• Inner Child Healing Visualisation Meditation
    Mar 1 2024

    Journey into the heart of your being with this "Inner Child Meditation," a guided session crafted to nurture and help integrate the younger version within. Explore a space of self-discovery and compassion as you reconnect with the innocence, curiosity, and joy of your inner child. Through gentle visualization and affirmations, this meditation encourages healing, fostering a sense of wholeness that transcends time. Join me in this transformative experience, reconnect with your authentic self, and embark on a path of inner healing and growth.

    ► Go deeper with Jessi Galvin

    Retreats: Frequency of Love 9th - 14th July, Portugal

    Join Jessi Galvin and her team for 5 day transformational journey of

    self-discovery and holistic rejuvenation. You can expect to leave this experience feeling connected to your wisdom, activated in your light and grounded in your power. Included; daily Yoga, guided spirit guide and higher self journeys, group energy healing, cacao, sound & music ceremonies, nourishing food and so much more. www.jessigalvin.com/retreats

    Energy Alchemy™ Healing

    Energy Alchemy™ is an energy healing technique that works with your energy and the energy of the Universe to transform your inner state and external circumstances.

    By opening connection with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides, Energy Alchemy™ nourishes you with exactly what you need at the time including balancing chakras, improving relationships, releasing other peoples energy from your field, increasing creativity, promoting healing, and supporting spiritual growth.


    Spiritual Life Coaching

    Through a unique blend of meditation, somatic trauma work, inner child healing, subconscious reprogramming and connection with your Spirit Guides and Higher Self Jessi supports openminded humans in stepping into who you came here to be. Life Coaching sessions Jessi me are a sacred space of transformation to explore what is holding you back and to realign you your highest expansion and growth. (Trained in Compassionate Inquiry™ by Dr Gabor Mate MD) www.jessigalvin.com/coaching

    About Jessi Galvin

    Jessi Galvin is an internationally recognised master energy healer and guide with over 10 years of experience supporting clients and students around the world through 1:1 work, retreats and daily practices.

    Jessi is committed to holding the frequencies of light and compassion for everyone she works with, empowering them to trust their intuition and souls guidance to activate their own unique gifts in this lifetime.

    ❤️‍🔥 Connect with Jessi:




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    20 mins
  • Grounding Meditation & Visualisation for Energy
    Jul 4 2023

    Take a journey within and connect with a deep sense of grounding and peace through this guided meditation. In this 15-minute practice, you will be gently guided through a body scan, allowing you to release tension and cultivate awareness of the present moment. With each breath, you will deepen your connection to the Earth and visualise yourself rooted in stability and support.

    This grounding meditation will help you align with your highest vibration and access the wisdom of your higher self, opening yourself to receiving any insights or messages that arise, empowering you to expand and grow.

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    16 mins
  • Episode 11. Learning to speak your truth
    Jun 8 2023

    In this episode I speak about the process of speaking your Truth and some of the steps you can take to find your voice and embody this in daily life. I share some practices and insights that have helped me step into my own Truth over the last years and some action steps to support you bringing more of your magic into the world.

    I would love to know how this episode landed for you, any reflections or questions.

    Please feel free to send me a DM on IG @Jessi_Galvin

    Thank you for being here. Sending love <3

    Links to more:

    1:1 Life Coaching

    Energy Alchemy™ Treatments

    Find out more about me

    Access my free meditations and breathwork

    Reflections from my wonderful clients

    Thank you for being here

    If you're enjoying the show please support the Open Heart Rebellion Podcast by giving a quick rating or review on Apple Podcasts and sharing directly with someone that may benefit from joining the conversation.

    Disclaimer: Jessi and her guests are expressing their own views and are not offering professional or medical advice.

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    20 mins
  • Affirmations for Self Love
    May 4 2023

    Take a few moments to slow down, connect to your body and drop into a state of loving awareness.

    These affirmations are channeled to help you to rewrite your limiting beliefs around self love, your relationship with your body, and worthiness, and to support you in stepping into your full power whilst centred and grounded in your own energy and light. For best results, practice morning and evening for 30 days - your subconscious mind is most receptive during these 'twilight' times. Total time: 11 minutes

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    11 mins
  • Episode 10. Why shouting "f**k it" feels so good
    Apr 24 2023

    About the episode: 

    9 months ago I received some guidance from my Higher Self to encourage my Yoga class to shout "fuck it" in the middle of the practice - and the rest is history. What began as a fun freedom experiment is now a huge platform for self expression and radical self acceptance. Something happens when we come together in complete acceptance of how we feel in the present moment, and then let it all go. In this episode I share how this all came about, why it's important and why it's here to stay!

    Let’s connect: 

    Instagram: @Jessi_Galvin
    Website: www.jessigalvin.com

    Jessi works 1:1 with people supporting them in experiencing powerful lasting transformation in a loving way through Life Coaching. 

    Get in touch for more info and to explore aligned options of working together.

    Thank you for being here! If you're enjoying the show please support the Open Heart Rebellion Podcast by giving a quick rating or review on Apple Podcasts and sharing directly with someone that may benefit from joining the conversation.


    Disclaimer: Jessi and her guests are expressing their own views and are not offering professional or medical advice

    This podcast is created for people on a journey of self-love and expansion (whatever that looks like for you). Jessi Galvin, your host, is an Energy Alchemist and International Life Coach and together with very special guests you’ll hear about all things empowerment, spirituality, healing, manifestation, abundance and everything in-between - with one goal - to support you stepping into your unique gifts and living aligned to your heart. 

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    12 mins
  • Self Esteem Meditation with Affirmations
    Mar 25 2023

    Walk the path to trust in yourself, your life as you cultivate self confidence and compassion. These affirmations are channeled to help you to rewrite your limiting beliefs around trust, intuition, and confidence and to support you in stepping into your full power whilst centered and grounded in your own energy and light. For best results, practice morning and evening for 30 days - your subconscious mind is most receptive during these 'twilight' times.

    Come home to the power inside yourself.

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    11 mins
  • Episode 9. Pregnancy, Miscarriage & Healing
    Jan 19 2023

    In this solo episode I share my experience of pregnancy and miscarriage at 3 months. I touch on the death of my baby brother at 6 weeks old and the process of healing I have experienced through this journey. This is a big topic and one that’s close to my heart. 

    Show notes: 

    7:00 Creating safety in my body during pregnancy and working with the Divine Feminine & the Goddess

    9:30 The power of vulnerability and sharing the process with friends & family

    12:00 Holding on to the fear of miscarriage & surrendering to the process, practicing patience

    16:00 The power of opening up, meeting people in the depths of a painful experience and moving through grief

    23:15 Quantum Healing Hypnosis with @anenatherapy

    26:00 Trigger warning (death of baby)

    27:00 Releasing fear and changing the way society views miscarriage

    Let’s connect:

    Instagram: @Jessi_Galvin
    Website: www.jessigalvin.com

    Jessi works 1:1 with people from all works of life to support them in experiencing powerful lasting transformation in a loving way. 
    Get in touch for more info and to explore aligned options of working together.

    Thank you for being here

    If you're enjoying the show please support the Open Heart Rebellion Podcast by giving a quick rating or review on Apple Podcasts and sharing directly with someone that may benefit from joining the conversation.

    Disclaimer: Jessi and her guests are expressing their own views and are not offering professional or medical advice.

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    34 mins
  • Self Love Meditation
    Jan 17 2023

    Drop into a deep state of love and acceptance in this guided meditation. Notice your thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical sensations without judgement as you build the energy of unconditional love into your energy field. 

    Relaxing, calming, uplifting and inspiring. 

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    27 mins