• The Alchemy of Emotional Intelligence in Professional and Personal Realms
    Feb 20 2024

    Discover the art of navigating life's emotional ebbs and flows with wisdom from a veteran of the heart and mind. Over my 27-year career, I've honed a 'mindset check' model that's nothing short of emotional intelligence alchemy, transforming the lead of our gut reactions into the gold of thoughtful responses.

    Have you ever encountered a verbal tangle, wondering how it all went south? I'll share how emotional intelligence and leadership training aren't just corporate buzzwords but vital lifelines for thriving in both boardrooms and living rooms. In this episode, I pull back the curtain on this personal mastery, inviting you to master your impulses and craft communication that resonates with clarity and compassion. We'll traverse common workplace challenges, like managing a heated exchange with your boss, and unveil how a moment of reflection can turn conflict into collaboration.

    To cap off our exploration, we'll confront the specters of imposter syndrome, set boundaries against disrespect, and stand tall in our authentic selves. So, if you're ready to chart a course toward emotional intelligence mastery and communication finesse, tune in, and let's embark on this journey together.

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Rising from the Ashes of a Destructive Partnership
    Feb 11 2024

    Embarking on a journey through the shadows of a 28-year love affair, I reveal the arduous battle and subsequent liberation from a partner who wore many masks, from enchanting to perilous. If you've ever wondered how the scars of a toxic relationship can lead to profound self-awareness and a vigilant eye for red flags, this episode is a beacon of hope and enlightenment.

    Together, we'll navigate the treacherous waters of leaving a harmful bond and the life-changing clarity that therapy, along with an understanding of codependency and narcissism, can bring. This chapter of my life is a cautionary tale and a manual for reclaiming your sense of self before stepping back into romance.

    With hard-earned wisdom, I dissect the intricate dance of past loves, distilling vital lessons about engaging in healthy, respectful, and fulfilling relationships. It's a candid discussion about the significance of self-worth, the subtle yet crucial signs of imbalance, and the art of filtering through the noise of fleeting attractions to find genuine connections.

    We examine the power of emotional reciprocity and the importance of aligning with a partner who complements and elevates your existence. By sharing my journey and the transformative insights I've gained, I invite you to join me in forging a path toward a future where love isn't just present but passionately thriving.

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    11 mins
  • Unveiling Narcissistic Red Flags for Emotional Well-being
    Feb 4 2024

    Embark on a revealing exploration with me, Katanya Nova, as we traverse the treacherous terrain of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and unveil the transformative Mindset Check model in our latest episode. Discover the subtle line where self-confidence ends and the darker spectrum of narcissism begins, gaining invaluable insight into grandiose, overt, malignant, and covert narcissists.

    By dissecting their behavior, understanding their need for admiration, and unmasking their manipulative tactics, you'll learn to protect your emotional well-being and recognize the red flags in relationships that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.

    Stay connected for future episodes where we'll continue to nurture a supportive network committed to fostering self-awareness and building a more empathetic world.

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    12 mins
  • Uninstalling the Past: Your Journey to Acceptance and Forgiveness
    Nov 27 2023

    Are you tired of clinging to the past? This conversation will guide you through the transformative journey of forgiving others and, most importantly, yourself. Learning to let go of the poison of resentment is a daily practice, and Katanya is here to provide strategies to redirect your negative thoughts toward self-forgiveness.

    Also, have you ever wondered what's stopping you from touching that zenith of growth? Katanya will reveal how societal conditioning, trauma, and negative thinking are the villains obstructing your personal development. On a lighter note, we also interpret the symbolism of water and houses in dreams and link them to your emotional states. And yes, we assure you that after listening to this episode, you'll be ready to embrace change and conquer your fear of the unknown.

    Finally, we address the elephant in the room – relationships and the power of letting go. Katanya highlights how focusing on being the best version of ourselves and accepting that relationships may not last will help you embrace the art of acceptance. Have you ever thought about how clinging onto past relationships is like having unnecessary apps installed on your phone, draining your energy? Let's uninstall those apps and make space for new experiences because the key to moving on is acceptance, forgiveness, and releasing negative thoughts and emotions. Let's tune in and commence this journey of self-discovery together.

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    49 mins
  • Creating Your Personal Security Protocol: Trust and Boundaries
    Oct 8 2023

    How certain are you in making life choices that honor your true self? Unlock the keys to self-trust, identifying core values, and setting healthy boundaries in this transformative discussion. It's time to learn the value of standing firm in your beliefs, determining if people or situations align with what matters to you the most. We're going to illuminate why it's crucial to trust in yourself before giving your trust to others and how to create a personal "security protocol" that shields you from unnecessary disappointment.

    Do you crave a simpler, happier life? We're going to share insights on how a simplified mindset can lead to a more fulfilled existence. We'll teach you how to shift your perspective from fear to love, creating more peace within your life. We'll also delve into strategies for communicating your boundaries effectively and understanding when it's time to walk away. Remember, context matters and adaptability is key in different situations. Get ready for an enlightening journey on making decisions that truly echo your values and lead a life in harmony with your authentic self. Don't miss this empowering conversation!

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    29 mins
  • The Power of Self-Love and Owning Your Identity
    Sep 11 2023

    Get ready to break down your mental barriers with us as we journey through emotional intelligence, personal identity, and authenticity. We discuss the limitations of our sphere of influence and the necessity of embracing open-mindedness. Along the way, we delve deep into our emotional responses when our expectations or core values are violated, encouraging you to question why we feel this way.

    Then, we shift our focus to the power of self-love and the significance of owning your identity. We explore the dangers of people-pleasing and the potential loss of self it can lead to. We also shed light on the importance of integrating logical thinking and feeling for true self-intuition. By reflecting on our emotions and experiences, we uncover the path to emotional intelligence and self-empowerment.

    Finally, we delve into standing up for yourself and rejecting hate. Despite living in a world that often makes us feel threatened for being true to ourselves, it's essential to embrace authenticity. Our discussion centers around self-condemnation and how it can hamper us from living our best lives. Please tune in for an enlightening conversation on honoring ourselves and others and opening up new avenues of understanding for a more positive human experience.

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    31 mins
  • Transforming Pain into Purpose: A Conversation on Self-Identity
    Sep 4 2023

    Have you ever pondered on the idea of converting your pain into a catalyst for growth and love? In this riveting discussion, we delve into how to break the chains of societal expectations and craft a new self-identity. We look closer at unhealthy relationships, emphasizing the significance of self-reliance instead of expecting someone else to meet all your needs. We share thought-provoking insights on alchemy - the art of turning negative energy into positive vibes. As we explore the fundamental importance of self-discovery and finding purpose, remember that your soul's true purpose is to experience the richness within you and unearth self-love and resilience. So, awaken your inner self and step courageously into those experiences that promote growth and fulfillment.

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    33 mins
  • Empowerment for Women: Occupying Space with Intent and Confidence
    Aug 29 2023

    Have you ever wondered how to take up more space in the world with confidence and authenticity? Have you ever wished to break free from societal constraints and fearlessly manifest your true desires? This episode could be the start of your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

    In the first half of this transformative discussion, we'll dissect the critical task of understanding ourselves. We'll unveil how online assessments can be a tool for unearthing your unique traits and potential and why building a solid self-identity is crucial. We'll share tips to overcome conditioning and fear and guide you on taking action steps to build courage and increase competency. Let's start honoring and investing in ourselves because personal growth begins from within.

    In the second part, we will focus on empowering women to occupy their space confidently. We'll explore the necessity of self-awareness and intention in liberating yourself from fear and societal bounds. We will talk about how to harness the power of confidence to manifest your true desires and why a mindset check is essential for aligning our decisions with our values. This episode is designed to help you cultivate a stronger sense of self and learn how to leverage it to claim your space in the world unapologetically.

    To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

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    20 mins