
  • Act 9: Final Episode at RAF Base in 2030
    Aug 5 2024

    Ben and James take the morning ride back to airfield on the day to return the hover plane to the US authorities. After a coffee, they are received at the Air Base conference center to be waved off by the High Command.

    James mounts the stairs at the rear of the plane and waits for Ben to arrive in the cockpit. Instead Michelle joins James and asks where exactly are they going? Before James can reply, the plane rises off the ground and hovers over the base in the sunshine. The screen goes dark as Michelle screams at Ben to know where they are. Finally, above all the noise outside, Ben replies they are hovering 300 feet above the ocean in mid-Atlantic.

    James orders Ben to change the co-ordinates to Janet’s old house in the Caribbean and make a time jump back to March 2020 - the start of the pandemic again. The screen goes black and that’s a wrap. We hope you enjoyed listening to the show.

    Listen on Spotify:


    See the complete book series on website: https://www.andrewman.ch/

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    5 mins
  • Oxford University, UK
    Jul 1 2024

    Flashback to the arrival of the comet…Michelle was studying to be a doctor at Oxford University, England. It's the start of the autumn term in 2030, and finds she has a new roommate, from the Carribbean.

    Lucy now an Overseas student has joined Oxford University, just before the comet arrives and they become much needed friends. Two days later, the lights go out and everything electronic no longer works. Michelle decides they need to get to higher ground, to an airbase where her father worked, in the Chiltern hills. With the help of candles, in the university library, they find a map of the route and plan to leave on bicycles as soon as the light returns.

    Lucy admits that she once met James, ten years ago on the Caribbean island, who had seen these events would unfold in 2030. This flashback was to show that the characters are ordinary young people who face difficult decisions in their rapidly changing world.

    Link to Spotify:


    Link to POSTLUDE eBook on Kindle:


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    12 mins
  • Act 7 - Comets and a Pole Shift
    Jun 3 2024

    James is surprised that they have opened his file again after ten years and are aware of his time travelling abilities in the past.

    James agrees to help the technicians with a short test flight as he wants to know more about the plane. During the test flight he sees a list of destinations that were programmed into the planes computer and adds one of his own. Talking to the instructor after he becomes aware that the plane might be able to fly underwater or even in space. But time is short as the plane is due to be returned to the US the next day.

    This installment is needed to show that James is finding his feet at the airbase, and thinking how he can return to the Caribbean to recover his medallion. The next episode will go back to explain how Michelle arrived at the airbase.


    Read the book: https://amzn.to/3VzFpTM

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    8 mins
  • Act 6 - Coronal Mass ejection of the Sun
    May 6 2024

    Ben and James are driven to the base for a meeting with the top brass at the Base HQ.

    Ben leads the way to an imposing building with RAF and Union flags outside. In a meeting room they find Ruth London, head of security (Home office) where James is questioned again about where he has been for the past ten years.
    James asks why there are no military aircraft flying at the base? He learns that all military planes are grounded by the massive CME that took out all the
    electrical systems, satellites and GPS, and old planes are used to supply the base.
    James is trapped without his time travelling medallion they are forced to work for them or face imprisonment. James and Ben submit to her threats, are forced to sign the Official secrets papers and agree to return the hover plane to the US. But James has other ideas about how the plane flies that we
    will learn about in the next installment.


    website: https://www.andrewman.ch/

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    6 mins
  • Act 5: James and Ben at the RAF airbase
    Apr 1 2024

    At the airbase hospital, James is released from quarantine, where he’s discharged by the nurse, Michelle Warwick.

    He’s told rumors that the planet was hit by a space rock that created tsunamis over most of the English coastal regions. Then she explains that most electrical machines stopped after days of darkness, before the sun returned.
    When Ben arrives at the end of the day, they are taken in a military jeep to a house at the end of the runway. Ben shows James around his pad and learns that the nurse Michelle is his girlfriend. James has no idea where he has been for the past ten years. He sees there’s a big
    cover up going on at the airbase, about what really happened.

    This installment is an introduction to James and Ben at the airbase
    that will continue for the next two installments to prepare listeners for the Series final.

    Link to Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3QUaGUdGbyKm3i8tJCPfT6

    Link to Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/postlude-eve-not-adam/id1717109130

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    6 mins
  • Act 4: The Cylinder on the Beach
    Mar 4 2024

    We see the massive crater and the naked woman Kiya, sitting in a pool of mud. Lucy and her Grandma pull her out of the crater and take her back home in a car.

    After getting cleaned up, Kiya is told that the island is a British territory in the West Indies, with a volcano and tells a part of her story. She wants to go back down to beach to see the crashed cylinder.

    The next day, the two girls set off on bikes, to ride down to beach with the cylinder. They see two trucks of soldiers going in the same direction and wait until the men leave for lunch. Both girls walk across the empty beach to see the cylinder towering above them. Kiya knows how to get inside and as the tide comes in, the cylinder glows and slowly lifts off the sand only to stop at the high-water mark.

    Kiya jumps out of the cylinder just before the soldiers return and the two girls run off and hide in the woods. On their walk back home Kiya explains how she worked with some human people on a boat in the past who taught her to speak English. The women were trained to be sailors and made to sow their own uniforms.

    This episode introduces the exo-planet team who might still be on the other planet and we see Lucy and Kiya bond together. Next we return to James at the airbase by moving forward to 2030 again.

    Read the complete POSTLUDE eBook on Kindle: https://amzn.to/3VzFpTM

    See the complete book series at https://www.andrewman.ch

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    12 mins
  • Act 3 - Why this Caribbean Island?
    Feb 5 2024

    Flashback to 2020 continued at the Marine base, Dorset England where the Captain and Giles reflect on what really happened. Satellite pictures show that the house was not destroyed by a drone strike, but de-materialized before. They consider an image of a girl being helped out of the crater by what looks like two local women.

    The Captain remembers that the island had been approved by all members of the ‘five eyes’ as Giles admits that he works for the Ministry of Defence! Giles explains that they needed to find a place for the cylinder to land, where the event could be kept secret. Somewhere off the grid, somewhere still British, but with a US airbase just 20 minutes away on Antigua. That was possible to cover up with the Island in lockdown.

    After this breaking news, the next installment goes back to Caribbean island in 2020.

    Postlude eBook: https://amzn.to/3VzFpTM

    Website Book Series: https://www.andrewman.ch/

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    5 mins
  • Act 2 - Flash back to England, 2020
    Jan 1 2024

    After his return to England, a British Commando on the joint task force to the island is arrested and taken to a Royal Marine base to provide a report of what happened on the Caribbean island. This is just the beginning, as he recounts a force field on the beach with dead fish and birds and someone called James doing strange things with the cylinder they found underwater, that he thought saved a lot of lives. 

    When he meets his Commanding Officer, he shows that he had a relationship on the island with a female Navy officer and expects to be disciplined. To his surprise, the Captain accepts his report and congratulates his actions, sending him off on unpaid leave. The reason is clearly to prevent him from appearing at a formal inquiry, as the military must come together in shared determination to protect themselves.

    But will they be successful in their quest to preserve that which they know cannot be disclosed, as we find out in the next installment.

    Read the complete POSTLUDE eBook on Kindle: https://amzn.to/3VzFpTM

    See the complete book series on website: https://www.andrewman.ch/

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    9 mins