• I don't want to be one of the eight!
    Aug 8 2024

    In Luke 19 Jesus tells a parable about 10 servants.

    Seven of them didn't want the master to be king at all...

    One takes what he gives and hides it.

    One takes what he is given and shows a profit of 5 times as much

    One takes what is given and shows a 10 times ROI...

    Which one do you want to be?

    Boy was I convicted when I read it. While I know I'm not one of the Seven... I sure want more than to just hide what he has given me. I want to be one of the two.

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    17 mins
  • Dry Bones!
    Jul 18 2024
    Be encouraged… God wants to breath his breath of life into you! He says Dry Bones hear the word of the Lord and LIVE!
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    10 mins
  • Daily Bible Verse: What sin? Shame? Colossians 2:13-14
    Jan 10 2024
    Are you struggling with guilt and shame? Do you feel like your past defines you? The Bible tells us God remembers our sin no more.
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    10 mins
  • Leave it in the water! Daily Bible Verse
    Jan 9 2024
    Are you discouraged? Is Satan whispering in your ear about past sins and shame? I want to encourage you to day to - leave it in the water!
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    9 mins
  • Daily Bible verse: Joshua 3 Where is God?
    Jan 8 2024
    Do you feel like you are ready to walk away from something that has had a hold on you? But you wonder if you have to do it yourself? Where is God in all of this? Joshua 3 and 4
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    9 mins
  • Daily Bible Verse: Joshua 1:10 again
    Jan 4 2024
    Are you your own biggest block in your victory process? Do you know it all and not need any help? Or are you willing to learn? God is a generous God. He wants to give you victory and often times that means we have to allow others to help.
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    20 mins
  • Daily verses: Joshua 1:12-15
    Dec 30 2023
    Have you won a victory in your life? How can you help someone else win too?
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    6 mins
  • Daily Verses- Esther 2:9&15
    Dec 29 2023
    I saw a quote that said… nobody works harder than the woman who doesn’t want to ask people for anything. I just think that is so sad. But the reality that is so many of us. I want to encourage you today to find your group of ladies. We are made for community. Don’t go it alone.
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    15 mins