• Episode 18 - Life, Peace and Wonder
    Jun 24 2024

    Episode 18 features three marine biologists:

    Cristina was born and raised in Italy, in a small city nearby. Milan, far away from the sea. She has always felt a calling for marine life and dreamed of becoming a great marine biologist, to have the opportunity to study and help conserve what she thinks are the most beautiful creatures on Earth. Following this call, she enrolled in the University of Milano-Bicocca for a Bachelor's in Biology. During those years, she participated in workshops at her university, in their center in the Maldives, where she better understood the marine environment's threats. After graduating, she enrolled in the master's degree course in "Marine Sciences," which she is currently enrolled in attending her last year. Her passion and interest in marine mammals led her to Portugal, in AIMM, where she is an intern building experience in marine mammal research and working on her thesis on the impacts of environmental variables on the occurrence of the minke whale.

    Janneke den Hollander grew up in The Netherlands, and was already drawn to the ocean from a young age. Having a big love for animals, she enrolled in a BSc Biology in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Here, she quickly realized that the field of animal behavior and wildlife conservation attracted her the most, leading her to do her BSc thesis and internship about the social competence of rhesus macaques. However, due to her continuous love for the ocean, she decided to start a career in the field of marine biology and research. After her BSc in Biology, she went to Zanzibar to work in dolphin behavioral research, where she fell in love with working with these marine mammals. Traveling to the Maldives to work with sea turtles and coral restoration for 6 months broadened her knowledge and love for the ocean. Still, she couldn't stay out of the field of marine mammal research for long, as she is now working as a research assistant at AIMM, performing research on cetaceans and occasionally marine megafauna.

    Amy was born in Perth, Western Australia and grew up in WA country towns. Amy has always loved animals and, throughout schooling, had a dream to work with dolphins. In 2013, Amy graduated from Murdoch University with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Science and Conservation and Wildlife Biology. Amy followed her passion for dolphin biology, conservation, and research to get her dream job in 2015 as a Reserves Officer with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Service in Monkey Mia, Gutharraguda (Shark Bay, WA). As a Reserves Officer in Monkey Mia Amy was responsible for managing the dolphin human interactions for the dolphin experiences as well as conservation, interpretive activities, compliance and monitoring. Over nine years of working in Monkey Mia Amy gained knowledge and experience in conservation, wildlife biology and ecology, management tools, techniques and legislation and gained a versatile skill set that can be applied and adapted to different roles and environments. During time in Shark Bay, Amy was a team leader for the Malgana ladies’ group for the loggerhead turtle tagging on Dirk Hartog Island, volunteered for the Monkey Mia seagrass restoration project, conducted dolphin surveys and focal follows, assisted international dolphin researchers in Monkey Mia and contributed to reports and writing protocols and procedures for the Monkey Mia Dolphin Experience Management plan. In 2024 Amy decided to expand her learning of marine mammals to the other side of the world. She took the opportunity to join AIMM Marine Environment Research Association in Portugal as research assistant. Amy is enjoying working with the AIMM team learning about the marine mammals and environment of the region and has plans to begin her master’s by research in Perth in 2025. Amy is passionate about wildlife, the environment and promoting sustainability. Amy hopes to educate and inspire others about the conservation of the marine environment.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 17 - Sea Spirit
    May 24 2024

    Ann Carole Vallejo is a marine biologist who graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada. Later obtained a master’s degree in Nordic Marine Ecosystems and Climate from a joint Scandinavian program. Has worked on different projects around the world in the field of marine mammal research and conservation, habitat use and distribution, public awareness, education, and outreach.

    IG & Twitter: @reoceancom

    FB & LinkedIn: R&E Ocean Community Conservation

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    47 mins
  • Episode 16 - Orcaholics
    Apr 24 2024

    Julie Guiderdoni's journey from an international horse rider to a yacht broker in Cannes to the co-founder of Valhalla Expedition in north Norway is a testament to following one's passion for marine life. Her deep connection with orcas led her to prioritize animal welfare and ethical tourism practices.

    Through Valhallab, an NGO dedicated to understanding marine life through bioacoustics, Julie and a French university in Toulon aim to protect the environment for future generations.

    For those interested in her work, they can reach out via Valhallaorcaexpedition@gmail.com or visit their website, valhallaexpedition.com or social media.

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    46 mins
  • Episode 15 - Sea lovers
    Mar 24 2024

    Mariana, a native of the vibrant city of Lisbon, Portugal, has always been captivated by the ocean and their creatures. Growing up near the ocean, her fascination with the sea burgeoned from an early age, instilling in her a profound love for marine life. Driven by her passion, Mariana embarked on a journey to get more knowledge in marine biology. Choosing to pursue her studies in the University of Algarve, UAlg. During her pursuit of knowledge, Mariana seized the opportunity to venture into the Arctic. Stationed in the cold but enchanting city of Tromsø, she dedicated herself to the culmination of her bachelor's degree, crafting a thesis about marine acoustics, shedding light on the profound impact of sound on the lives of marine species. Armed with newfound insights and a thirst for adventure, Mariana embarked on her next chapter as a marine biologist guide, leading expeditions to witness the majestic dolphins and whales. However, her dedication to ocean conservation didn't stop there. Mariana now plays a vital role in environmental education as a passionate educator at the Lisbon Oceanarium. She visits schools, engaging with children about the wonders of the ocean and the urgent need to addressplastic pollution, a threat that looms large over marine ecosystems. Through her outreach efforts, Mariana instils in the next generation a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the ocean, ensuring that the legacy of conservation continues to thrive for years to come. The next step for Mariana is working in Azores Islands as a marine biologist doing the whale watching trips but addressing the investigation behind it, and then taking the Masters in Science Conservation Behavior in Ireland.

    Contact: marianajcarvalho5@gmail.com

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mariana-carvalho-442711205

    Instagram: mariana_jtr

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    47 mins
  • Episode 14 - Sounds of the Ocean
    Feb 24 2024

    Laura was born and raised in Italy. She always had a passion for nature and love for animals at large. While she wanted to become a veterinarian since she was a kid, she then chose to enrol in a BSc in natural science, to have a more comprehensive view on the natural world. It wasn’t until she took part to a research project in the Falkland Islands focusing on Southern elephant seals for her BSc thesis that she fell in love with marine mammal research. After that, she kept pursuing this interest joining different marine related project to then enrol in a marine biology MSc in the Netherlands. During the experience there, she got involved for the first time with underwater acoustics, the topic where she is still working today. Laura is currently doing a PhD focusing on marine mammals’ acoustic in Madeira Island. The aim of her project is to collect baseline data to have a first acoustic characterisation of the different species living or passing by the island. One of the main focuses is to characterise the vocal emission of the resident species such as bottlenose dolphins and short-finned pilot whales, and their interactions with other species.

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    59 mins
  • Episode 13 - At Home in the Ocean
    Jan 24 2024

    Alicia grew up in Germany, far away from the ocean. Nevertheless, ever since childhood, she wanted to be a marine biologist and work with whales and dolphins.

    She first did her Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University

    of Freiburg, Germany to realize that dream of Freiburg, Germany. Afterwards, she did two internships focusing on the research and conservation of cetaceans, first in Croatia (Blue World Institute) and then in Greece (Archipelagos). Until now, the last step of her academic career was to get her Master of Science in Marine Conservation at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Right upon completing her degree, she went on to work as a research assistant in Portugal for AIMM – Associação para a Investigação do Meio Marinho. This organization focuses its research on cetaceans and other marine megafauna. She has worked with this NGO ever since and is a researcher there nowadays.

    Contact: alicia.quirin@aimmportugal.org

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    39 mins
  • Episódio 12 - Na fluidez da Imensidão
    Dec 23 2023

    Claudia Faustino, bióloga marinha, com Doutoramento conjunto entre a Faculdade de Biologia da Universidade de Aveiro (PT) e a Escola de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de St Andrews (Reino Unido). È interessada em metodologias estatísticas robustas para preencher lacunas de conhecimento sobre a vida selvagem criticamente ameaçada. Comunicadora habilidosa, trabalha para unir ciência, educação e conservação. Atualmente trabalha no Centro de Monitoramento da Conservação Mundial do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente em Cambridge.

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    46 mins
  • Episódio 11 - Mãe Água
    Nov 22 2023

    Mônica Pontalti possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul, é Mestre e Doutora em Ciência e Tecnologia Ambiental pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí. Trabalha com conservação marinha; desenvolvimento de projetos sociais e educação ambiental; socorrista em resgate de animais marinhos em emergências ambientais e é observadora de bordo (MMO) em navios sísmicos e de pesquisa.

    É fundadora do MAR DE IDEIAS – EDUCAÇÃO PARA A SUSTENTBILIDADE, uma empresa especializada em treinamentos, gestão e planejamento ambiental. 

    Site: https://www.mardeideias.com/

    Instragram: marde.ideias




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    53 mins