• Why parenting sometimes breaks your brain
    Sep 11 2024

    Do you ever feel like your brain has done a marathon after spending a day with your kid? The tiredness you feel is real, and there's an actual BRAIN reason for it! Listen in to find out what it is and what you can do about it!

    P.S. The experiences I describe in this episode can be especially hard for those of us who are neurodiverse, because parenting adds a whole other level of tasks onto an already sensitive and sometimes overwhelmed brain! Check out this playlist that we created specifically to support neurodiverse kids and parents 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcqnStSlvGkQ3TDiMWYHWzEVkSOkVDDrg

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    5 mins
  • Parents, stop comparing yourselves to others!
    Sep 8 2024

    We know that it feels yucky to compare our KIDS to someone else's kids. So why do we compare OURSELVES and our PARENTING to other people's lives and parenting? We do it because inside every comparison are some important values that are trying to get our attention, so today I am offering you a way to benefit from the best of comparison, while avoiding the worst.

    Want a free 1.5 hour class on how to put your values into action in your parenting? Grab it right here! 👉 https://youtu.be/dnpnigl0FQc

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    4 mins
  • Calling all parents of tweens & teens!
    Sep 4 2024

    Struggling with parenting is hard at any age but struggling with our teenagers can feel particularly lonely and it can be hard to know where to go for support. Combine this with other life changes (like menopause) and things can start to really fall apart for parents during these years. The good news is you're not alone - listen in to find out about the specific challenges of parenting teens and the support that's here for you at MFA.

    Need help with your teen? Check out this free one-hour class for parents of tweens & teens. 👉 https://youtu.be/zSU9qb0EI9k

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    6 mins
  • What does parent coaching with MFA look like?
    Sep 1 2024

    Loving these podcasts and ready to incorporate these ideas into YOUR life? There are several different ways for us to do that; listen in to find out which one is right for you!

    Not sure which option is best for you? Leave me a message here and I can help you decide 👉 https://abigailwald.com/contact

    For the FULL podcast experience, become a true MFA PODCAST SUPERHERO and get:

    💝 a free private Q&A Day with me (normally $95)

    💝 a quarterly Podcast Superhero Party, where we all come together as a parent community and learn from each other on a privately curated helpline for the day

    Priceless. Yet free.

    GET YOUR SUPERHERO GIFTS HERE 👉 https://abigailwald.com/podcast

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    7 mins
  • Every job needs training. Including parenting!
    Aug 28 2024

    Do you feel like you should just somehow KNOW how to parent? Nope. It's your first time parenting THIS kid at THIS age. Why would you just know how to do something you've never ever done before??

    Lots of good parents need help. Great parents GET HELP. 👉 https://abigailwald.com/ttp

    For the FULL podcast experience, become a true MFA PODCAST SUPERHERO and get:

    💝 a free private Q&A Day with me (normally $95)

    💝 a quarterly Podcast Superhero Party, where we all come together as a parent community and learn from each other on a privately curated helpline for the day

    Priceless. Yet free.

    GET YOUR SUPERHERO GIFTS HERE 👉 https://abigailwald.com/podcast

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    4 mins
  • Is your kid a wolf pup?
    Aug 25 2024

    Some kids are tame, and some are a little...wilder. If your kid is less "puppy" and more "wolf pup" then they need a different kind of parenting! Find out what that looks like 👉 https://abigailwald.com/community

    For the FULL podcast experience, become a true MFA PODCAST SUPERHERO and get:

    💝 a free private Q&A Day with me (normally $95)

    💝 a quarterly Podcast Superhero Party, where we all come together as a parent community and learn from each other on a privately curated helpline for the day

    Priceless. Yet free.

    GET YOUR SUPERHERO GIFTS HERE 👉 https://abigailwald.com/podcast

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    3 mins
  • Got a kid who loves to fight? 😈
    Aug 21 2024

    Some kids really like to fight! Are they evil? No! But it can be stressful as a parent, so listen in to find out what to do if you have a little boxer on your hands! (Or an emotional boxer too!)

    Kids pushing you past your breaking point? See how these parents became unbreakable 👉 https://youtu.be/Mw8-POBiat0

    For the FULL podcast experience, become a true MFA PODCAST SUPERHERO and get:

    💝 a free private Q&A Day with me (normally $95)

    💝 a quarterly Podcast Superhero Party, where we all come together as a parent community and learn from each other on a privately curated helpline for the day

    Priceless. Yet free.

    GET YOUR SUPERHERO GIFTS HERE 👉 https://abigailwald.com/podcast

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    3 mins
  • Help for anxious kids who ruminate
    Aug 18 2024

    Watching your kid descend into a spiral of worry can feel terrifying for both of you. Here's a simple strategy to help them break the cycle.

    Need help with your kid's anxiety? Reach out, I've got you. (Anxiety is one we personally conquered in our family, and something I've been able to turn around for other families in almost every instance) 👉 https://abigailwald.com/coaching

    For the FULL podcast experience, become a true MFA PODCAST SUPERHERO and get:

    💝 a free private Q&A Day with me (normally $95)

    💝 a quarterly Podcast Superhero Party, where we all come together as a parent community and learn from each other on a privately curated helpline for the day

    Priceless. Yet free.

    GET YOUR SUPERHERO GIFTS HERE 👉 https://abigailwald.com/podcast

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    7 mins