• S04 E02 - Know Your Worth: Stand Up for Yourself
    Jun 11 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In this powerful episode of the Mindset Magic Podcast, our host Darren shares an essential message about self-worth and respect. He recounts a personal experience that highlights the importance of standing up for oneself and never allowing anyone to speak down to you. Darren’s story from his days working in IT support at a school serves as a vivid reminder of the significance of maintaining self-respect and ensuring others treat you with the dignity you deserve.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Respect Yourself:
      • Never let anyone, regardless of their position or authority, disrespect you. You are worthy of respect and kindness.
    2. Stand Up for Yourself:
      • If someone tries to belittle you or speak down to you, assertively remind them that their behavior is unacceptable.
    3. Personal Anecdote:
      • Darren shares a personal story where he was disrespected by a manager and how he stood up for himself, emphasizing the importance of knowing your worth.
    4. Value Your Uniqueness:
      • Embrace your unique set of skills and personality traits. They make you who you are and should never be looked down upon.
    5. Dealing with Insecurity:
      • Often, when people belittle others, it's a projection of their own insecurities. Recognize this and don’t let it affect your self-esteem.
    6. Repeat for Emphasis:
      • Darren reiterates the key message: You are valuable, unique, and deserve to be treated with respect. Never forget your worth.

    Inspirational Quote:

    "You are unique. You are wonderful. You are amazing. You deserve to be treated with respect at all times, by anyone and everyone."

    Call to Action:

    • Reflect on your own experiences and think about times when you may have been disrespected. How can you stand up for yourself in the future?
    • Share this episode with friends or colleagues who might need a reminder of their own self-worth and the importance of being treated with respect.

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach
    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    9 mins
  • S04 E01 - Stop doubting yourself
    Jun 4 2024

    In this episode, we delve into a crucial reminder: you are good enough, just as you are. Join us as we explore the common doubts and struggles faced by many, and uncover the truth that lies within.

    Key Points:

    1. The Epidemic of Doubt:
      • Reflecting on recent social media interactions, we observe a common thread of self-doubt among individuals, particularly new coaches or those striving to make an impact. The struggle to gain traction in an increasingly competitive digital landscape often fuels feelings of inadequacy and impostor syndrome.
    2. The Messaging Shift:
      • We explore the evolving dynamics of social media engagement and how messaging plays a pivotal role in capturing audience attention. Despite the challenges, it's essential to reframe perceptions and recognize the value of every interaction, no matter how small.
    3. Uncovering Your Greatness:
      • Contrary to societal conditioning, greatness isn't something to be cultivated externally; it's already inherent within each individual. By peeling away layers of conditioning, we reveal the innate brilliance that lies beneath the surface.
    4. Your Mission: Embrace and Empower:
      • The mission is clear: embrace your worthiness, acknowledge your greatness, and step boldly into your power. By accepting and celebrating who you are, you unlock the potential to positively impact the lives of others and fulfill your purpose.

    As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, remember that you are more than enough. Embrace your unique gifts, trust in your abilities, and let your light shine bright. The world is waiting for your magic.

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach

    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    14 mins
  • S03 E10 - You DO have interesting things to put out into the world!
    Feb 26 2024

    Welcome to The Mindset Magic Podcast, where we dive deep into the mindset shifts and strategies that help you, the successful business owner, entrepreneur, or executive, level up in life and business. Today's episode is a must-listen if you've ever doubted the value of your voice or felt hesitant to share your content with the world.

    In This Episode, You'll Discover:

    • The Home Truths: We're starting off strong with some home truths and maybe even a bit of a call-out. It's time to challenge those self-doubting thoughts head-on.
    • The Reality TV Phenomenon: A fascinating look at how the explosion of reality TV over the past couple of decades reveals a deep truth about human nature – we're all inherently nosy and crave insights into others' lives, including yours.
    • Your Unique Value: Why thinking "I've got nothing interesting to say" is a complete misconception. You possess wisdom, knowledge, and experience that others are eager to hear about.
    • A Humorous Nudge: Ever heard of the Monty Python fish dance? Find out how this humorous analogy can help shake off your doubts.
    • The Call to Action: It's time to embrace your unique set of skills, humor, and experiences. We discuss why the world is waiting for what you have to offer and how you can start sharing it.
    • Overcoming Live Video Fears: Feeling apprehensive about live videos or doubting your content's worth? Discover how personalized coaching or joining a live video confidence course can transform your approach.

    Key Takeaway: You are more interesting and valuable than you give yourself credit for. It's time to stop holding back and let the world fall in love with your content, wisdom, and unique personality.

    Make sure you...

    • Subscribe: Make sure to subscribe to our podcast for more empowering episodes designed to boost your confidence and help you make your mark.
    • Get in Touch: Ready to overcome your fears and start sharing your unique voice with the world? Reach out for one-on-one coaching or to enroll in our Live Video Confidence Course.

    Join Us Next Time when we'll explore another aspect of mindset and personal growth that will help you elevate your life and business. Have an amazing day, and remember – your voice has immense value. Let it be heard!

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach

    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    10 mins
  • S03 E09 - Do you realise your full potential?
    Feb 6 2024

    Ready to break free from self-doubt and unlock the incredible potential within you? Darren Danks, your host on the Mindset Magic podcast, dives deep into this powerful topic in this inspiring episode.

    Key Takeaways:

    • We all have untapped potential: Don't underestimate your own strength and resilience. Darren shares powerful personal experiences of facing immense challenges and discovering his own hidden reserves of mental and emotional strength.
    • Remember your past victories: Reflect on moments in your life where you accomplished things you never thought possible. These serve as powerful reminders of your capabilities and fuel your confidence for future challenges.
    • Small, consistent steps lead to big achievements: Forget giant leaps. Darren emphasizes the importance of applying your strength consistently over time, maintaining determination and drive to achieve your goals.
    • Greatness lies within: You don't need to "learn" greatness; it's already there. Reconnect with your inherent strength and capabilities to tap into your full potential.
    • Embrace your power to change the world: Recognizing your own strength empowers you to make a positive impact on the world around you.

    Darren's Call to Action:

    Go back and revisit moments in your life where you achieved something remarkable. Let these serve as fuel for your journey towards unlocking your full potential. Remember, you are capable of incredible things!


    • For more mindset-shifting guidance, explore Darren's other podcast episodes and resources.
    • Share your own stories of overcoming challenges and achieving greatness in the comments below!

    This episode is for you if:

    • You struggle with self-doubt and limiting beliefs.
    • You're looking for inspiration to reach your full potential.
    • You want to discover the strength and resilience you already possess.

    Remember, greatness awaits! Unleash your untapped potential and start creating the future you desire.

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach

    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    10 mins
  • S03 E08 - Are you in the "easy rut"
    Oct 18 2023

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we delve into a common trap many of us fall into: the "easy rut." Just like water and electricity take the path of least resistance, humans have a tendency to opt for the easier tasks at hand, often avoiding what actually needs to be done for progress. We explore how this easy path can stall us and discuss the strategies to break this cycle and get back on the track to success.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The Easy Rut: We often find ourselves doing easy tasks like scrolling through social media instead of tackling what really needs to be done. This keeps us stagnant and prevents us from growing in our life and business.
    2. Comfort Zone Challenges: The real progress starts happening when we step out of our comfort zones. Yet, there's an internal resistance that holds us back from doing so, leading to a cycle of regret at the end of the day.
    3. The Power of Small Changes: Instead of overwhelming ourselves with the entire to-do list or focusing on quantum leaps, the trick is to break it down and focus on one task at a time. Each small step contributes to long-term, sustainable progress.
    4. Celebrate Small Wins: After completing each task, take a moment to celebrate. This not only boosts your morale but also motivates you to take on the next task.
    5. The Journey Analogy: Just like a long drive is made up of small stretches of road, your journey through life and business should be viewed as a series of small steps, each contributing to your final destination.
    6. Quantum Leaps vs. Small Steps: While the idea of quantum leaps might seem attractive, they usually offer short-lived results. It's the consistent, small steps that lead to long-term success.
    7. You Already Have What It Takes: You’re not learning new qualities to make these changes. You already possess them. The key is to allow these inherent qualities to surface and guide you.

    Closing Thoughts:

    The episode highlights the importance of awareness in recognizing when we're stuck in the "easy rut" and offers actionable advice to break free from it. With a focus on small, achievable steps, anyone can shift their mindset from feeling stuck to celebrating daily achievements, however small they may be. So why not give these small changes a go and end your days feeling proud and accomplished?

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach

    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    11 mins
  • S03 E07 - Does everyone have self-doubt?
    Sep 25 2023

    Episode Summary:

    Hey there! In this episode, we dive deep into a question that's been on everyone's mind: Does everyone have self-doubt? Spoiler alert: Yes, they do. But it's not the presence of self-doubt that defines us, it's how we tackle it. So, grab your ninja-fighting gear, and let's get into it!

    Key Takeaways:

    Everyone Has Self-Doubt: Yep, you read that right. Every single one of us. It's a part of being human. So, if someone says they've never felt it, well they aren't being entirely honest.

    The Sneaky Ninja: Self-doubt can creep into our minds like a ninja in a Batman eyemask and a super tight leotard. It's sneaky, but once you're aware of it, you can tackle it head-on.

    Signs You Might Be Wrestling with Self-Doubt:

    • Procrastinating more than usual?
    • Overthinking simple tasks?
    • Always seeking others' opinions before making decisions?
    • Dodging challenges and opportunities?

    If you nodded to any of these, you might have a ninja in your mind.

    Regret vs. Anxiety: Feeling a bit anxious about taking on a challenge? That's temporary. Regret, on the other hand, can stick around for years. Choose wisely.

    You've Got Proof: Remember all those times you thought you couldn't, but then you did? Those are your badges of honour. Wear them proudly.

    Destroying Doubt: The cool thing about self-doubt? If we created it, we can destroy it. Look that doubt in the eye and say, "Not today."

    Closing Thoughts:

    You've got the greatness inside of you. It's time to push past those feelings of self-doubt and go achieve whatever you set your mind to. Go be you, go be amazing.

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach

    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    8 mins
  • S03 E06 - 3 Tips for Imposter Syndrome
    Sep 18 2023

    In this episode of The Mindset Magic Podcast, the focus is on impostor syndrome. Darren shares a powerful revelation that impostor syndrome does not take away your power unless it is willingly given away. The choice to give away power may not be conscious, but it happens when individuals do not fight against impostor syndrome.

    Darren offers three steps to overcome impostor syndrome: recognition, choice, and replacement.

    Recognizing that one is struggling with impostor syndrome is the first crucial step.

    The second step involves choosing not to succumb to doubts and impostor feelings, pushing back against them instead.

    Finally, replacing those negative thoughts with statements of fact and focusing on past achievements, wins, and positive comments can reinforce the belief that one is capable and deserving.

    Darren emphasizes the importance of seeking support and accountability on the journey to overcoming impostor syndrome.

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach

    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    11 mins
  • S03 E05 - Never Lose YOU
    Jul 3 2023

    The episode explores the dangers of bending yourself to fit into predetermined molds and conforming to societal blueprints. It stresses the importance of embracing your authentic self and not stifling your true nature.

    I believe that by deviating from who you truly are, you hinder your ability to live life to its fullest potential.

    I believe that each person was born with a specific purpose and set of personality traits, urging you not to stray from your unique blueprint. Whether it's in relationships or running a business, I highlight the significance of being true to yourself.

    I encourage you to embrace your quirks, your sense of humor, and all the qualities that make you who you truly are.

    Ultimately, being authentic attracts the right people and allows you to make a genuine impact on others.

    You can get my free gift, The Self-Doubt Companion, giving you 5 tips to reduce feelings of doubt and starting you on your journey to living life without limits at:


    Darren Danks, The Self-Doubt Coach

    Website: https://www.darrendanks.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedazdanks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedazdanks

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedazdanks

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedazdanks

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    9 mins