• 528 Hz UNCONDITIONAL SELF LOVE, DNA Repair - Unguided Subliminal Meditation
    Dec 14 2023
    [UNCONDITIONAL SELF LOVE Unguided Meditation + Subliminal Messages. 528Hz - Love, Peace & Wellbeing. ]Presented by NBM | Natural Born Manifestors Written and produced by Irina Rey. Visit us www.nbmpodcast.com Instagram @nbmpodcast Email: manifestpodcast711@gmail.com©2023 Irina Rey NBM | Natural Born ManifestorsThis is an unguided guided 1-hour meditation, infused with over 100 subliminal affirmations for unconditional self love and a 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency. 528Hz frequency can offer a wide range of benefits which include:– improved sleep quality– reduced stress and anxiety– increased energy levels– improved concentration and focus– improved digestion– reduced pain and inflammation SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES INTEGRATED IN THIS VIDEO:I am a vessel of pure, unconditional love. Love flows through me effortlessly and abundantly. I am deserving of love exactly as I am. My heart is open, and I radiate love to everyone I meet. Love is the essence of my being. I love and accept myself unconditionally. I am a magnet for love in all its forms. Love surrounds me, and I am safe and protected. I release any fear and embrace love as my guiding force. My love knows no bounds or conditions. I am worthy of love and respect. Love is my natural state of being. I attract loving and supportive relationships into my life. My heart chakra is balanced, and love flows freely within me. I am a channel for the purest form of love in the universe. I choose love over fear in every situation. Love heals and transforms every aspect of my life. I forgive and release any past hurts, allowing love to flow. I am a beacon of love, lighting up the world around me. Love is the answer to all challenges in my life.I love myself deeply and completely. I radiate love and attract others who resonate with my energy. Love is the foundation of all my relationships. I am a source of love and inspiration for others. My heart is a powerful magnet for all the love I desire. I am surrounded by the love of the universe. Love is a constant presence in my life, guiding and supporting me. I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally. I am love, and I am loved beyond measure. Love is the driving force behind all my actions. I am connected to the infinite source of unconditional love. I release the need for approval and accept love as my birthright. I am a conduit for divine love to flow through me. Love is the essence of my soul, and I embrace it fully. I am a loving and lovable person. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and it flows through me.My heart is a reservoir of love, and I share it freely with the world. I release any barriers to love and let it flow effortlessly. Love is my birthright, and I claim it in every moment. I am a vessel of love, and it overflows into every aspect of my life. Love is the foundation of my well-being and happiness. I choose love over fear, doubt, and negativity. I am a magnet for the love I desire and deserve. Love is the language of my soul, and I speak it fluently. I am a beacon of love, illuminating the world with my presence. Love is the source of my strength and resilience. I attract loving and harmonious experiences into my life. My heart is a fountain of love, and it nourishes me and others. Love is the guiding principle in all my decisions and actions. I am deserving of love, and I allow it to flow into my life effortlessly. Love is the foundation of my self-worth and self-esteem. I release any need for external validation and find it within myself. I am a vessel of pure love, and I share it generously with others. Love is the driving force behind my passion and purpose. I am a magnet for deep and meaningful connections with others. Love is my natural state of being, and I align with it daily. I am a conduit for love to flow through me, healing all it touches. Love is the energy that propels me towards my goals. I am worthy of the deepest, most profound love. Love is the essence of my existence, and I embrace it fully. My heart is open, and I attract love easily and effortlessly. I am a source of love and positivity in the world. Love is the driving force behind my thoughts, words, and actions. I am surrounded by the healing energy of unconditional love. I release any resistance to love and allow it to flow freely. Love is my birthright, and I claim it in every moment. I am a vessel of pure love, and I share it generously with others. Love is the energy that propels me towards my dreams. I am a conduit for divine love, and it flows through me effortlessly. Love is the healing balm that soothes and transforms my life. I attract loving and supportive people who uplift and inspire me. My love knows no bounds, and I give it freely to myself and others. Love is my true essence, and I express it authentically. I am a vessel of love, and it radiates from every fiber of my being.
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    53 mins
  • ANSWERS FROM YOUR HIGHER SELF Guided Visualization Meditation + Subliminal Messages
    Nov 20 2023

    [ANSWERS FROM YOUR HIGHER SELF Guided Visualization Meditation + Subliminal Messages]
    Presented by NBM | Natural Born Manifestors 
    Written and produced by Irina Rey. 
    Visit us www.nbmpodcast.com 
    Instagram @nbmpodcast 
    Email: manifestpodcast711@gmail.com
    ©2023 Irina Rey NBM | Natural Born Manifestors

    This is a guided 15-minute visualization meditation that will help you connect with your Higher Self. This meditation is infused with subliminal messages. Subliminal messages aim to influence the subconscious mind with information presented without being consciously noticed therefore bypassing any conscious barriers to achieving your ultimate goal. 

    CONNECTING WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF is important because it:

    Provides clarity and inner wisdom.
    Aligns you with your authentic self.
    Fosters peace and emotional balance.
    Enhances creativity and innovation.
    Promotes personal growth and transformation.
    Improves decision-making aligned with long-term goals.
    Supports spiritual development and enlightenment.
    Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.
    Strengthens connections with others.
    Facilitates the manifestation of goals and desires.
    Overall, it contributes to a more purposeful, fulfilling, and balanced life.


    I am deserving of love, happiness, and success.

    I trust in my ability to make the right decisions for myself.

    I am constantly evolving and growing into the best version of myself.

    My mind is filled with positive and uplifting thoughts.

    I radiate confidence, self-respect, and inner harmony.

    I am in control of my thoughts, emotions, and actions.

    I am a magnet for abundance, prosperity, and positive energy.

    I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer.

    I am surrounded by love, and I attract loving relationships into my life.

    I am at peace with my past and excited for my future.

    I believe in my unique abilities and the power within me.

    My potential is limitless, and I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

    I release all negative beliefs and embrace the positive energy within me.

    Every day, I am becoming a better version of myself.

    I am grateful for the gift of life, and I appreciate every moment.

    My life is filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

    I am connected to the wisdom of the universe, and it guides me in all that I do.

    I forgive myself for past mistakes and trust in my journey.

    I am a beacon of light, inspiring others to embrace their higher selves.

    I am aligned with my true purpose, and I live each day with passion and intention.

    Feel free to use these affirmations as a daily practice to promote positivity and self-empowerment.
    {{guided visualization}}{{higher self}}{{subliminal meditation}}{{healing}}

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    29 mins
  • IDEAL PHYSICAL BODY SHAPE AND FITNESS Guided Subliminal Visualization Manifestation
    Oct 28 2023

    [IDEAL PHYSICAL BODY SHAPE AND FITNESS Guided Subliminal Visualization Manifestation ]
    Presented by NBM | Natural Born Manifestors
    Written and produced by Irina Rey.
    Visit us www.nbmpodcast.com
    Instagram @nbmpodcast
    Email: manifestpodcast711@gmail.com
    ©2023 Irina Rey NBM | Natural Born Manifestors
    This is a guided 15 minute visualization meditation that will accelerate your Ideal Physical Shape manifestation. This meditation is infused with subliminal messages. Subliminal messages aim to influence the subconscious mind with information that's presented without being consciously noticed therefore bypassing any conscious barriers for achieving your ultimate goal.

    I am in perfect health and vitality.
    My body craves exercise and thrives on it.
    I love and respect my body.
    I make healthy choices in my daily life.
    I am getting stronger with each workout.
    My energy levels are constantly increasing.
    I am committed to my fitness goals.
    I find joy in staying active and fit.
    My body is a powerful and efficient machine.
    I am reaching my fitness goals with ease.
    I am free from negative self-talk and self-doubt.
    I am patient and persistent in my fitness journey.
    I am proud of my progress.
    Every day, I am becoming a healthier version of myself.
    I am grateful for my body's abilities and potential

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    15 mins
  • INNER CHILD HEALING Guided Subliminal Visualization Meditation
    Oct 28 2023

    [Inner Child Healing Guided Subliminal Visualization Meditation]
    Presented by NBM | Natural Born Manifestors 
    Written and produced by Irina Rey. 
    Visit us www.nbmpodcast.com 
    Instagram @nbmpodcast 
    Email: manifestpodcast711@gmail.com
    ©2023 Irina Rey NBM | Natural Born Manifestors
    INNER CHILD HEALING is important for several reasons, as it can have a profound impact on a person's emotional well-being and overall quality of life. Here are some key reasons why inner child healing is considered significant:

    1. **Emotional Healing:** The concept of the "inner child" represents the emotional experiences and wounds that we carry from childhood. Healing the inner child involves addressing and processing these unresolved emotions, such as trauma, neglect, abandonment, or other painful experiences. By doing so, individuals can experience emotional healing and find relief from long-standing emotional pain.

    2. **Improved Relationships:** Unhealed wounds from childhood can affect one's ability to form healthy, loving, and secure relationships. Inner child healing can lead to increased self-awareness, self-compassion, and emotional resilience, making it easier to relate to others in a healthier way.

    3. **Self-Esteem and Self-Worth:** Negative experiences during childhood can contribute to low self-esteem and a sense of unworthiness. Inner child healing helps individuals reconnect with their inner worth and develop a more positive self-image.

    4. **Behavioral Patterns:** Unresolved childhood issues can lead to negative patterns of behavior, such as self-sabotage, addictions, and self-destructive habits. By addressing the root causes of these behaviors through inner child healing, individuals can break free from these patterns and make positive changes in their lives.

    5. **Stress Reduction:** The emotional baggage from unhealed childhood wounds can contribute to ongoing stress and anxiety. By healing the inner child, individuals can experience a reduction in chronic stress and enjoy greater emotional stability.

    6. **Self-Compassion:** Inner child healing encourages self-compassion, which is the practice of being kind and gentle with oneself. This self-compassion can lead to greater emotional resilience and an increased ability to navigate life's challenges.

    7. **Personal Growth and Self-Discovery:** Engaging in inner child healing often involves self-reflection and self-discovery. It allows individuals to better understand themselves, their motivations, and their inner world, leading to personal growth and a deeper sense of purpose.

    8. **Reclaiming Lost Potential:** Unresolved childhood wounds can limit an individual's potential and hinder personal development. By addressing these issues, people can unlock their full potential and pursue their dreams and goals more effectively.

    9. **Healing Trauma:** For individuals who have experienced trauma during childhood, inner child healing can be an essential part of the healing process. It can provide a safe space to process and heal from traumatic experiences.

    It's important to note that inner child healing is a deeply personal and individual journey. Different people may approach it in various ways, including through therapy, self-help practices, meditation, journaling, and more. While it can be a transformative and healing process, it's advisable for those interested in inner child healing to seek guidance from a qualified therapist or counselor, especially if they have experienced significant trauma in their past.
    I am safe, and I am loved.
    I release the pain of the past.
    My inner child is precious and deserving of love.
    I am worthy of happiness and self-compassion.
    I forgive myself for any past mistakes.
    I embrace my inner child with warmth and kindness.
    I am free from the burdens of my past.
    I nurture and protect my inner child.
    I am resilient and capable of healing.
    I am at peace with my past, and I move forward with love.
    I trust in the process of inner child healing.
    I let go of self-criticism and self-judgment.
    I am a source of unconditional love for my inner child.
    I release old wounds and embrace my inner child's innocence.
    I am in control of my healing journey.
    I choose self-compassion over self-criticism.
    I am worthy of self-care and self-love.
    I release fear and replace it with love and acceptance.
    I am strong, whole, and complete.
    I am open to positive change and growth.

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    15 mins