• |Int| Transforming Trash to Treasure with Neil Krovats's Green Business Breakthroughs | Ep 105
    May 13 2024

    Embark on an enlightening journey with Neil Krovats, the mastermind behind Clearline Technologies, as we unveil the secrets of his entrepreneurial metamorphosis. Discover how this visionary ventured beyond the family business to sculpt an eco-friendly empire from recycled tire rubber, crafting pipe supports that redefine industry standards and environmental stewardship. Neil's narrative is a homage to the ingenious potential that lies in fusing persistence with out-of-the-box thinking, providing a blueprint for success that both green-thumbs and business aficionados can admire.

    Our conversation digs into the rich tapestry of cognitive styles that shape the landscape of business innovation. You'll learn about the 'middler' personality—individuals who straddle the line between structured and dynamic thinking—and how this trait can be a superpower for juggling myriad ideas. Explore the challenges random thinkers face in our sequentially-driven world and the ways they can harness their unique perspective to craft solutions that escape the conventional mind. Neil and I reflect on the synergies and struggles intrinsic to diverse thought processes and how they fuel the engine of entrepreneurial progress.

    Wrapping up, we traverse the evolution of environmental consciousness, from its infancy as a fringe movement to its current status as a global imperative. Drawing parallels to this shift, we examine the entrepreneur’s path from outlier to innovator. We delve into the power of embracing individuality and the critical importance of cognitive diversity in driving change. Sharing anecdotes and personal reflections, we underscore the significance of innovative minds in sculpting the future, making this episode an essential listen for anyone passionate about creativity, the environment, or the indomitable spirit of entrepreneurship.

    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • |int| Charting a New Course: Sean Duclay on Sailing as Sanctuary for Veterans' Reintegration and Recovery | Ep 104
    Apr 12 2024

    As a former Marine ReconScout Sniper, I've weathered storms both literal and metaphorical, but nothing quite mirrors the tempest of reintegration that veterans face. Sean Duclay from Sail Ahead joins me, your host Thad David, to navigate these choppy waters, revealing how sailing provides a lifeline to veterans adrift in the civilian world. We set sail on a remarkable voyage where Sean charts the course of Sail Ahead's origin, its impactful mission, and the community's fervent support that's been the wind in its sails, touching over 4,000 veterans' lives.

    The tales we share are as vast and deep as the ocean itself, from the poignant visual of 219 name tags honoring fallen heroes to the stirring accounts of veterans reclaiming their sense of purpose at sea. Through Sean's eyes, we glimpse the profound tributes paid to these warriors, the comradery found on deck, and the aspiration to reach further shores and touch more lives. It's an odyssey of remembrance, healing, and the unwavering resolve to combat the veteran suicide crisis—one sail at a time.

    Hoisting the mainsail, we then tack towards the very heart of what makes Sail Ahead a sanctum for solace and strength. Stories unfurl like sails in the wind, capturing the raw emotion and therapeutic breakthroughs that occur amidst the waves. You'll hear about the seamless teamwork, the cathartic conversations, and the sense of belonging fostered through this unique sailing community. It's more than a sport; it's a vessel of hope, where veterans and their families find camaraderie, healing, and a new direction in life's vast ocean. Join us on this passionate pursuit to set new courses for veteran support and discover the ripple effects of change, one sail at a time.

    Check out there website and support Sail Ahead:

    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

    Thanks for listening!

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    50 mins
  • |int| Bridging the Battlefront to Homefront: Dr. Chris Frueh on Confronting Operator Syndrome | Ep 103
    Mar 26 2024

    When my great grandfather returned from the Spanish-American War, the battle followed him home, casting a long shadow over his daily life. Dr. Chris Frueh joins us to shed light on this very darkness that many veterans confront, known as Operator Syndrome—an affliction that intertwines mental and physical health, leaving a complex legacy of suffering. Through Dr. Frueh's compassionate lens, we navigate these challenges, illustrating the pressing need for holistic support systems for our nation's heroes, and the transformational power of treatment and understanding.

    What would it look like if every citizen contributed to national service, bridging gaps and cultivating respect for the shared commitment to our country's welfare? We explore this radical idea, examining how mandatory national service could foster unity and appreciation for those in uniform. By examining global examples and the unique bond among service members, the discussion with Dr. Frueh unveils a provocative vision for a more cohesive society, grounded in the principles of service and sacrifice.

    The journey towards healing is rife with hurdles for many veterans, especially those battling the silent aftermath of blast injuries and TBIs. This episode delves into these complex health concerns, from cognitive impairments to sleep disruptions and hormonal imbalances. We highlight the promising horizon of treatments like the stellate ganglion block therapy and the potential of wearable technology in improving sleep and overall well-being. By exploring cutting-edge fitness regimes and the invaluable resources being developed by SEAL Future's health board, we offer a beacon of hope for veterans striving toward recovery and health. Join us for this profound dialogue, featuring Dr. Chris Frueh, to gain a deeper appreciation of the resilience and the ongoing needs of our veterans.

    Buy his book on Amazon by clicking here.

    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

    Thanks for listening!

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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • |int| Unmasking the Invisible Wounds: A Deep Dive into Moral Injury and the Rebirth of Hope for Veterans | Ep102
    Mar 14 2024

    As a former Marine Recon Scout Sniper, the invisible wounds of moral injury in veterans are a subject close to my heart. It's why I'm honored to sit down with Mary Scott from Pivotal Impact Programs, who joins us with over three decades of mental health expertise. Together, we peel back the layers of this complex issue, sharing insights and stories that reveal the emotional struggles veterans and their loved ones endure. This conversation isn't just about the depths of trauma; it's a testament to the human spirit's capacity to overcome and find hope.

    The bonds we forge with others often bear the weight of our experiences, and when those experiences include combat-related trauma, the impact on personal relationships can be profound. Mary and I delve into the ways veterans carry their past into the present, sometimes with heartbreaking consequences. But we also cast light on the transformative power of love and commitment as key allies on the journey toward healing. Our discussion includes the raw truth of dealing with nightmares, the shame and anger tethered to them, and the cathartic release found within the understanding embrace of retreat programs specifically designed for veterans.

    Retreats offer a sanctuary for veterans to confront their traumas and rediscover their identities, and in this episode, I recount the life-changing moments these immersive experiences can catalyze. It's not just about the individual either; the group dynamic plays a pivotal role, allowing veterans to build trust and empathy as they share their stories and struggles. From the serene setting of Copper Falls to the guided steps towards healing, we reveal how retreats can pave the way for personal growth and recovery, regardless of one's history. Join us for an unflinchingly honest look at the path to healing moral injury and reclaiming a sense of self after service.

    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

    Thanks for listening!

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Subtracting to Enhance Life: How Less Became More in My Journey to Health and Happiness | Ep 101
    Mar 6 2024

    When I stripped away the excesses from my diet—sweets, booze, and meat—I stumbled upon a transformative power that reshaped my life. It's Thad David here, your host and former Marine recon scout sniper, and I'm thrilled to share with you how the art of subtraction has revolutionized my health and personal well-being. This isn't just my own tale; it's an homage to the veterans and listeners who've dramatically altered their lives by simply taking away rather than piling on. Our 101st episode is a veritable celebration of the victories and revelations that come from letting go, proving that sometimes, less truly is more.

    Prepare to be captivated as we traverse the journey of self-awareness, especially in the realm of what we consume, from the food on our plates to the media we absorb. I'll recount the eye-opening experiences of eliminating meat from my diet, unveiling its surprising influence on my body, particularly the disappearance of knee pain and the surge in sleep quality. I'll challenge you to scrutinize your own daily habits, urging you to excise certain elements for a spell to discern their genuine impact on your life. Join me as we discover the control we have over our health and happiness, not by adding more, but by masterfully editing our lives for the better.

    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

    Thanks for listening!

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    11 mins
  • |int| Redefining the Possible: John Register's Journey from Combat Veteran to Paralympic Triumph and Beyond | Ep 100
    Feb 15 2024

    When life threw John Register a curveball that would make most people give up, he turned it into a stepping stone for something greater. Sit back and be inspired by the incredible journey of this combat veteran and Paralympic silver medalist, as he shares with us the indomitable spirit that drove him to redefine the possible after a life-altering injury. John's insights on shifting focus from limitations to possibilities, underscored by his reflections on the Constitution's role in his life as a black American, offer a piercing look at resilience and the human spirit.

    Our conversation with John is one for the books, tracing his path from aspiring to join the Army's World Class Athlete Program to facing the stark realities of military service in Operation Desert Shield. As a 31 Charlie, John's knack for boosting soldier morale even in the bleakest moments, coupled with the cultural exchanges that broadened his worldview, is a story of adaptability and growth. Learn how a mindset shift post-injury led John from helplessness to optimism, allowing him to embrace a "new normal" and later stand tall on the Paralympic stage.

    Finally, we explore the power of community and mastermind groups in propelling us forward, highlighting John’s efforts in creating support programs for fellow veterans and the significance of planning for life's transitions. His platform, "JR's 90 Days Friends," and the impact of leading through storytelling are all part of the tools he offers to others striving for success. Engage with us in this episode to discover how John Register's story is not just about overcoming adversity but about thriving through change and personal evolution.

    Connect with John:


    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

    Thanks for listening!

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • |int| Navigating Depths and Resilience: Navy Veteran Bart Bartholomew's Voyage of Service and Survival | Ep 99
    Jan 27 2024

    When Bart Bartholomew, a Navy veteran with an incredible life story, joins me, Thad David, you know you're in for a journey that traverses the depths of the ocean and the human spirit. Bart's unexpected draft notice at 17 thrust him into an adventure with the Navy, a tale of resilience he narrates with humor and honesty. His vivid recounting of boot camp antics, the camaraderie found on the flight deck, and the inter-service rivalries unfolds a tapestry of military life at sea that's both engaging and enlightening.

    Throughout our conversation, we pay a special tribute to the unsung heroes of military conflict – the nurses and doctors whose dedication often goes unnoticed. Bart shares poignant stories of deployment, including a life-altering return home and the unpredictable nature of naval service during the Tet Offensive. His experiences shed light on the emotional toll of being away from family during critical moments and the complexities of reintegration into civilian life, while also emphasizing the profound bonds formed in service.

    As the episode draws to a close, Bart and I tackle the necessity of support networks for veterans transitioning to civilian life. We discuss the imperative of immediate outreach to veteran organizations to combat the devastating issues of homelessness and mental health struggles. It's an intimate sign-off with a powerful reminder: veterans are valued, and their contributions to our society are immeasurable. Join us to honor their service and learn more about the remarkable work done by Veterans Honoring Veterans, ensuring the legacies of our service members are never forgotten.

    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

    Thanks for listening!

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • |int| The Unseen Battles: Marshall Spring on Veterans' Mental Health and the Quest for Post-Traumatic Growth | Ep 98
    Jan 18 2024

    The weight of a service member's armor never fully lifts, even long after the battlefields have fallen silent. Marshall Spring, a former Marine Corps canine handler, joins us to navigate the labyrinth of veterans' mental health, illuminating the darkest corners where depression and suicide lurk. His story is a stark reminder that the fight for our veterans' well-being continues on home soil. Together, we dissect the subtle cues of a mind besieged and the imperative call to action for community support, shedding light on the raw truth that the count of veteran suicides is likely more harrowing than we know.

    Our dialogue extends beyond identifying the crisis to actively constructing lifelines. We venture into the transformative potential of camaraderie and shared mission, discussing innovative programs that blend adrenaline-pumping activities with the introduction of therapeutic practices. The power of peer support is championed as an essential force in steering veterans through the maze of support organizations. I share a personal narrative of loss and the pivotal shift towards helping others, exploring how the Warrior Path program and other resources can cultivate post-traumatic growth and a renewed sense of purpose.

    As we conclude, the realities of post-military life emerge as a collective journey that veterans must not walk alone. We delve into the complexity of veterans' internal battles, from grappling with guilt to the quest for reintegration into society. Marshall provides guidance on reaching out to the Combat Recovery Foundation and the importance of open dialogue within the recovery community. Our episode underscores the urgency of connection and the collective responsibility we bear to uplift those who've shouldered the weight of our nation's armor.

    Contact Marshall and his team on their website below.


    Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

    Thanks for listening!

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    57 mins