• Ketorolac
    Dec 23 2022
    • Trade: Toradol 
    • Class: NSAID
    • MOA: inhibits the production or prostaglandins in inflamed tissue, which decreases the responsiveness of pain receptors. 
    • Indications: Moderately severe acute pain
    • Contraindications: Patients with a hx of peptic ulcer disease or GI bleed, patients with renal insufficiency, hypovolemic patients, 3rd trimester pregnancy, nursing mothers, allergy to other nsaids, stroke or head trauma, having surgery within the next 7 days.  
    • Side effects:  headache, drowsiness, dizziness, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, N/V, Diarrhea.
    • Dosing:


    IV 30mg

    IM 60mg 

    Senior (65 and older)/ Pediatric < 50kgs

    IV 15mg

    IM 30mg

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    1 min
  • Morphine
    Dec 23 2022
    • Trade: Morphine
    • Class: Opiate agonist/Narcotic Analgesic 
    • MOA: Binds to the opiate receptors. Reduces stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system caused by pain and anxiety. Reduction of sympathetic stimulation reduces heart rate, cardiac work, and myocardial O2 consumption
    • Indications: moderate to severe pain including chest pain associated with ACS, CHF, and pulmonary edema.
    • Contraindications: Respiratory depression, shock.
    • Side effects: Respiratory depression, hypotension, N/V, dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, diaphoresis, euphoria, seizures, cardiac arrest, anaphylactoid reaction.
    • Dosage:


    2-10mg IV/IO/IM


    < 110 lbs 0.025 – 0.2mg/kg IV/IO/IM

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    1 min
  • Fentanyl
    Dec 23 2022
    • Trade: Sublimaze
    • Class: Narcotic Analgesic 
    • MOA: Binds to opiate receptors producing analgesia and euphoria
    • Indication: Pain
    • Contraindication: Use caution in traumatic brain injury, Respiratory depression 
    • Side effects: Respiratory depression, apnea, hypotension, N/V, dizziness, sedation euphoria, Sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, palpitations, HTN, diaphoresis, syncope
    • Dosing


    50-100mcg IM/IV


    1-2mcg/kg IM/IV

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    1 min
  • Diazepam
    Dec 23 2022
    • Trade: Valium 
    • Class: Benzodiazepine
    • MOA: Binds to the benzodiazepine receptor and enhances the effects of GABA
    • Indications: Anxiety, Skeletal muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant 
    • Contraindications: Children younger then 6 months, acute angle glaucoma, CNS depression, alcohol intoxication. 
    • Side effects:  Respiratory depression, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, pain at the injection site, confusion, nausea, hypotension, cardiac arrest at high doses
    • •Dosing:


    Anxiety: 2-10mg IV/IM

    Seizure: 5-10mg IV/IO


    Anxiety: 0.2 – 0.3mg/kg IV/IM

    Seizure:  Older then 5 years: 1mg IV/IO

    Older then 30 days less then 5 years: 0.2 to 0.5mg IV/IO

                    Neonate: 0.1-0.3mg/kg IV/IO

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    2 mins
  • Carbamazepine
    Dec 23 2022
    • Trade: Tegretol 
    • Class:  Anticonvulsant 
    • MOA: Binds preferably to voltage gated Sodium channels in their inactive conformation, which prevents repetitive and sustained firing of an action potential.
    • Indications: Partial and generalized tonic – clonic seizures 
    • Contraindications: AV Block, bundle branch block, agranulocytosis, bone marrow supression, monoamine oxidase inhibitor therapy
    • Side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, ataxia, N/V, blurred vision, confusion, headache, transient diplopia, visual hallucinations, life threatening rashes.
    • Dosing:


    200mg PO


    6-12 years old: 100mg PO

            Less then 6: 10mg/kg PO

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    1 min
    Dec 8 2022

    First and foremost, THANK YOU to everyone who was listened to this Podcast over the past year. In just under 12 months we have risen to one of the top listened to and searched paramedic pod casts on spotify and apple podcasts. Again, thank you so much!

    If you love listening to my voice read these drugs, but want an extra visual aid to go along with it, my classmate is currently selling laminated, professionally printed copies of every drug we have covered. They are  available one etsy RIGHT NOW! Head over there, check them out, and if you think they'll help, place an order. He will be running a discount exclusively for listeners of Paramedic Drug Cards for a limited time. Dont miss out!


    Exclusive DISCOUNT CODE for my listeners: MEDIC22

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    3 mins
  • Nicardipine
    Dec 8 2022

    Trade – Cardene

    Class – Calcium Channel blocker 

    MOA – Blocks calcium movement into the smooth muscle of the blood vessel walls, causing vasodilation.

    Indication – Angina, HTN

    Contraindication – Aortic stenosis, hypotension, use caution in heart failure, cardiac conduction abnormalities, Cerebrovascular disease, depressed AV node conduction. 

    Side effects – Edema, headaches, flushing, sinus tachycardia, hypotension 

    Dosages :

    Adult: 5mg/hr IV/IO 

    Pedi: 0.5 – 5 mcg/kg/min

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    1 min
  • Hydroxocobalamin
    Dec 8 2022
    • Trade – Cyanokit
    • MOA:  Antidote, cyanide poisoning adjunct Binds with cyanide to form nontoxic cyanocobalamin, preventing its toxic effects; excreted renally
    • Indications: Treatment of known or suspected cyanide poisioning.
    • Contraindications:  None is the emergency setting
    • Side Effects:  Hypertension, allergic reactions, GI bleeding, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, dyspnea, dizziness, headache, injection site reactions.
    • Dosage:  

    Adult: 5 g IV infusion over 15 minutes at a rate of 15 mL/min.

    Pedi:  70 mg/kg IV one time, may be repeated one time at the same dose.

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    1 min