• NSL Unscripted | Episode 17 – Government Accountability for the Use of AI with UVA Professor Ashley Deeks
    Jun 26 2024
    This episode features Maj Fabiani Duarte, Associate Professor in the National Security Law Department at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, interviewing Ashley Deeks, UVA Law School Professor and recent White House associate counsel and deputy legal adviser to the National Security Council. In this episode, Professor Deeks discusses Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the military and the U.S. Executive branch with Maj Duarte. They also discuss Professor Deeks’ forthcoming publication, The Double Black Box: National Security, Artificial Intelligence, and the Struggle for Democratic Accountability which discusses the increasing reliance on AI by Executive branch agencies like the Department of Defense and CIA and how to hold the Executive branch accountable for the use of AI tools and machine-learning (ML) systems in high-risk national security settings. The “double black box” problem that Professor Deeks identifies is the customary secrecy of much of the business of the Executive branch, coupled with the opaque nature of AI/ML tools themselves, significantly complicating democratic oversight and accountability. Professor Deeks presents several potential solutions to help better govern AI tools employed by the U.S. government and also weighs in on the global AI agreements. The discussion also delves into Professor Deeks’ career working for the National Security Council, the State Department, and her current work as a law professor. Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at https://tjaglcs.army.mil/ or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).
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  • NSL Unscripted | Episode 16 - A Conversation between Dr. Jill Goldenziel and LtCol Grant McDowell on Lawfare
    May 8 2024
    This episode features LtCol Grant McDowell, Acting-Chair, National Security Law Department at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, interviewing Dr. Jill Goldenziel, Professor, National Defense University-College of Information and Cyberspace. In this episode, Dr. Goldenziel discusses the often-debated topic of Lawfare with LtCol McDowell. They touch upon many areas during their conversation including the definitions of Lawfare, current efforts in the US to counter-Lawfare, activities by US partner-nations and competitors in the Lawfare sphere, suggest possible ways forward for US strategy, and provide recommendations on materials and readings on how NSL practioners can better prepare themselves when encountering this area of the law.
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  • NSL Unscripted | Episode 15 – Lt Gen (Ret.) John “Jack” Shanahan discusses artificial intelligence (AI)
    Apr 17 2024
    In this episode, CPT Brandon Pugh sits down with Lt Gen (Ret.) John “Jack” Shanahan an expert in the artificial intelligence (AI) field to discuss AI. In his final assignment he served as the inaugural Director of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Artificial Center (JAIC). During this episode, Lt Gen (Ret.) Shanahan discusses how he became the DoD’s lead on AI, standing up Project Maven as the director, the process of introducing AI into the DoD, and AI ethics in the DoD including DoD Directive 3000.09 Autonomy in Weapon Systems. The episode ends with Lt Gen (Ret.) Shanahan discussing the future of AI and potential legislation that may be proposed. NSL Practitioner's interested in reviewing resources and scholarship produced by ADN should check out the Operational Law Handbook and LOAC Documentary Supplement and other significant military legal resources available at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School website under publications. Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at https://tjaglcs.army.mil/ or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).
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  • NSL Unscripted | Episode 14 – Surveillance Law and the Quantum Internet with LTC Mike Lebowitz
    Dec 20 2023
    In this episode, Major Keoni Medici, former Associate Professor in the National Security Law Department (ADN) at The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) interviews Lieutenant Colonel Michael Lebowitz, ADN Adjunct Professor and expert in the law that governs cyberspace. LTC Lebowitz discusses his research surrounding gaps in existing electronic surveillance laws and how the future quantum internet will outpace the law. LTC Lebowitz predicts that if not proactively addressed, these legal shortcomings will have a significant impact on U.S. national security. His article is titled “What Happens When the Packets Go Away? How the Quantum Internet Will Diminish Electronic Surveillance Programs and Change Cybersecurity Forever.” The article is published in print and online formats by the Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law.
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  • NSL Unscripted | Episode 13 – The Climate Crises and U.S. National Security with Mark Nevitt
    Nov 15 2023
    This episode features Major Emily Bobenrieth, Associate Professor, National Security Law Department at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, interviewing Professor Mark Nevitt of Emory Law School, to discuss the impact of climate change on U.S. national security. As one of the leading experts at the intersection of the climate crisis’ impact on U.S. national security and stability, Professor Nevitt labels this unconventional threat as both a “threat accelerant” and a “catalyst for conflict.” Professor Nevitt explains how existing domestic legal framework works to protect DoD assets and infrastructure from rising sea levels and catastrophic weather events. The discussion ends with how environmental factors have profoundly impacted the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Professor Nevitt discusses points from two of his recent publications linked here: https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/nulr_online/335/ ; https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4589536
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  • NSL Unscripted | Episode 12 – Deep Fakes with Major John Tramazzo
    Nov 1 2023
    In this episode, Major John Tramazzo, Fellow and Professor of Law at the Stockton Center for International Law, is interviewed about his scholarship and research into Deep Fake technology. John shares his research, best reads for military practitioners, and some legal considerations for the military applications of this emerging technology. MAJ Tramazzo discusses points from this interview linked here: https://mwi.westpoint.edu/deepfakes-and-deception-a-framework-for-the-ethical-and-legal-use-of-machine-manipulated-media/
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  • NSL Unscripted | Episode 11 – Space Law with Col.(Ret.) Todd Pennington
    Oct 4 2023
    This episode features Major Adam Reitz, USAF, Associate Professor, Na-tional Security Law Department at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Cen-ter and School, interviewing Colonel (Ret.) Todd Pennington, then-Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Space Command on space law including the strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China. In this episode, Col.(Ret.) Pennington discusses the newly released “Tenets of Responsible Behavior in Space and associated specific behaviors,” addresses the differences between U.S. Space Command and U.S. Space Force, and explains why we are all space lawyers now. This episode is part of a series of episodes with military practitioners in NSL providing career and leadership advice. Although it is fo-cused on military NSL practice, Col(Ret.) Pennington offers his thoughts on the joint environment and scholarly writing for anyone based on his almost 25 years of military service.
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  • NSL Unscripted | Episode 10 – Contemporary War Crimes Prosecutions with David Crane
    Sep 5 2023
    In this episode, Lieutenant Colonel Dan Maurer, Professor in the National Security Law Department (ADN) at The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS), interviews David Crane about his work towards global accountability for international crimes and specifically discusses international efforts to hold the Russian Federation accountable for atrocities in Ukraine.
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