• Famous For Generosity | Preston Morrison
    Sep 23 2024

    Scripture makes it clear — God wants to be known for generosity. And if that’s HIS heart, why should it not be ours as well? What would it look like as believers, if we became famous for generosity? How do we practically care for those in need? And how can we reflect the heart of the Father in our everyday lives?

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    41 mins
  • Why Do We Tithe? | Preston Morrison
    Sep 16 2024

    God doesn’t want to be first, He IS first. The question is, do we make Him that in our lives? When it comes to tithing, the Bible is clear. So what is the tithe? Why do we tithe? And how does the way we see it change the way we see everything else?

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    51 mins
  • Money Is A Tool | Preston Morrison
    Sep 9 2024

    If you don’t understand that money is a tool, the enemy will use money in your life to turn you into his own personal tool. So how do we use this tool that God has entrusted us with? What are some practical ways we can use it to invest in our relationships? And how can we use it to invest in ourselves and the life God has created for us to live?

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    41 mins
  • Be A Light | Brent Hatchett
    Sep 2 2024

    As followers of Christ, we are collectively called to be one thing: a light. However, it’s not as easy as it may seem. So how DO we become a light? What does a light look like? What are the barriers to becoming a light? And what happens when we all step into that calling?

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    46 mins
  • How To Overcome The Darkness | Preston Morrison
    Aug 26 2024

    As believers, we must understand that spiritual warfare is real. And if a child of God does not understand they are a soldier at war, they are unknowingly living as a casualty of war. So then, how must we live in the midst of a fight? How do we recognize attacks from the enemy? How do we overcome darkness? And how can we partner with God through it all?

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    44 mins
  • How Does God See Debt? | Preston Morrison
    Aug 19 2024

    Understanding a biblical perspective of debt is crucial to living a healthy, Christian life. The effects of debt can not only handcuff what God wants to ultimately do through you, but if we don’t get it under control, it can be crippling. So where does debt come from? How does God actually feel about debt? And if you’re currently in debt, how do you get out of it?

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    46 mins
  • How Does God See Money? | Preston Morrison
    Aug 12 2024

    Because we all have different experiences, we all see money in different ways. However, as believers in the body of Christ, the question is: how does God see money? What does the Bible say about it? And how can we better steward what God has placed in our hands once we grasp this new understanding?

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    45 mins
  • It Is Your Job : 4 Responsibilities Of Every Believer | Isaac Gross
    Aug 5 2024

    We all know that God is sovereign, having all power and all authority. However, that doesn’t mean as believers, we just get to sit back and enjoy the ride. God asks US to partner with HIM to bring His Kingdom to earth. But how do we do that? Where do we start? And what can it look like when we come alongside God in partnership to what He is already doing on the earth?

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    40 mins