• OM 019 - The Merging of the Masculine & Feminine
    Sep 15 2023
    To learn more about Lisa, GP and OM School and to register for the Light letter go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing conversation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

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    Human beings are creatures of relationship. Separate from relationship, it is as if we did not exist, or more accurately, we would be nothing but pure potential. it is relationship that calls the potential into form.

    Human beings are creatures of relationship. Separate from relationship, it is as if we did not exist, or more accurately, we would be nothing but pure potential. it is relationship that calls the potential into form.

    Despite the fact that the forms themselves seem stunningly varied and even polar opposites, all forms emerge fro that same infinite pool of potential.

    This essential oneness is the basis for establishing the harmonious flow between all the opposites. As long as there is a natural flow between the amazing opposites that make up the natural world or form (and the cosmos of everything) we live in blissful harmony.

    But when that natural flow is disturbed, we suffer.

    There is no relationship more defining for us individually and as a society at large as the relationship between woman and man. It is universal, a factor of all life and it is the foundation for everything else in human life and relationship.

    Isn't it amazing that the primary relationship, which has the potential for the most astounding rapture, is the most troubled and the cause of untold suffering.

    We can't go back to the order of nature that was the rule during our time as hunter/gatherers. A time when our physical nature and the need to survive called all the shots.

    Neither can we go back to the oppression of patriarchy a system divorced from the natural world.

    We have had 12 thousand years of everything sacred being regarded as a possession and/or a commodity to be exploited.

    We Need:
    A whole New Story of Love
    A Great Union or perhaps a Great Reunion
    A Restoration of the Balance of our own complimentary natures even though the traditional or survival driven definitions no longer apply
    To Recover the Essence from which we both emerged, two bodies for the same soul, two aspects of the same consciousness, two faces of the same God

    This is not nearly as hard as it seems but it will take a whole new level of courage, compassion and a willingness to look at ourselves in the most honest and loving way.

    This, and this alone will transform our world in the the paradise we all know deep in our hearts it can be.

    Join myself and host/producer Lisa Berry for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh.
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • OM 018 - Woman Goddess Queen
    Sep 14 2023
    To learn more about Lisa, GP and OM School and to register for the Light letter go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing conversation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh
    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    When I say, these are truly turbulent and confusing times, I am not making any pronouncement that you didn't already know. Yet, we normally don't realize how deeply this cultural deconstruction is penetrating us.

    One of the areas that has been deeply affected by all that has been happening over the last 75 years, is the relationship between the genders. And that relationship becoming increasingly unstable because the entire definition of Woman and Man has been completely altered forever.

    In out next show we are going to take up this subject that is one of the foundations for a civilized existence.

    In specific we will look at Woman's Power:
    What it is
    Where it went
    How to retrieve it

    There is a seismic shift taking place. Civilization, for all of its technological advancements over the millennia, has yet to conquer its own inner space. And this is reflected most obviously in the imbalance between the masculine and the feminine.

    We all know that, when things get out of balance, when one side or another dominates, that things go terribly wrong. And they have.

    But things can be put right.
    And that requires a restoring of the balance.
    And that requires women to awaken to and exercise their innate power.

    Join GP Walsh and host/producer Lisa Berry for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • OM 017 - The Problem IS the Solution
    Sep 13 2023
    To learn more about Lisa, GP and OM School and to register for the Light letter go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing conversation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh
    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    The problem is the solution... is the problem... and so on

    "There is no obstacle on your path. The obstacle IS the path." - Zen Saying

    What is a problem now was once a solution.

    All existence is a flow, a constantly morphing kaleidoscope, moving seamlessly from one form into another. Where one "thing" ends and another "thing" begins is utterly impossible to determine.
    Everything is a flow! That is why we named the show, "The Flow." This applies to every aspect of life, from the most esoteric to the most mundane. It even applies to money and the whole idea of wealth.

    The quality of our life experience doesn't appear in a vacuum. There is never a perfect set of circumstances that allow for the ideal thing to happen.

    Life is way more messy than that.

    The moment a choice is made a trajectory is set in motion. Even a tiny, seemingly insignificant decision can cascade into a totally different life than you had planned or maybe even wanted. And yet, it may have been the best (or perhaps the only) option available.

    The perfect solution in this moment,
    becomes a life altering problem in the next

    I know you are not going to like hearing this but, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. This is simply the way it is.

    We love living under the illusion that we are the captains of our destiny, but that is totally delusional. We are the participants in a vast cosmic dance. So you might as well learn the steps.

    What to do then?

    Harmonize with the flow
    Let go of the idea that you can control the destiny of life
    Be open to the utter mystery of it
    Embrace the surprises
    Grieve the losses
    Learn to dance
    Love the journey

    That is all you can do and is all you need to live a perpetually happy life now and be open to the next when it comes.

    Join GP Walsh and host/producer Lisa Berry for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • OM 016 - The Tao of Money - When Is Enough Enough
    Sep 12 2023
    To learn more about Lisa, GP and OM School and to register for the Light letter go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing conversation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh
    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    Everything is a flow! That is why we named the show, "The Flow." This applies to every aspect of life, from the most esoteric to the most mundane. It even applies to money and the whole idea of wealth.

    The simplest definition fo wealth is a surplus, more than you need, an abundance.

    The problem we face in our modern world is simple, "What do I actually need?" and "When is enough enough?" Before those questions can be answered though, we have to understand what money is and what it means to our particular culture. This is way easier said a done.

    Like everything else money is subject to the law of the Tao, the law of flow.

    There are few subjects as full of mixed messages, contradictory values, personal attachments and self-identification as money.

    Money, wealth and all those images and popular beliefs about the wealthy are all archetypal in nature. By that I mean, these images are universal to the culture but, simultaneously, the meaning of them is an often a confused mix of the overall culture, the various subcultures and then the personal mythology of the individual.

    Yes, it is very subtle and complex, which is what makes it so damn hard to unravel. So, how do we know when enough is enough? The answer is simple in theory, but very difficult in practice.

    We have to discern what, if any, of all out desires are really, naturally ours, and what are impositions of the culture

    The desires that are conditioned into us by the culture will always be unsatisfying. That subtle feeling of satisfaction that we all feel, is the indicator, telling you that are not in touch with your true desires but are being motivated by the culture as a whole.

    In this case, as is almost always true, your intuitive sense that "something is off" is your most trustworthy guide.

    I will leave you with this thought. Our current modern society substitutes money for that which has real, inherent value. So what has real value? What is the genuine currency of a truly fulfilled life?

    This is a profound discovery we all must make for ourselves.

    Join GP Walsh and host/producer Lisa Berry for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh
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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • OM 015 - The Trickster God - When Life Just Doesn't Cooperate
    Sep 10 2023
    To learn more about Lisa, GP and OM School and to register for the Light letter go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing conversation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh
    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    Life really does seem to have a sense of humor doesn't it? Well, oftentimes it is a cruel joke, the humor of which totally escapes you. In mythology the Trickster holds a unique place in the constellation of gods or archetypes.But there isn't some mischievous super being up there somewhere taking great pleasure in thwarting your best efforts.

    The Trickster is a reminder that it is we who need to harmonize with life. Life is under no obligation to conform to our wishes. But, despite the fact that we would prefer everything to fall into lockstep with our preferences, there is a deep wisdom in the Trickster. This archetype of life is the invitation (or more often the offer you can't refuse) to step out of your comfort zone. And what lies outside of the narrow boundaries of our comfort? Nothing less than your creative genius.

    Do you want more out of life?
    Do you want to step into a bigger role?
    Do you want to make a bigger difference?

    Then you have to become more. But, we cannot become more on our own. The force of our love of creature comforts is simply too powerful. To become more then, you have to allow life to put you into circumstances that will bring that about the evolutionary leap that you seek. The Trickster is actually your best friend but, to our preference for ease, it appears to be exactly the opposite. He is quite tricky after all and Tricky Dick can show up as:

    A lost job
    A broken relationship
    A failed business
    An investment that goes south
    A scammer taking advantage of you
    Any number of unpleasant setbacks and failures

    Anything that causes you to take stock of things and reach for resources you would have otherwise known that you had

    All that is required to transform the Trickster into the Bestower of Boons is a willingness to lay aside your ideas as to how things should be and let yourself become open to your potential. Zen mind is beginner's mind.

    This is easier said than done for sure. We have been trained to remain small and powerless. But the Trickster God has no intention of allowing you to be less than you are. And, deep down, you know that is what you want.

    So bring on the tricks!

    Join GP Walsh and host/producer Lisa Berry for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh
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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • OM 014 - Ancestral Burdens The Buck Stops Here!
    Sep 9 2023
    To learn more about Lisa, GP and OM School and to register for the Light letter go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing conversation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh
    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    There was a time, and not that long ago, that we were completely at the mercy of our heritage. We adopted the values, morals and assumptions of our parents and the culture in which we all lived. We were fish, at the mercy of the pond.
    But something has changed. This strange thing called awakening has started to happen. Some of us began to question whether the way things were are the way they have to be.

    Of course, there have always been people in history who have done that. Some completely transformed culture. Others ended up barbecued on a stake.

    But never has it happened on such a massive scale as to cause disruption and even chaos, not just in one isolate place, but everywhere.

    But, while we can look outward at the current turmoil of the world, that is only a reflection of the deeper alchemy at work within our own hearts.

    The liberation of the world and all the social systems it contains, can only occur following the liberation of individual human souls.

    Breaking the long chain of ancestral burdens requires deep self examination, in the bright light of wisdom. And at the heart of that wisdom is a simple insight.

    Your conditioning was your training not your being

    None of us escaped childhood without enormous parts of our natural brilliance repressed. Our parents did to us what their parents did to them. And their parents did to them and so on and so on and so on back into the primordial soup.

    What is different now though is that many. many of us are aware of it.
    We are recognizing conditioning as conditioning.
    Thus it is not essentially who we are.

    As far as I am concerned this is the second biggest discovery a human being can make. And it opens the door to the biggest discovery of all... what you essentially are.

    That recognition of conditioning as conditioning sets in motion a process, a practice, a sadhana. The ancestral burden has infiltrated every aspect of individual life; thought, emotion and sensation and thus has shaped all experience.

    Integrating this wisdom into your everyday life is the true spiritual path. And that opens the door to a stunning realization. Since the current state of the world is a reflection of the inner state of the human collective i have a power I didn't know I had.

    My individual, every day embodiment of freedom from conditioning
    is, simultaneously, the liberation and healing of the entire world

    Your liberation from ancestral burdens is the liberation of the whole.

    Do you want to save the world? Well, now you know how. The buck really does stop here.

    Join myself and host/producer Lisa Berry for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh
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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • OM 13: Mind Body Continuum - It's All One Thing
    Jun 20 2023
    To learn more about Lisa, GP and OM School and to register for the Light letter go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing conversation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh
    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    "Learn to read symptoms not only as problems to be overcome but as messages to be heeded.” - Gabor Maté!

    Body IS Mind - Mind IS Body

    If a guitar plays its lowest note and then plays its highest note, is it not the same instrument? Are they not both just a different singing of the same source?

    So it is with the body and mind. They are different notes of the same scale, different waves of the same ocean, different vibrations of the same instrument, different aspects of the same consciousness. Yes, they are all consciousness. Like all color is a different vibration of light, all forms are just different vibrations of consciousness.

    The mind, as an instrument of memory and temporary organization, distorts the actual oneness of all things. It creates borders where there are none. Like the borders between countries, the boundaries of mind/body/emotion are only in the mind. Because it is incapable of seeing the invisible field of oneness from which everything emerges, it mistakes the countless faces of eternity for separate, isolated things.

    We are all different faces on the very same One Soul.

    It is popular today to think that thoughts create feelings. Hold the thought to generate the feeling to manifest the sensation or thing. I beg to disagree. That is like trying to say the circle begins at some point on the circle. It is a continuum. It has no beginning or end point.

    Thought, feeling and sensation are one. Experience starts at no particular point in this triad, just as no song originates in the piano. From the piano's viewpoint, when any one key is touched, the entire instrument vibrates. The one who has touched it, to the piano, remains forever a mystery. It is an invisible hand, stroking the keys, bringing the instrument to life.

    We do not refer to the piano as the key/string/soundboard thing. It is piano. It is one. Even so the body/mind/emotion continuum or singularity, is simply life. It is one. And to that one, like the piano, the identity of the hands that vibrate it into expression, will remain a mystery.

    Join myself and host/producer Lisa for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh
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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • OM 012 - Mabon the Equinox The Harmonious Of Opposites
    Jun 15 2023
    Mabon The Equinox

    The Harmonious Flow Of Opposites
    The equinox is the single moment, the exact center between the flow of opposites. It is the fulcrum, the balance point. Everything is equal.
    Dark and Light
    Birth and Death
    Masculine and Feminine
    Divine and Human

    As long as humanity has been around, this relentless flow has been acknowledged and celebrated. It was understood and accepted, that at the Autumnal conjunction, we would be heading into darkness, but that there would once again be a resurrection of the sun. The darkness will pass and the time of planting and dancing on the warming earth would come again.
    But now was the time of harvest. The time to gather into the storehouses all that has be gleaned from the days in the golden sun. Release attachment to that which cannot be held, for the flow will dance quickly past the point of equilibrium, which is but an indiscernible, infinitely minute slice of time and space.

    This is an eternal romance between past and future as they dance before the throne of the eternal Now. The cycles of time pulsate in the world, in the cosmos and in our own bodies.

    If we accept, wholeheartedly the fleeting moment of the equinox, the never ending flow of perpetual harmony, the cycles within cycles within cycles, we find the timeless. It is a mysterious paradox and you are at its center.

    So dance!
    Celebrate what can't be held.
    Rejoice in what will never come again.
    Be at home in the fleeting moment that is eternity.

    Join myself and host/producer Lisa for the next episode of "The Flow" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

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    1 hr and 5 mins