
  • Trailer: My Lord & My God
    Jan 18 2023
    The hosts of Draw Near, Fred Shellabarger and Kara Kardell, now host a new show! This show is called, "My Lord & My God," based on the words of St. Thomas. It is centered on the Eucharist... helping people understand this great mystery, but above all, come to a deeper encounter with the love of Christ through the Eucharist. Be sure to subscribe/follow on your favorite podcast platform to catch all the new episodes. My Lord & My God website (https://mylordandmygod.fireside.fm/). Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Join the Draw Near Community Space on Suscipe.co (https://community.suscipe.co/share/M1CQceCQ6cMeBTIB?utm_source=manual) Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara) You can even find us on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/fredandkara) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    3 mins
  • Source and Summit
    Jan 9 2024
    In this final episode of My Lord and My God, we explore the meaning of the phrase, drawn from Church teaching, "The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Faith." Why is it important? In Scripture, Christ wants to abide in us; to cast our anxieties upon Him. We are reminded that it is only in Him that we have life in the fullest and truest sense. We also read that He will be with us even until the "close of the age"; He invites us to that great heavenly wedding feast as the true and final SUMMIT! What does this all have to do with the Eucharist or your life? ...Everything! Scriptures referenced in this episode Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.” Matthew 26:26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 1 Corinthians 11:24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” John 6:56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. John 6:63 It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. Revelation 19:6-9 Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty thunderpeals, crying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to be clothed with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” *Catechism of the Catholic Church References: * 1324: The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life." "The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch. 1407: The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Church's life, for in it Christ associates his Church and all her members with his sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to his Father; by this sacrifice he pours out the graces of salvation on his Body which is the Church. Episodes Referenced in This Episode: Four Peope You Need in Your Life (https://drawnear.fireside.fm/13) Please consider continuing to listen and journey with us by checking out our main podcast, Draw Near (https://drawnear.fireside.fm/)! Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron or access the patron book study! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara). Follow us on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/drawnear.me/)! Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    31 mins
  • Catholic Calisthenics
    Oct 17 2023
    What's with all the sitting, standing, and kneeling at a Catholic mass? What is the meaning behind the different postures, because there IS meaning. There is a reason, and that reason brings us deeper into prayer! Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Join the Draw Near Community Space on Suscipe.co (https://community.suscipe.co/share/M1CQceCQ6cMeBTIB?utm_source=manual) Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron or access the patron book study! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara) You can even find us on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/fredandkara) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    34 mins
  • Why Can't non-Catholics Receive the Eucharist?
    Sep 26 2023
    Fred's struggle with the protestant teaching on "communion" actually led him to believe the Catholic understanding! Kara grew up not knowing that, as a Catholic, she shouldn't receive "communion" in other Churches. And why can't non-Catholics receive the Eucharist in the Catholic Church? Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Join the Draw Near Community Space on Suscipe.co (https://community.suscipe.co/share/M1CQceCQ6cMeBTIB?utm_source=manual) Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron or access the patron book study! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara) You can even find us on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/fredandkara) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    29 mins
  • Emmaus Teaches the Mass
    Sep 19 2023
    Did you know the Road to Emmaus reveals a lot about our encounter with Christ in the Mass? This is one of Fred and Kara's favorite passages! Checkout our new endeavor: I See a Movement (www.iseeamovement.com) today! It has videos of us, blogs, and resources for growing in your faith! Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Join the Draw Near Community Space on Suscipe.co (https://community.suscipe.co/share/M1CQceCQ6cMeBTIB?utm_source=manual) Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron or access the patron book study! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara) You can even find us on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/fredandkara) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    25 mins
  • God is in the Mess... & the Mass
    Aug 15 2023
    In this testimony episode of MyLord and My God, with EmmaLee Miklosovic, she shares how God has called her out of perfectionism and loved her in her mess. That translates to her relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist: where he has pursued her heart as a romance. As LOVE himself. Read EmmaLee's blog "Joyfully His (https://everydaywithjoy12.wixsite.com/joyfullyhis)." Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Join the Draw Near Community Space on Suscipe.co (https://community.suscipe.co/share/M1CQceCQ6cMeBTIB?utm_source=manual) Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron or access the patron book study! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara) You can even find us on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/fredandkara) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    31 mins
  • The Last Supper
    Aug 8 2023
    The Institution of the Eucharist (Catholic Mass) comes at the Last Supper. In this episode, we bring all of the episodes that come before together to show how Jesus fulfills the Old Covenant, institutes the New, and gives us the "thank" offering that will continue for all of time in the Eucharist. *Scriptures mentioned: * Ex 19: 3-6 Ex 24: 7-8, 11 Jer 31: 31-33 Lk 22: 19-20 Mt 26: 26-28 Scripture showing expectation of a new worship in the New Covenant Jer 33:11; Jer 17: 26. Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Join the Draw Near Community Space on Suscipe.co (https://community.suscipe.co/share/M1CQceCQ6cMeBTIB?utm_source=manual) Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron or access the patron book study! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara) You can even find us on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/fredandkara) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    29 mins
  • Announcements Announcements... a horrible way to die
    Jul 27 2023
    This fun camp saying works great to explain this episode! (we just finished 2 weeks of summer camp, too!) Enjoy this short episode with announcements, what we have been up to and what is coming up! Register (https://www.exploretock.com/draw-near/event/420585/draw-near-retreat-august-12) for the Draw Near retreat coming up August 12th! Join our intercessory prayer team (https://www.drawnear.me/) by filling out the form on our home page! Interested in booking (https://www.drawnear.me/booking) us? Become a patron (https://www.drawnear.me/donate). Learn more about our new ministry effort with Eric Gallagher here! (www.iseeamovement.com) Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Join the Draw Near Community Space on Suscipe.co (https://community.suscipe.co/share/M1CQceCQ6cMeBTIB?utm_source=manual) Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a supporter/patron or access the patron book study! "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara) You can even find us on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/fredandkara) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! My Lord & My God Theme: Original Music © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell; Arranged and Performed by Paul Ching
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    18 mins