
  • LENs and Forth Rivers Trust
    Jun 28 2024

    Forth Rivers Trust leads the Leven LENs, a collaborative project that aims to match investors with local activities and projects, that preserve and enhance the Leven catchment’s natural assets. This strategy for long-term investment will deliver a healthy productive landscape, while benefitting the environment, boosting biodiversity and uplifting local communities.

    We speak to Co-Director of Forth Rivers Trust, Amelia Heath about the Leven LENs project, the wider work of Forth Rivers Trust, their engagement within the Forth catchment and how they overcome the challenges they face.

    Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs) facilitate investment in nature-based solutions, that deliver productive, resilient landscapes alongside positive environmental outcomes. LENs, are a marketplace for land management measures that deliver ecosystem functions, creating a network of private and public stakeholders based on shared interests and collaboration.

    Host Harry Fisher, Producer Iain Boyd, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, Editor Ross Mackenzie


    1:20 – 9:59 Forth Rivers Trust, working with land mangers and pressures on the catchment

    10:00 – 13:29 LENs, collaboration and the roles of different stakeholders.

    13:30 – 20:29 Loch Leven LENs, funding and engaging local communities

    20:30 – 27:54 Other Forth Rivers Trust projects and overcoming challenges

    Related FAS resources:

    FAS Water Management https://www.fas.scot/environment/water-management/

    Landscape Scale Collaboration episode https://www.fas.scot/publication/natural-capital-landscape-scale-collaboration/

    Landscape Scale Conservation https://www.fas.scot/article/landscape-scale-conservation/

    Emerging Biodiversity Markets In Scotland, A Source Of Alternative Funding https://www.fas.scot/article/emerging-biodiversity-markets-in-scotland-a-source-of-alternative-funding/

    Other Related Resources:

    Forth Rivers Trust https://forthriverstrust.org/

    Landscape Enterprise Networks LENs https://landscapeenterprisenetworks.com/

    FIRNS - The Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland https://www.nature.scot/funding-and-projects/firns-facility-investment-ready-nature-scotland

    MERLIN https://project-merlin.eu/

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    29 mins
  • Trees on Farm
    May 28 2024

    It’s a brand-new series of Natural Capital with a brand-new host! To kick things off Harry speaks to Scottish Forestry’s Lyn White, who is their forestry and farming development officer. Lyn promotes an integrated approach to farming and forestry, to aid understanding and explore opportunities for them to work more effectively together. We discuss working with farmers to maximise the benefits to farms, the farmer-led Integrating Trees Network and all things agroforestry. We discuss the multiple benefits that planting trees can bring to agriculture, including providing shelter, improving productivity, diversifying income, creating habitats and combating climate change.

    Host Harry Fisher, Producer Iain Boyd, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, Editor Ross Mackenzie

    Related FAS resources: 

    Natural Capital | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

    Farm Woodland resources for farmers from Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

    Integrated Land Management Plans (ILMPs) | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

    Forestry Grant Scheme | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

    Other Related Resources:

    Scottish Forestry - Integrating Trees Network

    Integrating Trees Network Events

    Forestry Grant Scheme (ruralpayments.org)

    Scottish Forestry - Home


    0:55 – 15:05 Lyn’s role and the benefits of agroforestry and integrating trees to farmland.

    15:06 – 26:05 Agroforestry, considerations, challenges, and grant options.

    26:06 – 33:52 Integrating trees network and farmer led initiatives.

    33:53 – 40:05 Farmer hesitancies, where to get more info and making the most of your land.

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    41 mins
  • Biodiversity Net Gain
    Mar 29 2024

    Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach that ensures habitats for wildlife are left in a

    measurably better state than they were before development. In England, BNG is mandatory;

    developers must demonstrate and deliver an increase in biodiversity following

    their development of 10%.

    In the last episode of this series, we hear from ecological consultant and future host of

    this podcast, Harry Fisher. We discuss his experience of BNG and how it works,

    including biodiversity metrics, valuing nature, opportunities for Scotland and what

    he is looking forward to as the future host of Natural Capital.

    If you have an idea for future episodes, or want to provide feedback on the series, we would

    love to hear from you. Visit: https://www.fas.scot/sounds-comments-and-suggestions/

    Host Rachel Smillie, Producer Iain Boyd, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, Editor Ross


    Related FAS resources:

    FAS Biodiversity: https://www.fas.scot/environment/biodiversity/

    Previous Natural Capital episodes: https://www.fas.scot/sounds/natural-capital/

    Emerging biodiversity markets in Scotland, a source of alternative funding:


    Other Related Resources:

    Understanding biodiversity net gain: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/understanding-biodiversity-net-gain

    Defra statutory biodiversity metric tools and guides:


    Research into approaches to measuring biodiversity in Scotland: https://www.gov.scot/publications/research-approaches-measuring-biodiversity-scotland/


    Intro to episode and our new host Harry: 0:00 – 5:10

    What is BNG and its use: 5:11 – 13:13

    Actions to increase biodiversity: 13:14 – 19:12

    Impact and use of BNG on farms: 19:13 – 25:10

    Defra tool, metrics and valuing nature: 25:11 – 33:43

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    35 mins
  • Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS)
    Feb 29 2024

    Are you looking for funding for projects to promote conservation and tackle climate change? In this episode of Natural Capital we discuss Scotland's Agri-Environment and Climate Scheme (AECS). AECS is the main mechanism used to support farmers wanting to implement sustainable land management practices such as improving water quality, managing flood risk or mitigating and adapting to climate change. We discuss what AECS has to offer with consultants Dr Paul Chapman and Alex Pirie to find out everything about AECS, how to apply and the opportunities it presents to create, restore and enhance natural capital assets.

    Host Rachel Smillie, Producer Iain Boyd, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, Editor Ross Mackenzie

    Related FAS resources: 

    FAS Biodiversity: https://www.fas.scot/environment/biodiversity/

    FAS Specialist Advice: https://www.fas.scot/specialist-advice/

    Thrill of the hill: https://www.fas.scot/sounds/thrill-of-the-hill/

    Other Related Resources:

    Woodland Trust MOREhedges: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/trees-for-landowners-and-farmers/morehedges

    Woodland Trust MOREwoods: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/trees-for-landowners-and-farmers/morewoods/

    Nature restoration fund: https://www.nature.scot/funding-and-projects/scottish-government-nature-restoration-fund-nrf

    Rural Payments AECS: https://www.ruralpayments.org/topics/all-schemes/agri-environment-climate-scheme/


    What is AECS and how it has developed 2:26 – 11:16

    Alternative funding and collaboration 11:17 – 15:17

    The application process 15:18 – 19:20

    What’s included in this year's AECS 19:21 - 26:08

    Deadlines, useful info and advice for new applicants 30:28 - 35:07

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    36 mins
  • Green Finance
    Jan 24 2024

    In this episode of Natural Capital, we are talking about the issue that underpins every topic we cover, and that is finance and funding! With the economic and other pressures that landowners are facing it is great to be joined today by Steve Dunkley the Regional Agriculture Director at HSBC, and Martin Hanson the Head of Agriculture for HSBC, to share their view on ‘Green Finance’, what they are experiencing from clients and customers, and share their experience with some ‘Green Finance’ projects they have been involved with.

    Steve Dunkley is HSBC's Regional Agriculture Director for Business Banking in the north.

    Steve has worked in the farming sector for the last 30 years, from the family farm in the Yorkshire Dales to careers in both consultancy and government.

    Martin Hanson is the Head of Agriculture for HSBC and works with farming clients helping them grow and flourish providing appropriate working capital and long-term investment support to as many Agricultural Businesses as possible - helping to support the rural communities of the UK, protect the environment and our future.

    Related FAS resources:  

    FAS Sounds:  https://www.fas.scot/sounds/   

    FAS Biodiversity Pages: https://www.fas.scot/environment/biodiversity/    

    Other Related Resources: 


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    29 mins
  • Rothiemurchus Estate & their Christmas Trees
    Dec 26 2023

    For our final episode of 2023 we are getting a bit festive and are speaking to Ollie Mackay at Rothiemurchus Estate. Rothiemurchus is a special and beautiful place in the Highlands of Scotland, at the heart of the Cairngorms National Park. Ollie is the Head Ranger on the estate and we chat about all the estate’s natural capital assets and his role.

    We learn about the range of activities and habitats the estate hosts including livestock, farming, beavers and tourism, alongside the pressures and opportunities this creates. Rothiemurchus is the custodian of one of the finest remnants of the Caledonian forest, a natural woodland dominated by Scots Pine that is managed sustainably for nature conservation, recreation, woodland grazing and timber production. Management of the forest has created an opportunity for environmentally friendly Christmas trees, with profits going back in to the upkeep of paths and projects on the estate.

    Host Rachel Smillie, Producer Iain Boyd, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, Editor Ross Mackenzie.

    Related FAS resources: 

    FAS Sounds | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service

    Biodiversity | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

    Rewilding | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

    Living Alongside Beavers | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

    Other Related Resources:

    Home - Cairngorms National Park Authority

    Welcome to Rothiemurchus — Rothiemurchus

    Rothiemurchus Scots Pine Christmas Trees — Rothiemurchus

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    46 mins
  • Islay Geese
    Nov 30 2023

    We visit the beautiful island of Islay, finding out about the unique habitats, species and important natural capital assets the island supports. The RSPB Islay reserves have internationally important populations of wintering Barnacle and Greenland White-fronted geese, and are also important for breeding Chough, Corncrake, Lapwing and a range of other wildlife.

    All these species depend on farming practices and the correct land management to thrive. This creates conflicts and opportunities for land managers and agriculture on the island. To discuss this and lots more, we are joined by farmer Craig Archibald, RSPB Senior Farms Manager Eion Brown and Jack Fleming, Area Manager, RSPB for Argyll, Arran and Ardnamurchan.

    Host Rachel Smillie, Producer Iain Boyd, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, Editor Ross Mackenzie.

    Related FAS resources:

    • Goose Management in Scotland: https://www.fas.scot/article/goose-management-in-scotland
    • Understanding Goose Control Law: https://www.fas.scot/article/understanding-goose-control-law-in-scotland/
    • Farmland Birds: https://www.fas.scot/environment/biodiversity/farmland-birds/
    • FAS Sounds:  https://www.fas.scot/sounds/  
    • FAS Biodiversity Pages: https://www.fas.scot/environment/biodiversity/

    Other Related Resources:

    • Argyll Monitor Farm: www.monitorfarms.co.uk/farm/argyll-monitor-farm/
    • RSPB Loch Gruinart Reserve: https://www.rspb.org.uk/days-out/reserves/loch-gruinart
    • RSPB The Oa Reserve: https://www.rspb.org.uk/days-out/reserves/the-oa
    • Payments for goose management schemes: https://www.nature.scot/professional-advice/land-and-sea-management/managing-wildlife/managing-geese/payments-goose-management-schemes
    • Islay Sustainable Goose Management Strategy: https://www.nature.scot/professional-advice/land-and-sea-management/managing-wildlife/managing-geese/islay-sustainable-goose-management-strategy

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    42 mins
  • Calpa Nàdarra – Gaelic, culture and crofting
    Oct 31 2023

    In this episode of Natural Capital Ross Mackenzie and Janette Sutherland visit Sam Thorburn’s croft on the Isle of Skye. They discuss the natural capital on the islands, Gaelic culture, biodiversity, and crofting life. Gaelic language provides a unique insight and understanding of Scotland’s nature, helping us to understand it better. Central to all Natural Capital is people; our heritage, language, and communities are all important considerations. They provide valuable lessons and traditional ways of doing things, helping to develop successful natural capital projects and effective policy.

    Guest hosts Ross Mackenzie and Janette Sutherland.

    Host Rachel Smillie, producer Iain Boyd, executive producer Kerry Hammond, editor Ross Mackenzie.

    Related FAS resources:

    FAS Sounds:  https://www.fas.scot/sounds/  

    FAS Biodiversity Pages: https://www.fas.scot/environment/biodiversity/   

    FAS Crofts & Small Farms: https://www.fas.scot/rural-business/crofts-small-farms/

    Other Related Resources:

    Bòrd na Gàidhlig: https://www.gaidhlig.scot/en/

    Crofting Commission: https://www.crofting.scotland.gov.uk/

    Gaelic within NatureScot: https://www.nature.scot/gaelic

    John Muir Trust Wild Words - Reading the Land: https://www.johnmuirtrust.org/whats-new/news/39-wild-words-reading-the-land#:~:text=Meall%2C%20ubiquitous%20on%20the%20map,is%20a%20high%2C%20rocky%20hill

    Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority - Our Gaelic Culture: https://www.lochlomond-trossachs.org/discover-the-park/our-heritage-culture/our-gaelic-culture/

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    39 mins