
  • Final Episode: Setting Powerful Intentions
    Dec 26 2023

    For the end of the year and the end of the podcast, let's spend this time together by setting powerful intentions for 2024. Think of intentions as seeds that you plant for your future. This is more than just making a resolution — it's about becoming a conscious creator in your own life.

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    4 mins
  • Money Meditation
    Dec 12 2023

    Happy December, and happy holidays! As one of the final two episodes of Money Alchemy, I felt called to do a money meditation. So let's sit with the energy of money, and see what comes in. As you go through this meditation, pay attention to how it makes you feel!

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    5 mins
  • Why Is Feeling Whole Important?
    Nov 28 2023

    On this episode, I want to talk about the relationship between gratitude and a feeling of wholeness. When we feel whole, and connected to the flow of abundance, it is impossible to want — and lack consciousness drops away. 

    Remember: what we focus on grows. If you're looking to practice tapping into abundance, please check out my new book, Spiritual Currency!

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    5 mins
  • The Billionaire Chakra
    Nov 14 2023

    I recently learned about the Billionaire Chakra (which is also called the earth star chakra). Let me tell you — I couldn't believe that I, the Money Alchemist, didn't already know about it! So what is the billionaire chakra, and how can we use it for a more abundant and grounded life? Let's talk about it!

    Also, thank you for all of the wonderful feedback so far on Spiritual Currency! If you've been sharing the book with friends, I'd love to hear all about it.

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    5 mins
  • Self Love as Spiritual Currency
    Oct 31 2023

    There's a saying that "you can't put a price tag on spiritual wisdom" — but what if that wisdom could guide you towards both spiritual and financial abundance? Let's talk about my new book, Spiritual Currency, and the role of self love in your personal alchemy.

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    4 mins
  • Introducing Spiritual Currency
    Oct 17 2023

    Big news on this episode: Money Alchemy is coming to an end, with six episodes left to go. But worry not! These episodes will be truly transformational, because I'm concluding this podcast journey by introducing you to my latest book, Spiritual Currency. Let's start out today by talking about the languages of love.

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    5 mins
  • Manifesting Magic
    Oct 3 2023

    Let's kick off October with a few stories about how, when you align your desires with what truly brings you joy, the universe responds in kind. Remember, your thoughts and intentions have power. Write down your dreams, believe in them, and watch as the universe conspires to make them a reality!

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    4 mins
  • Being Present to Serve
    Sep 19 2023

    Every so often, I like to have a "book club" episode of the podcast. This week, let's talk a little bit about a book I wrote with Amina Makhdoom, called Being Present to Serve. What does it mean to be present to serve? Here's a hint: it's not just about being physically present. Let's get into it!

    You can purchase Being Present to Serve on my website: https://themoneyalchemist.com/product/make-money-ebook/

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    5 mins