• #80: DC Kim Bruno: Review of Neurologic Antibody Testing
    Aug 1 2024

    Chiropractor Kim Bruno furthered her training with the Institute of Functional Medicine, ILADS, Horowitz Lyme Master Classes and holds a board-certification as a Certified Clinical Nutritionist. She owned a private practice for 17 years and was the functional medicine medical director for the largest immunology clinic in Colorado. She comes to us today as the Senior Medical Science liaison for Vibrant Wellness Labs. Today we discuss their panel of 48 neurologically-oriented antibodies: the Neural Zoomer Plus.

    We start by discussing the lab technology itself, which is somewhat unique in the testing world- it’s an 'Immunochip’, also called a protein-peptide microarray as viewed through chemiluminescence which can be more sensitive than historical Eliza testing. The sensitivity (the ability to find the needle in the haystack) ranges from 95-98% and the specificity (it’s definitely a needle, and not a pin or nail or something similar that is not actually a needle) is 96-100%. The range is because each analyte has its own metrics. Here, we take a tangent into describing the limitations of Eliza & Western Blot testing, especially in light of tick-borne testing for Lyme disease & co-infections. Then we touch on PCR- polymerase chain reaction testing and the use of glass beads to break up biofilms in test samples for even more accurate results.

    Our next chapter (around 14:30) focuses on the immune system itself. Listen in for some helpful analogies for the immunoglobulins-IgM for ‘marines vs IgG for ‘ground troops’, IgA with affiliation with mucus membranes like the gut or respiratory linings, and IgE for anaphylactic allergic reaction. This gives the total pool from which the Neural Zoomer Plus antibodies are pulling from as a sort of clinical calibration to weigh the presence of the specific antibodies.

    At 22:20, we dive into the Neural Zoomer Plus test itself. Dr Bruno shares her brilliant ‘hierarchy of consideration’ for putting these antibodies into a context. While she states outright ‘this is not a diagnostic test’, the larger truth is that this test cannot be used for diagnosis by clinicians who don’t have the scope to make diagnostic conclusions, for example dieticians or health coaches. For our purposes at Neuroveda Health, we absolutely use this test for clinical decision making and diagnosis. Dr Bruno calls out molecular mimicry against pathogens or even foods or toxins that can confuse the immune system. We consider the Cunningham Panel (recently renamed the Autoimmune Brain Panel), which has been used longer for PANDAS evaluation. And we walk through each category of antibody included on this test.

    We finish with a discussion about treatment approaches based on results from this test, including the Neuroveda Health approach to evaluating and addressing neuroimmune disease.


    To look at a sample report of this test:


    To find out more about the Neural Zoomer Plus test: https://www.vibrant-wellness.com/test/NeuralZoomerPlus

    To get testing, contact us to schedule an appointment with a clinician at Neuroveda Health:

    - Phone: 206-379-1213

    - Email Reception@neurovedahealth.com

    To find out more about our clinic (and request a call back): https://www.neurovedahealth.com/

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • #75 MD Todd Levine: Skin biopsies: getting information about the central nervous system through the skin
    Jul 16 2024

    Description: Dr Todd Levine, with 20 years of experience as a clinical neurologist with specialty in disorders of the peripheral nervous system, shares with us about the Syn-One skin biopsy run by his company, CND Life Sciences.

    Against a backdrop of clinical information about the divisions of the nervous system (central vs peripheral and sensory vs motor vs autonomic), we review the 3 tests in this procedure: small fiber nerve counts, synuclein and amyloid deposition.

    Dr Levine notes that brain & skin both come from ectoderm tissue in the embryo, meaning they arise from similar roots soon after conception The skin, unlike the brain, is readily available for testing, and can offer insight to what’s potentially happening in the central nervous system without having to go there directly.

    It’s also a fascinating conversation that one-half to one-third of all neuropathies end up classified as ‘idiopathic’, meaning we can’t identify a trigger, like toxic chemical insult or injury. Most likely, these neurons are injured by ‘an accumulation of small insults” which can include low but recurrent or persistent viral illnesses and environmental chemical exposure all further complicated with and by metabolic syndromes. His most exciting area of research is looking at the potential of this test to give predictive insights for diseases decades in the making (like Parkinson’s or Lewy Body Dementia), all work that we agree with & support at Neuroveda Health when we apply personalized medicine plans for your best health.


    Dr. Todd Levine has over 20 years of experience as a clinical neurologist with a sub-specialty in disorders of the peripheral nervous system. He received his medical degree from Duke University and did his residency and fellowship at Washington University in St Louis. He has served as Chairman of the Neuromuscular Division of the American Academy of Neurology. In 2010, he founded his first medical diagnostics company called Corinthian Reference Lab (CRL), and has processed over 50,000 skin biopsies, receiving specimens from over 4,000 different neurologists across the US and Canada. Dr Levine is one of the three founders of CND Life Sciences and serves as its Chief Medical Officer, playing a key role in the delivery of diagnostic services and ongoing technology development. Dr. Levine also serves currently as the Director of Neuroscience Research at the Honor Health Research Institute in Phoenix, AZ.

    For more information about CND Life Sciences: https://cndlifesciences.com/

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    57 mins
  • #79: MD Ferdinand Hui: Neurointerventional Surgery- exploring the diseases and treatments of the blood vessels of the brain
    Jul 1 2024

    Dr Ferdinand Hui is a rare gem of a surgeon- brilliant in his craft, able to communicate complicated concepts clearly, and caring and compassionate for the reality that disease can impart in the life of a person and their family. Here we get a chance to cruise around the blood vessels of the brain with a neurointerventional surgeon, who's focus is minimally invasive procedures to treat the blood vessels of the brain and spine. Although he thinks of himself as a plumber, rotor-rootering the pipes, these are live pipes and much of our discussion centers on the nature of the arteries and veins.

    We discuss leaks (hemorrhage) and clogs (ischemic clots) as a starting point, with the associated diseases of stroke, heart attack and aneurysms.

    Then we get deep with the 'gray zone' of reduced but not necessarily stopped oxygenation which can be a primary driver for brain fog. We discuss anatomical, functional and inflammatory interruptions to oxygenation and vessel flow, even down to the epithelial layer of the arterial vessel walls. Here is where we discuss COVID and the apparent epithelial shedding that the spike protein can instigate, which likely drove much of the cardiovascular events (heart attack, stroke) of the first COVID wave in 2019/ early 2020.

    About prevention, Dr Hui says, "The American medical system might really reward surgery but what humanity really needs is prevention. Prevention starts at birth."


    • Society of Neurointerventional Surgery: https://www.snisonline.org/
    • More about Dr Hui: https://www.queens.org/providers/2225/ferdinand-k-hui/
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    49 mins
  • #78 MD Gary Stobbe: Complex Basics of Autism
    Jun 1 2024

    Neurologist Gary Stobbe has been working with patients with autism since his residency in the early 1990's. Listen in to hear how this compassionate physician has been learning from his patients, their families and advocates. Dr Stobbe's perspective has evolved from the medical approach within which he was trained to now recognize the spectrum of stable neurodivergence to profoundly symptomatic patients who desperately need extensive support for living their daily lives.

    We start with the DSM-V diagnostic criteria of impaired social communication + repetitive behaviors or interests, recognizing that the social communication network of the brain touches multiple structures and centers. This does not necessitate any intellectual disability, and in fact, many autistic people have both specialized skills and brilliance that initially can be lost in the communication difficulty (for example, the poetry that can come from a non-verbal patient only after they are able to access a device to type out their creative expression).

    Dr Stobbe then reviews some of the more profound struggles that can co-exist with autism including expressive language impairment (aka non-verbal), co-occurring intellectual disability, required assistance for daily living and the presence of crises.

    As we touch on the 'causes' of autism, he recognizes they are likely 'multifactorial, so many complex conditions, and end up being the total sum of genetics + environment'. He also emphasizes that the diagnosis of autism is based on development and behavior versus any biological function or cause.

    The management approach for autism has evolved to be 'person-centered and strength-based' and there is no singular treatment. Dr Stobbe honors the collaborative team that can support the person with autism, including the patient themselves, thier family, patient advocates, state/ national organizations, in addition to their medical team.

    Autism can be tricky to understand because it flies in the face of our conventional assumptions about one singular disease with one singular treatment. Join in & share widely as Dr Stobbe exemplifies the curiosity and thoughtfulness to support this amazing population of patients.

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • #77 Whitney Mack: Women's Holistic Health, Hormones & Movement
    May 1 2024


    This is a power-packed episode in which Whitney Mack walks us through what women should have been taught since birth about how our bodies work and how we can care for them lifelong. Turns out, we have an infradian (vs circadian) rhythm that drives our cellular communication/ hormones systems over time. This means that we are in constant cycles of change, just like the moon that cycles through from new to full and back to new. To anchor into our holistic health, we can emphasis sleep, nutrition and movement in alignment with these cycles.

    Whitney's training & deep personal understanding of these concepts brings them to clarity throughout this show. We start with a complete definition of 'fitness' including muscle strength, endurance, cardiovascular capacity, flexibility & body composition. Then we interweave the hormones, recognizing the 'Queen' hormones of cortisol & insulin as they serve for survival (vs estrogen, progesterone & testosterone which are for life quality). Next we dive into the four hormonal stages across the lifespan: menarche, cycling, perimenopause and post-menopause. With each, we review ways to attend to our movement patterns. And then we bring it back to the daily life.

    This is an episode not to be missed & to be shared with every girl and woman we know!


    As a holistic health, hormones + movement coach, Whitney Mack helps busy, driven women thrive in their bodies, reawaken their aliveness, and create a more purposeful way of being. Through her hormone-informed approach, she blends the science of female physiology with the sacredness of the body to help women achieve optimal health and well-being throughout all hormone + life seasons. If you're ready to heal your relationship with your body and unleash your feminine power, her signature method uses hormones as a compass to guide you back to your inner-knowing and cultivate deeper self-awareness for sustainable transformation in less time and with lots of love. Find Whitney through her website: WhitneyMack.com

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • #76 Paul S. Malchesky, D.Eng., on Plasmapheresis: history, technology and potential benefit for deep disease & longevity
    Apr 23 2024

    Dr Paul Malchesky, with a Master’s degree in Chemistry and a Doctorate in Engineering, has been working with apheresis since the 1970’s. This is a blood filtration or ‘cleaning’ therapy we offer at Neuroveda Health as plasmapheresis (also called plasma exchange, PLEX and TPE (total or therapeutic plasma exchange)). There’s been a lot of recent excitement regarding treatment of Long-COVID and as a ‘biohack’ for longevity, but the truth is that it’s been nearly half a century since the FDA approved this therapy for auto-immune and neurodegenerative conditions. The technology has come a long way and Dr Malchesky has been there the whole time. Of note, Ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India, also recognizes the value of detox and blood cleansing, making plasmapheresis a type of ‘rakta moksha’. This is a modern tool with ancient roots, our favorite kind of therapy. Today, we get into the history and mechanics to describe what this therapy is doing and how broad it’s use can be.

    We discuss:

    · 3:30 What is apheresis?

    · 4:19 What is the history of apheresis?

    · 11:56 What is in blood? What are the components of blood?

    · 13.20 About anti-coagulation

    · 15:53 Ayurvedic use of blood cleansing called ‘rakta moksa’

    · 18:06 Dr Malchesky’s personal history with apheresis starting with 1972; Reporting up to 40 diseases treated by 1981.

    · 24:40 Comparison of dialysis vs plasmapheresis filtration

    · 29:00 Late 70’s/ early 80’s, efforts to identify the specific proteins associated with certain diseases; findings and curiosity about cryoproteins- precipitates triggered by cold.

    · 36:57 Treatment to remove high cholesterol to prevent atherosclerosis.

    · 40:29 Description of the last 15 years of apheresis: applications & guidelines have really diversified by geography (centripetal in US & German; membrane for Japan), technology and disease state

    · 42:58 Safety of this procedure

    · 43:52 Difficulties with this procedure are most typically associated with venous access and sometimes blood pressure changes and/or anti-coagulant use

    · 44:40 Recognition that the macromolecules produced as ‘toxic’ can present in every silo of medicine: oncology, rheumatology, neurology, and therefore, also make sense to use these treatments for longevity & anti-aging

    · 49:43 In studying the toxins removed, it’s evident that these toxins removed impair cellular function, so removal can allow cells to perform more of their regular functions.

    · 51:08 The goal at Neuroveda Health is that plasmapheresis is part of a larger medical and wellness program to renovate the health from the ground up.

    · 51:38 Discussion of Lp(a).

    · 53:24 Designing clinical trials using historical experience of the questions and initial clinical trial endeavors with rheumatoid arthritis patients

    BIO: Dr. Paul Malchesky holds a B.S. Degree in Chemistry from St. Francis University, M.S. degrees in Chemistry from Case Western Reserve University and in Chemical Engineering from Cleveland State University and a Doctorate in Engineering from Cleveland State University. He is President of the International Center for Artificial Organs and Transplantation (ICAOT) and consults for the chemical and medical industries.

    He has published extensively nearly 500 publications, holds 35 patents, and was co-editor of four books on apheresis. He is active in various professional societies and is the former Editor-in-Chief of Artificial Organs and Managing Editor of Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis. He is a Past-President of the International Society for Apheresis. He is an Elected Fellow to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering and The Ohio Academy of Science.

    Recently he developed the web site icaot.org that discusses the history of the International Center for Artificial Organs & Transplantation and includes Milestones in the field and invites contributions to its Virtual Collection.

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    58 mins
  • #74 ND Julianna Giles: Integrative Oncology (Cancer Care) soup to nuts
    Apr 3 2024

    Cancer is a tremendous topic. Dr Julianna Giles, ND, has focused her career on evidence-based approaches for this complex condition. Dr Giles now directs our Integrative Oncology program at Neuroveda Health in Seattle, Washington. In this podcast, she walks us through cancer, soup to nuts. This includes defining cancer, describing different types and stages of cancer, and the conventional treatments of surgery, radiation chemotherapy and now immunotherapy. Dr Giles then layers in integrative approaches including high-dose (aka ‘pro-oxidant’) IV vitamin C, other botanicals, metabolic approaches to treating cancer and the relationship between other immune dysfunction, like auto-immune disease or chronic viral infections, to cancer development. Next is a review of the core elements of our program, including specialty liquid biopsy testing, the timing necessary for balancing pro-oxidation (chemo) with anti-oxidant (recovery) targets, and the value we place on collaboration with conventional oncologists and treatments. We welcome patients to our program at all stages of cancer status including those with a family history seeking prevention, monitoring for early detection (we do pap/ HPV testing in clinic), treatment at all stages (early, middle, late), post-chemo/radiation recovery, prevention of recurrence and palliative care/ hospice as it’s needed. Listen in and please share widely with those who are being affected by cancer. This is a critical show for broadening ideas about treatment options and maintaining agency at a time when health stress can be overwhelming.

    We discuss:

    · 3:20 What is cancer?

    · 6:36: How do we think and name different types of cancer?

    · 9:09 Ayurvedic perspective of cancer

    · 11:25 How does conventional care typically treat cancer? Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy

    · 17:12 High dose IV (intravenous) vitamin C to make chemotherapy more tolerant to the body and prevent recurrences.

    · 25:00 Fasting and chemotherapy treatment

    · 28:35 Discussion about immunotherapy and metronomic (aka low dose) chemotherapy

    · 32:12 Defining Integrative Oncology including the value of collaboration to help conventional treatments to work better

    · 33:34 Looking at the foundations of health: asking and answering the ‘why’ and ‘why now’ questions

    · 35:33 Molecular targets of botanicals, for example, p53 targeted by no drugs but impacted by curcumin;

    · 36:55: Use of botanicals, diet and lifestyle as anti-inflammatory influences during pro-oxidant treatments like chemo- it’s all about timing!

    · 42:33 Discussion of the Integrative Oncology program at Neuroveda Health

    · 56:30 Liquid biopsies looking for cell free mutated DNA shedding from cancers in the body

    · 1:03:33: Putting together integrative treatment plans including the metabolic approach to cancer treatment ( Care Oncology protocol out of the UK)

    · 1:08: How cancer interacts with the rest of the immune system, including auto-immune disease

    · 1:12:38 Recovery after cancer treatment

    Bio: Julianna Giles is a Naturopathic Physician with a Masters in Ayurveda who specializes in integrative oncology, endocrinology, chronic infections, medical cannabis, entheogens and psychoneuroimmunology. After graduation from Bastyr University, she completed four years of residency training in integrative oncology. She is a core lecturer for the Academy of Cannabis Science and lead formulator for Polite and Lumna, both medical cannabis companies. While at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, she researched medicinal mushrooms and medical cannabis as adjunctive cancer therapies, as well as the neurological effects of mindfulness at the Wisconsin Institute for Sleep & Consciousness. Dr Giles is certified in Ayurveda Yoga therapy, Prana Flow and Kundalini Yoga. In her free time, she practices Yoga, is passionate about plant-based cooking, and loves exploring the wild Pacific Northwest.

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • #73 John Moos, MD discusses his transition from trauma surgeon to psychedelic healer including research and current status of psychedelics for healing in the US
    Dec 1 2022

    Dr John Moos, MD discusses his transition from trauma surgeon to psychedelic healer- the unifying factor being proximity to trauma. He notes the trauma he initially treated with surgery most typically occurs within a container of many other traumas- social, political and economic violence, resource scarcity, fear, addiction, intergenerational traumas, ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and others. His (to-be) wife looked at him one day and said “I wonder if it’s possible to heal it before it happens”, meaning, is there a way to pre-emptively address the container of trauma before the physical trauma results as the outward explosion of inner distress. Dr Moos was hooked. He completed personal experiences with plant medicine and trainings with the Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI), California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), and the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) for their MDMA (3,4-Methyl
    methamphetamine) protocol and now runs MoosMD.com to offer service to people with psychedelic medicine.

    In this episode, we start with a discussion about trauma. Trauma can even be created in as simple moment as a mis-attunement with a parent as a child in a critical moment and we all experience various levels of trauma throughout the lifespan. Psychedelics can be a tool (not a panacea) to understand the impact of our history on our current, daily moment. It’s the alignment and integration of your three lenses of understanding: cognition (head), somatic (heart) and embodiment (intuition).

    Dr Moos recognizes that psychedelics give us a chance to step to the side of our default mode network which can also be described as a type of our identity of our consciousness. Our conversation ranges to the benefits of relationship to help us access our consciousness (this is the definition of Tantra) and these relationships can be our mind to ourselves, us to our container, or us to each other.

    Then, we dive into the current research and legal perspectives about the various psychedelics- ketamine, MDMA, psilocybin, LSD and other plant medicines for treatment resistant depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD and others. He reviews the importance of set and setting which recognizes that intentional and introspective work versus the external recreation of these medicines when they are used in a non-monitored ‘party’ state. As therapy, this is to dissolve ego boundaries to better understand yourself.

    We also review the chemical nature and physiological impact of these medicines including the specific activities in the brain and the impacts on our neurobiology.

    Is anybody damaged beyond repair? Is any person too traumatized to heal? On being asked this question, Dr Moos offers a compassionate and insightful response about the power of our neuroplasticity as well as the tremendously oppressive conditions of social, political and economic injustice and the persistent squeeze of growing pollution and climate change.

    We close this show with a description about the Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAP) process and what to look for in finding a safe and insightful session.

    What I love about this show is that while we talk about ketamine and other psychedelics as a medicinal tool, this show is really about the nature of healing and reality.

    Find out more about Dr Moos & his practice at https://moosmd.com/

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    57 mins