• Overcoming Fear of Failure
    Feb 2 2021

    Has fear stopped you from taking the steps you KNOW you need to take in order to grow your dream business? You’re not alone.

    Every entrepreneur feels fear during their journey, and it can keep them from making moves and taking chances. But there are scientific and psychological reasons behind the fear response. Once you’ve cracked the code, you can counter it!

    I started making videos for One Big Happy Life while still working in my legal career. I was so nervous about colleagues and potential employers seeing them. 

    I thought I was worried about what other people would think of me for sharing these parts of my life on YouTube. But I’ve realized that my fear of people judging my videos was really a fear of failure. 

    And do you know what that fear led to? It led to me never telling anyone about my channel. Never promoting it. Never advertising it. Never taking steps to build up that audience that I wanted.

    All because of a fear of failure.

    And quitting my job to work on my business full-time? You’d better believe that inspired another wave of fear of failure!

    Fear is our brain’s way of trying to keep us safe from harm. That’s great if you’re being stalked by a man-eating tiger, but not so great if you just want to launch your dream business.

    So how do you let go of fear and move forward with your biggest, baddest, most exciting plans?

    In the latest episode, you’ll discover:

    • The science and psychology behind your fear response
    • Tools and techniques you can use to conquer fear 
    • A case study of how I dealt with my fear of failure when building my own business

    “We shouldn’t look at failure as something to be avoided… all it is is feedback.”

    —  Tasha Cochran

    Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

    Highlights:‌ ‌

    • 01:29  Fear of failure: One Big Happy Life
    • 04:17  Deciding to quit my job  
    • 06:28  The science and psychology of fear 
    • 08:50  How to counter fear of failure 
    • 13:38  Failure isn’t forever  
    • 15:24  Redefine success  
    • 16:51  Work with me!   

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    Join the Ascend Incubator: https://onebighappylife.com/coaching 

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    18 mins
  • My Business Goals for 2021 - Journey to $1 Million
    Jan 26 2021

    “You don’t ever have to have a million dollar business in order to have a successful business.”

    —  Tasha Cochran

    It’s the time of year to come up with some big, bold, stretchy, and exciting goals! 

    The trick is to keep them intentional.

    You’ll hear me talk a lot on this podcast about my goal of hitting $1 million in revenue. And I have very specific reasons for choosing that number. I chose $1 million specifically because it is in alignment with the way that I want to live my life and run my business. 

    I want to be able to pay my team well and provide good benefits. I want to work with thousands of people and donate generously to causes I am passionate about. I want to be location-independent and be able to hire help around the house so that I can focus on creating a bigger impact with my work.

    In other words, my $1 million revenue goal is in alignment with my overall vision.

    But that doesn’t mean that a $1 million goal will be in alignment with yours.

    Success isn’t determined by an arbitrary number, but by what kind of life and business you want to have — if your business makes enough to pay for that life, then you are successful!

    In this episode, I want to guide you through how I came up with my four main goals for 2021 and help you choose your own aligned goals for business.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • What you need to consider when figuring out your goal revenue for the next year 
    • How to set target metrics that will help stoke your ambition without leaving you feeling discouraged 
    • The #1 goal-setting strategy that will help you achieve your dream business — and dream life! 

    Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

    “You should define success in your business by what kind of life and business you want to have, and how much money your business needs to make in order for that to be possible.”

    —  Tasha Cochran

    Highlights:‌ ‌

    • 02:05  Listener spotlight!  
    • 02:56  Why monetary goals can be tricky
    • 05:30  Four goals for 2021  
    • 07:09  Why $1 million revenue?  
    • 14:52  Target metrics  
    • 17:18  Repurpose in 2021!  
    • 19:28  How to move the needle  
    • 23:35  Are your systems serving you? 
    • 26:45  Make room for rest  
    • 29:57  Transparency makes it real   

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    Work With Me: https://onebighappylife.com

    Join the Ascend Incubator: https://onebighappylife.com/coaching 

    Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review!

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    33 mins
  • Finding The Time To Work On Your Business
    Jan 19 2021

    Once your business really begins to grow, you’ll need to make a decision: should you quit your day job to do it full time?

    But first, you’ll need to spend time building it up — while working your day job.

    While juggling the two can be stressful, it’s an inevitable part of the journey for most of us. Before giving up your salary, you must be sure that your business can meet your income goals!

    This is a critical period in your entrepreneurial journey. How can you make it less stressful and more effective?

    Practice good time management. 

    Schedule 10-20 hours per week to work on your business — and stick to them. This means telling your family you cannot be disturbed during that time. 

    Know where to focus. 

    Spend your time purposefully and focus on the things that will really move the needle forward. Don’t get caught up on the small things, like which font to use on your business cards. Make sure your website looks professional, but don’t fuss with the small details. 

    Batch your work. 

    Schedule large blocks of time in order to batch tasks. For example, spend one hour brainstorming content for the month, one creating outlines, and then a few more creating the content. Over the course of one weekend (or even half a day), you could create a month’s worth of content!

    These are just a few of my top tips for building your business while working your day job. Want to hear the rest? You’ll have to listen to the episode!

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • 7 top tips for building up your business in your free time
    • The #1 early-stage investment you can make 
    • How to optimize your home environment 

    Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

    “There’s never going to be a perfectly right time where all the stars align. There’s only right now. So you’ve just got to start right now and work with the time that you have.”

    —  Tasha Cochran

    Highlights:‌ ‌

    • 01:11  Stumbling into entrepreneurship  
    • 03:55  Savvy time management  
    • 05:55  Where should you focus?  
    • 07:19  Your #1 investment  
    • 08:19  Stop relying on Google!  
    • 10:17  Get ready to batch!  
    • 11:53  Outside support 
    • 14:06  Environment is everything  
    • 16:16  The right tools for the job
    • 17:28  Work with me!  

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    Join the Ascend Incubator: https://onebighappylife.com/coaching 

    Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review!

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    18 mins
  • Building A Business From Scratch in 2021 | What I Would Do If I Were Starting Now
    Jan 12 2021

    What would your business look like if you took all the right steps — from day one?

    I’ve reflected a lot on what I’d do differently to move the needle the furthest if I started my business from scratch today.

    In the early days, I made a lot of mishaps:

    1. I had no clear profit plan.

    I was an accidental entrepreneur. As I grew, I hopped from plan to plan, learned as I went, and didn’t settle on what I really wanted to do until later. If I’d taken the time to come up with a practical profit plan from the start, my journey would have been much more straightforward — and I might be at seven figures already!

    2. I had NO CLUE what I was doing.

    Who learned how to run a business using Google? Your girl right here. When One Big Happy Life started to take off, I was trail-and-erroring my way into entrepreneurship. That wasted SO much of my time. I regret that I didn’t find a comprehensive program to help me through the learning curve.

    3. I built an audience without knowing my ideal customer. 

    I can’t really blame myself for this one. When I launched One Big Happy Life, it was a hobby blog, not a revenue stream. I wish that I’d known from the start that One Big Happy Life was destined to be a business. Launching without an ideal customer in mind led to a lot of course correction (some of which is ongoing)!

    Don’t make the same mistakes that I did! In this episode of Wealth Life Balance, I’m sharing six key strategies to help you build the business you want from day one!

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • My top six key strategies for new business owners 
    • The ‘Don’t Do’ list of things that I wish I had done differently
    • The one early-stage investment that will make ALL the difference

    Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

    “I believe that a commitment to excellence is essential for growing a successful business that can thrive for years and years and years to come.” 

    —  Tasha Cochran

    Highlights:‌ ‌

    • 00:49  Welcome to 2021 & your freedom business year! 
    • 02:36  The ‘Don’t Do’ list for starting a business
    • 07:21  6 key business-building strategies 
    • 10:57  What’s more important: time or money?  
    • 12:37  What can your audience teach you?  
    • 16:14  Always have an offer — always  
    • 18:34  Go beyond organic traffic strategies  
    • 24:02  Your absolute best first hire  
    • 26:54  Recap & work with me!    

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    Work With Me:


    Join the Ascend Incubator: https://onebighappylife.com/coaching 

    Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review!

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    29 mins
  • Reflecting on 2020 | My First Year Running a Multi-Six Figure Business Full Time
    Jan 5 2021

    When I quit my full-time job as an attorney in 2019 to focus on building my online business, it was a scary step — but a necessary one.

    It would have been even scarier if I’d known what was to come.

    2020 has caused many business owners to take a step back and revisit their plans, myself included.

    Back in 2019, I told myself that 2020 would be my million-dollar year. I even had it written on my vision board in big letters.

    By June, I knew it was time to rethink my 2020 goals. 

    I made the decision to focus on ease and sustainability, rather than aggressive growth. This kept me aligned with my new word of the year, but also with the type of business and life that I wanted to create.

    During this time of chaos and uncertainty, my plans for my business have actually solidified, and I’ve discovered a new balance, which is more important to me right now than hitting that 7-figure mark.

    Knowing WHY you want to hit your goals is the key to knowing the right goals you should be working toward. 

    Are your current goals in alignment with your overarching vision? Let’s dig into it!

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • The lessons I learned while building a business during a pandemic
    • How to figure out whether you should be working toward a 6- or 7- figure business 
    • The simple, three step mantra that keeps me moving in alignment with my deeper goals

    “I treat my business the same way I have always treated any other thing I’ve done to make money… I want my work to be fulfilling, but I’ve got to love it.”

    —  Tasha Cochran

    Highlights:‌ ‌

    • 01:19  Reflecting on pandemic entrepreneurship     
    • 05:30  The COVID pivot  
    • 07:48  Remember your biggest priorities  
    • 10:11  Should a million-dollar business be your goal?  
    • 13:53  2021: the year of Wealth Life Balance  
    • 17:00  Send your questions!   

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    23 mins
  • What is an online business?
    Jan 5 2021

    “The truth is that just about any business can be an online business.”

    —  Tasha Cochran

    If you’re drawn to the idea of having control over your work, schedule, and income, you’ve come to the right place.

    This episode of the Wealth Life Balance Podcast is part of a series touching on the basics of launching and running an online business!

    First: you’re not crazy to think that you can run your own small business. Small businesses make up 99.9% of American businesses — and more than half of those are home-based.

    You do not need a giant team or massive infrastructure in order to make a significant income — I built my business with a little help from my family.

    Four years ago, I was a practicing attorney. I was happy with the money I made and loved my work, but wanted more freedom and flexibility. To be honest, the idea of entrepreneurship never occurred to me, until I stumbled into it by accident. (Listen to the first episode of this podcast to hear all about it!)

    Long story short, by the time I realized what an online business was, I was already running one successfully.

    Just imagine what you could build if you started one intentionally!

    Building my business accidentally has required a lot of course correction as I try to reshape it into my true dream business. 

    My goal is to help you build your dream business from the very start!

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • The #1 question to ask yourself BEFORE you prep for launch
    • The 3 major categories of online business revenue — and how to discover the best combination for your business
    • A free tool to help you plan out your profits without added stress

    “Trying new things is going to be uncomfortable — that’s normal!”

    —  Tasha Cochran

    Highlights:‌ ‌

    • 00:48  The challenge and joy of trying new things  
    • 03:33  Newly considering an online business?  
    • 05:57  Small business classification and statistics
    • 08:06  Online business definition  
    • 12:28  Three types of online revenue streams   
    • 16:37  The recap and final step  
    • 17:28  Ready to Ascend?  

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    19 mins
  • Building a Multi-Six Figure Business While Working a 9-5 - The Story of One Big Happy Life
    Jan 5 2021

    If you’re like me, you spent a long time unaware that you could build a freedom business that supports your ideal life.

    I’m here to tell you: you absolutely can.

    And the spark that lights that flame can be completely unexpected!

    My own multiple six-figure online business, One Big Happy Life, helps people find balance, build wealth, and live happy. We have an audience of hundreds of thousands, and our YouTube videos earn millions of views.

    And it all started with just one hair-cutting video.

    In 2013, I was two years out of law school. I’d moved to Texas with my family and started a lifestyle blog, called One Big Happy Blog. At the time, my beautiful daughter was struggling to love her natural curls. I decided that the two of us would cut off my relaxed hair so that I could grow it back in a natural style, in order to set a healthy example. 

    And we posted the video to YouTube.

    I forgot about that video over the next few years, while dealing with multiple job changes and moves. After the birth of my son, I wanted to spend more time with my family. As I searched for more accommodating work, my partner suggested I start a passion project.

    That’s when I received my first $100 check from YouTube, for the hair-cutting video I uploaded years before.

    This led to my decision to vlog as a side hustle.

    Since then, I’ve grown One Big Happy Life from a $100 YouTube check to a multiple six-figure business.

    While I stumbled accidentally into entrepreneurship, I want you to learn from my journey and create your own six-figure business — intentionally and thoughtfully. 

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • How business ideas can come from the most unexpected places
    • The importance of pivoting
    • How to build the right business for you 

    Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

    Highlights:‌ ‌

    • 00:47  Welcome to Wealth Life Balance!
    • 02:44  Case study: One Big Happy Life  
    • 05:02  The video that launched a business (eventually)  
    • 06:23  Be prepared to pivot   
    • 10:05  The Big Realization
    • 15:19  What’s to come! 


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    17 mins