
  • Being thankful and more open to God.
    Sep 22 2024

    A person from Open Doors UK reminded us of what is happening around the world, with one in seven Christians being persecuted globally. We were also reminded that Paul endured persecution and imprisonment, knowing that God's plans were being fulfilled. He prayed that God's Word would be released to those around him, rather than he himself being physically released. Jesus is worth our everything. Let us be prepared to take risks as God leads us.

    You can read the script for the whole Service here.

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    43 mins
  • Don't hold back
    Sep 15 2024

    In this Talk we hear what Ivette has been doing for the past seven months in Chile and Peru. We are also reminded that we shouldn't hold back from what God is telling us to do - Isaiah 54:2,3.

    You can read the script for the whole Service here.

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    23 mins
  • Praying in the Fog
    Sep 8 2024

    We must fairly often pray without knowing or seeing everything that we're concentrating on. We know that God is in control, but how do we keep praying and learning when perhaps we're not focussing on what God would have us do. God will help us!

    Let's use the Lord's Prayer as an inspiration to prayer. Let's also use God's language, which the Bible is full of, and let's ask God to fill us with wisdom as we pray. Then keep going, like the Moravians did. God understands our heart, so let Him lead us.

    You can the script for the whole Service here.

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    16 mins
  • Ssshhh!
    Sep 1 2024

    When you were younger, did anyone ever say, "Sssshhh!" to you? Does it still happen sometimes? Does God ever say, "Ssshhh!" to you? In this Talk we examine five people who encountered God when they were on their own. They listened as God spoke to them. Their lives were changed.

    How do you reply to God's valuable invitation to come to Him? Are you regularly still to let Him be God in your life? It is so important to trust in Jesus and to rely on Him. Spend some time listening to God now. What is He saying to you at this moment? Ssshhh!

    The script for the whole Service can be read here.

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    29 mins
  • Jeremiah: walking the Ancient Paths with God
    Aug 25 2024

    We all have lots of of choices and decisions to make regularly in our lives - some are extremely important and others are much less so. Should we be careful only when we are at a major crossroads - no! We need to live well and live with careful choices every day. We are in charge of our own actions and reactions. Wearing the wrong clothes for the weather will make us look silly and perhaps cause problems, but so does wearing unkindness and unforgiveness and being sullen. Let's instead decide to brag about God, giving a loud hallelujah through our actions. We can do this because God walks with us in our lives. We are not alone!

    In this last Talk on Jeremiah we are again reminded who Jeremiah was and what was happening around him, together with an overview of the Book.

    The script for the whole Service can be read here.

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    33 mins
  • Jeremiah: connect with the Potter
    Aug 18 2024

    The Kingdom of Judah, like its northern neighbour Israel had previously done, was relying on itself and in alliances with nearby countries. Jeremiah spoke to them using the familiar picture of a potter. God is like a potter. We need to connect with Him regularly and allow Him to reshape us and to mend us and then to allow His treasure that is in us to pour into the lives of others.

    The script for the whole Service can be read here.

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    34 mins
  • Jeremiah: a firm dependence on God
    Aug 11 2024

    We absolutely need Jesus' Living Water, in an equal amount to the Samaritan woman in John 4. God is not a bigger version of you. Around 2,600 years ago, God spoke through Jeremiah and charged the People of Judah with ignoring the Fountain of Living Water and building their own leaky cisterns. We still do that today. Let's make our lives revolve around God and submit to His will, His laws and His decrees. Let's be firmly dependent on God. We absolutely need Jesus' Living Water today.

    The script for the whole Service can be read here.

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    29 mins
  • Jeremiah: Thou hast made
    Aug 4 2024

    The Babylonians had already been besieging Jerusalem for a year in 587BC. What an awful time that would have been for the population at that time. Exile in a foreign country was only months away. Much doom and gloom would have been felt in the city and surrounding area! Jeremiah was there. In chapter 32, God told him to buy a field. This was a picture of hope for the people of Judah, as surely normality would resume eventually.

    Jeremiah prayed a really positive prayer after he had bought the field. He accurately described who God was and recounted some of His actions, even in the middle of a terrible situation. Do we label God correctly in our lives or do we suffer because of our misconceptions about Him? Do we label our friends and family correctly too? We are precious and loved by God. We were worth dying for. Do we show this by the way we act and speak towards each other?

    God brings stability to our lives and to society. Let's throw ourselves on God's mercy, as we pray and take action. We should not be inactive. Let's seek liberation from sin for ourselves and others. Let's come to God and ask Him what He thinks of our society from His vantage point.

    The script for the whole Service can be read here.

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    31 mins