being part of the Mindful Academy community. Until next time, take care and stay mindful!

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    22 mins
  • 3.7: Futureproofing Your Career Part 3
    Nov 15 2023
    How can you ensure long-term career success while maintaining personal satisfaction? In this episode of The Mindful Academy, our academic coach, Jennifer Askey, dives deep into the emotional journey of transitioning out of academia. She empathizes with individuals experiencing uncertainty and disorientation, recognizing the various practical and intellectual considerations that come into play. She encourages listeners to embrace their emotions while exploring avenues within their control to effect positive change. This empowering episode offers invaluable guidance and support for those seeking a new direction beyond the confines of academia. Are you ready to take control of your professional path and futureproof your career? Grab your notebook and secure your seat at The Mindful Academy; Class is in session!
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    29 mins
  • 3.6: Futureproofing Your Career Part 2
    Nov 1 2023
    How can you ensure long-term career success while maintaining personal satisfaction? In this episode of The Mindful Academy, our academic coach, Jennifer, shares some invaluable insights and strategies to futureproof your career. Regardless of the current status of your industry, it's essential to take control of your professional path and adopt a proactive mindset. By prioritizing learning and development, staying tech-savvy, and building a robust personal and professional network, you can futureproof your career for a successful and fulfilling journey. Jennifer emphasizes the importance of discerning your purpose and understanding your competencies as crucial in achieving a harmonious balance between long-term career success and personal contentment. Whether you're just starting your career or looking to transition, this episode offers valuable tips and insights to help you make meaningful career choices. So grab your notebook and secure your seat at The Mindful Academy. Class is in session!
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    26 mins