
  • Eps 20: Bagaimana Rasanya Belajar dan Tinggal di Australia, Negara Multi Budaya?
    Apr 9 2024

    Dalam episode terbaru OzAlum Podcast, kami hadirkan Dr Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Tenaga Ahli Energi di Kantor Staf Presiden Republik Indonesia, yang juga #OzAlum bergelar PhD di bidang Renewable Energy and Power Systems. Bersama pembawa acara Raissa Almira, mereka membahas "Bagaimana Rasanya Belajar dan Tinggal di Australia, Negara Multi Budaya?"

    Dalam obrolan yang menarik ini, Dr Agus menjelaskan pengalaman belajar dan tinggalnya di Australia, negara multi budaya. Dia berbagi impresi pertamanya saat tiba di Australia, bagaimana menghadapi "culture shock", dan pengalamannya beradaptasi dengan lingkungan akademik. Kamu juga akan mendapatkan cerita tentang pengalamannya membawa keluarga ke Australia dan bagaimana mereka beradaptasi dengan budaya yang berbeda. Tidak hanya itu, kamu juga akan mendapatkan pandangannya mengenai bagaimana studi di Australia berdampak positif terhadap perkembangan karirnya di Indonesia.

    Bagi kamu yang tertarik untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman studi di Australia dan menghadapi perbedaan budaya, episode ini menawarkan wawasan berharga. Simak podcast ini untuk mendapatkan pandangan langsung dari ahlinya dan pesan-pesan bijak, terutama bagi kamu yang ingin memperoleh beasiswa ke Australia. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk menemukan inspirasi dan saran dari seseorang yang telah menjalani pengalaman berharga di negara yang kaya akan keberagaman. Podcast tersedia di Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, dan website OzAlum.

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    27 mins
  • Eps 19: Seperti Apa Kandidat yang Dicari Beasiswa Australia Awards?
    Mar 14 2024

    Pertanyaan ini menjadi topik utama dalam episode terbaru OzAlum Podcast, di mana kita akan membahasnya bersama dengan bintang tamu, Fendi Liem. Beliau adalah anggota Tim Seleksi (JST) Beasiswa Australia Awards dan peraih Penghargaan Alumni Australia 2017 untuk Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan yang akan membagikan segudang pengalamannya. Bersama pewara Raissa Almira, mereka mengajak kita menelusuri kualitas yang dicari oleh Australia Awards dalam memilih penerima beasiswa.

    Fendi akan menjelaskan perannya sebagai anggota JST, yang bertugas mengevaluasi dan mewawancarai kandidat pelamar Beasiswa Australia Awards. Bersama Fendi, kita akan mengungkap berbagai kriteria yang dipertimbangkan oleh JST, mulai dari kualitas kepemimpinan hingga potensi dampak terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Ikuti obrolan informatif ini yang menjanjikan wawasan berharga bagi para pejuang beasiswa.

    Untuk kamu yang bercita-cita menjadi penerima beasiswa, Fendi juga dengan murah hati berbagi tips praktis. Mulai dari memahami aspek-aspek kunci Beasiswa Australia Awards hingga menyusun rencana studi yang selaras dengan tujuannya, panduan dari Fendi akan menjadi sumber inspirasi. Simak episode ini untuk mendapatkan kiat dan strategi langsung dari ahlinya! Podcast tersedia di Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, dan website OzAlum.

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    24 mins
  • Eps #18: Mengapa Studi di Australia?
    Dec 20 2023

    Di episode terbaru "Mengapa Studi di Australia?" dari OzAlum Podcast, kita menelusuri perjalanan inspiratif Daffa Wardhana, seorang aktor dan tokoh publik yang memilih Australia sebagai tempat studinya. Pewara Raissa Almira, yang menjabat sebagai Manajer Hubungan Masyarakat dan Pemasaran Konten di Turtle Down Under, memandu kita melalui percakapan menarik ini.

    Di podcast ini, Daffa dan Raissa tidak hanya mengupas keunggulan sistem pendidikan di Australia, tetapi juga mengulas fitur-fitur unik yang membuatnya berbeda dan istimewa bagi para pelajar internasional. Percakapan tak hanya terbatas pada pemilihan Australia sebagai tempat belajar, namun juga menyelami dampak studi di Australia terhadap perkembangan pribadi dan karir.

    Ayo dengarkan obrolan menarik ini, dan simak bagaimana studi di Australia bukan hanya tentang akademis semata, tetapi juga mampu membentuk kepribadian dan memberi nilai positif terhadap karier Daffa sebagai seorang aktor. Jangan lewatkan episode yang sarat inspirasi, "Mengapa Studi di Australia?", tersedia di Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, dan situs web OzAlum.

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    10 mins
  • Eps #17: How Vital Is Sustainable Tourism for Indonesia's Economy?
    Apr 28 2023

    Tourism is one of the most critical sectors for obtaining foreign exchange, which is vital to Indonesia's economy. With the revival of the tourism sector after COVID-19, tourism is recognised by the government as a critical tool for socio-economic development. However, along with its positive impact on economic growth, the expansion of the tourism industry also significantly contributes to rising carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption. Indonesia is now reinventing and prioritising high-quality and sustainable tourism goals through implementing community-based, sustainable, inclusive tourism, which will translate to job creation impacts and boost the overall economy.

    In this seventeenth episode, our Guest Host Kendartanti Subroto, chats with Professor Noel Scott, Adjunct Professor of Tourism Management at the Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast and OzAlum Mohamad Farid Zaini, General Manager of Rinjani Lombok UNESCO Global Geopark Management Agency. They discuss the most challenging issues the tourism stakeholders face in implementing sustainable tourism and boosting economic growth. And what are the examples of Indonesia's best sustainable tourism destination that has met the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) standard?

    Listen to our OzAlum Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and the OzAlum website. Don't forget to leave a rating and review!

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    30 mins
  • Eps #16: International Women’s Day: Reflection and Milestone on the Path to Gender Equality in Indonesia
    Mar 9 2023

    For over a century, International Women's Day has been celebrated to recognise women's achievements and promote gender equality worldwide. Despite progress, biases and discrimination against women still persist. In Indonesia, women's roles are perpetuated by long-held restrictive gender norms that limit them from taking advantage of their rights and opportunities in education, health, economic sphere, and participation in political and public life.

    In this sixteenth episode, our Guest Host #OzAlum Lia Marpaung, Gender Equality, Disability & Social Inclusion Adviser at Australia Awards in Indonesia, chats with fellow #OzAlum Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, Chair of Taskforce for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence at Gadjah Mada University, and Ita F Nadia, Head of Ruang Arsip dan Sejarah (RUAS) Perempuan Indonesia. They talk about the progress in addressing gender inequality in our community and university life. And what can we do to embrace equity, promote women's fair treatment, and create a genuinely inclusive world?

    Listen to our OzAlum Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and the OzAlum website. Don't forget to leave a rating and review!

    A full transcript of this episode is available on the OzAlum Podcast website: https://podcast.ozalum.com/

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    31 mins
  • Eps #15: Shedding Light on the Invisible: The Disabilities We Can't See
    Dec 1 2022

    If you see someone using a wheelchair, wearing a hearing aid, or using other types of assistive devices, you are likely aware that the person has a disability. But not all disabilities are obvious to the eye – just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Any physical, mental, or neurological impairment that goes largely unnoticed is known as an invisible or hidden disability. The reality of individuals with these disabilities can be difficult for others to recognise, and they often face specific challenges and discrimination in their communities and workplaces. However, the more we learn about a broad spectrum of hidden disabilities, the better we can understand what people with invisible disability go through on a daily basis.

    To celebrate the International Day for People with Disability, our fifteenth podcast episode dives into the hidden disability. Our Guest Host #OzAlum Lia Marpaung, Gender Equality & Disability Adviser at Australia Awards in Indonesia, chats with fellow #OzAlum Gema Gumelar, Chief Executive of Kasih Rumala Group Foundation, Dr Dante Rigmalia, Chairperson of the National Commission for Disability Committee, and Nina Hendarwati, Partnership Coordinator at INKLUSI, a DFAT–funded program. They explore what we can do to promote accessibility, equality, and inclusivity and break down the barriers for people with invisible disabilities. And what can we learn from Australia to build an inclusive community and ensure that ‘’No one is left behind’’?

    Listen to our OzAlum Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and the OzAlum website. Don't forget to leave a rating and review!

    A full transcript of this episode is available on the OzAlum Podcast website: https://podcast.ozalum.com/

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    36 mins
  • Eps #14: G20 in the Spotlight: Transforming Education through Collaboration and Beneficial Partnerships among Key Stakeholders
    Nov 3 2022

    The Indonesian G20 presidency has urged G20 nations to use digital technology to improve the quality of education and tackle the learning disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indonesian government vows to address Indonesia’s perennial education problems, such as the lack of equal access to digital technology and high-quality education. Efforts to evenly develop the sector across the archipelago have been less than ideal partly because of the size of the population and the geographical challenges of infrastructure building.

    In this fourteenth episode, #OzAlum Dr Daniel Suryadarma, Research Economist at the Asian Development Bank Institute, and Feiny Sentosa, Deputy Director – Learning at the Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI), a DFAT-funded program, discuss why preparing human resources and education infrastructure is crucial in addressing the gaps in digital transformation. And how can the community, the private sector and the partnership programs collaborate and contribute to achieving education for all in Indonesia?

    Listen to our OzAlum Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and the OzAlum website. Don't forget to leave a rating and review!

    A full transcript of this episode is available on the OzAlum Podcast website: https://podcast.ozalum.com/

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    31 mins
  • Eps #13: G20 in the Spotlight: Finding Opportunities for Positive Change
    Jul 27 2022

    The COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity for the whole world to work together to overcome crises and create and maintain solid, sustainable and inclusive global growth. The Group of Twenty (G20), which includes Indonesia and Australia, has the potential to play a central role in alleviating this crisis through collective action and inclusive collaboration among major developed countries and emerging economies around the world.

    In this thirteenth episode, OzAlum Prof Dr Herawati Sudoyo, Principal Investigator at the Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology, Dr Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Energy Expert Staff in the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, and Faye Wongso, Co-Founder and CEO of Kumpul, share their views on lessons everyone can learn from the Pandemic that can help us prepare for future shocks and crisis. From global health architecture, sustainable energy transition and digital transformation, together Australian alumni have an opportunity to support decision makers to move away from the status quo and make positive changes in our communities and country.

    Listen to our OzAlum Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and the OzAlum website. Don't forget to leave a rating and review!

    And if you want to make a difference and become the next generation of global leaders, apply now for a G20 “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” Scholarship. The Scholarships will be awarded specifically for Masters and PhD programs that fit under Indonesia’s G20 priority areas, namely global health architecture, digital transformation and sustainable energy transition. The applications close on 12 August. More info: https://oz.link/g20scholarships.

    A full transcript of this episode is available on the OzAlum Podcast website:

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    32 mins