• Season 6:Episode #10-Sudden Shifts
    Sep 28 2023

    Hey Y'all!
    Driving a standard transmission vehicle taught me the delicate balance of clutching, breaking and accelerating. Sometimes life comes at us so fast that trying to shift too soon puts at risk for causing distress just like in a car. Join me on the couch as I share with you how I've navigated through a shock so real and news so consecutively overwhelming I thought it was the end of me but how God used that to get my attention and shift my perspective from what was happening to Him.

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    18 mins
  • Season 6:Episode #9-When Life Happens All At Once
    Sep 21 2023

    Hey Y'all!
    Have you ever felt like life was coming at you all at once? That was me recently and it was A LOT! Join me on the couch as I share how I processed grief, death, anger, and a myriad of other emotions that came along with adulthood, parenthood and life. My hope is that my truth will help encourage you through yours because we aren't alone in this world, no matter how much it may feel like it at times. There's always light in the darkness!

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    15 mins
  • Season 6:Episode #8-Sharing Our Stories
    Sep 5 2023

    Hey Y'all!
    We've all had seasons or life experiences that we've wanted to share to encourage or help guide others. But there are also some things we hold tight and keep close. How do we know the difference between what to keep and what to share? Have you ever felt like sharing your truth would hurt someone else? Or maybe, your truth isn't something you want critiqued or comments about. If you can relate to any of those, join me on the couch where I share how I am navigating through sharing my own story. 

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    16 mins
  • Season 6:Episode #7-Accepting The Good
    Sep 1 2023

    Hey Y'all!
    Have you ever found yourself rationalizing why good things happen to you or being afraid that accepting something good feels more like a trick than a treat? Well, join me on the couch today for this chat. Goodness exists but choosing to allow it in our lives or choosing to receive it (especially when we give it freely) can prove to be difficult until we get out of our own way.

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    17 mins
  • Season 6:Episode #6-Choosing Joy
    Aug 23 2023

    Hey Y'all! The summer heatwave is still in full effect but with school back in session, the freedom and fun of summer has come to an end. Having found transitions as a normal part of life these past almost two years, leaning in and choosing joy almost felt like a privilege one earns as opposed to a beautiful part of life. Ever been there? Well, join me on the couch and lets catch up and talk about it!

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    9 mins
  • Season 6:Episode #5- Shifting of Seasons in Life
    May 9 2023

    Hey Y'all!

    I can't believe we are almost halfway through May. It's graduation season, summer weather in the South is creeping in and like the transition of nature's seasons, I've had a few myself. Join me as I share a peek into where I've been and how I've moved (and still am) moving through it. Lots of vulnerability and truth here but I hope mine is an encouragement to you. Forging ahead can be hard but when we look at the alternatives, it's the best option every time!

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    25 mins
  • Season 6:Episode #4- Recognizing Our Needs
    Feb 22 2023

    Hey Y'all!
    Join me on the couch today for an intimate conversation about deciphering your needs and how fulfilling them can be tricky. This episode we touch on intimacy, intercourse and learning how to exist even with the desire unfulfilled. I hope that we all get to a place of vulnerability about our needs and have safe connections that allow us to receive all that we desire.

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    28 mins
  • Season 6:Episode #3-Trusting The Truth & Timing Of Transitions
    Jan 30 2023

    Hey Y'all!
    It's hard to believe that we are already at the last Monday of January. Where has the time gone? I can say, the past few years seem to all meld together but one common thread has been transition. Whether its working from home because of a pandemic, reintegrating into a "new normal" post quarantine or working diligently to not return to the previous way of life at neck break speed- one thing is for sure- the need to transition is EVERYWHERE! Sometimes the changes come and we move with them, easily and willingly. But what happens when transition takes our breath away? I have been reminded that the grace of God always precedes transition and lucky for us that His grace is ALWAYS sufficient. Join me on the couch and lets talk about how I've tackled transition and the importance of trusting the timing of all things.

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    18 mins