• S7E31 Poetry Across the Water New York to Dublin
    Jul 29 2024

    This week you can hear the poems chosen from the Poetry Pea Video prompt from June. Have you left your poetry in the comments this month? You'll find it on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel. Thanks to Linda for reading all the entries and choosing this selection for the podcast and the Poetry Pea Journal.

    Episode webpage.

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    9 mins
  • S7E30 Seasonal Poetry Autumn & Winter haiku
    Jul 22 2024

    poetrypea.com presents haiku poetry celebrating the seasons. In part two of this mini series you will hear poems from Autumn and Winter. If you are on the Poetry Pea mailing list you will know why I’ve featured these poems to inspire your writing. If you are not…quick, sign up!

    If you’ve enjoyed these poems please like and share and maybe you can think about becoming a member or buying us a coffee. Details on the website. We’d be very grateful.

    Show notes here

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    11 mins
  • S7E29 Seasonal Poetry. Spring & Summer Haiku
    Jul 15 2024

    This is part 1 of a miniseries on haiku seasons. This week Spring & Summer, next week Autumn & Winter. Those of you on the Poetry Pea mailing list will know why I'm highlighting seasonal poetry. If you are not on the mailing list there is still time to sign up and be involved in something a little special. Sign up now!

    Thank you for joining us today if you've enjoyed it, please consider buying us a coffee or becoming a member, with benefits to you.

    If you could tell your haiku friends about us too, that would be fabulous.

    Show notes here

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    23 mins
  • S7E28 A Gift of Warm Coins and Poetry - Diarmuid Fitzgerald
    Jul 8 2024

    poetrypea.com presents the Irish writer Diarmuid Fitzgerald who reads to us from his books Thames Way and A Thousand Sparks, published by Alba publishing.

    I smiled for days when editing this. I hope you enjoy it too.

    Show notes here.

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    44 mins
  • S7E27 A Bike Ride Accompanied by Poetry
    Jul 1 2024

    Come on a bike ride with me to the lake and back via the woods, river and farm and along the way we'll enjoy some haiku and senryū poetry written especially for the podcast and some senryū to inspire you to write.

    Check out the show notes here.

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    30 mins
  • S7E26 Single Object Haiku & Senryu Poetry
    Jun 23 2024

    Today we have oodles of original poetry, haiku and senryū, written by you about one single object.

    Much like beauty, the object is often in the eye of the author and the reader and so some of you might disagree with some of our choices, which as you know I don’t have a problem with. if you do disagree, slip me an email and let me know why. We won’t fall out about it.

    I promised you a journal out at the end of the month and so far I think I’m going to be able to do it, it will be journal 3:24 if you are over at Buy me a Coffee, but fear not, if you are on the mailing list you will be notified as soon as it’s out and of course if you are an Issa or Buson member then it will fall effortlessly into your in box.

    Show notes

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    50 mins
  • S7E25 Modern Senryu Poetry Workshop
    Jun 17 2024

    Next month, July 2024, we are writing senryū together. To inspire your creativity and to give you a background in the history of senryū I’m running a series of podcasts all about them. This is the second one, the first was episode 23 of this series, so it would make sense to go back and listen or watch that one before you crack on with this.

    Unfortunately while I was preparing for this series of podcasts, my dear husband brought a rather nasty cold into the house and kindly shared it with me, and I spent more time sleeping away the virus than I would have liked, so apologies, this podcast isn’t as long as I’d like it to be, but I do have some great senryū to share with you, recommendations for what we’d like to see in the submissions and a little story.

    Hello I’m Patricia and you are most welcome to join me on a journey to senryū on this the Poetry Pea Cast.

    Show notes here at poetrypea.com

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    24 mins
  • S7E24 Poetry Pea Reading Irish Poet Jeremy Haworth
    Jun 10 2024

    Today at poetrypea.com I’m inviting you to head off with me to my old summer stomping ground, the Irish countryside. For a reading of poetry, more particularly haibun.

    We’re going to meet the poet and farmer Jeremy Haworth and listen to the poems he wrote while he was learning his farming craft.

    “in Four Season farm, Jeremy Haworth’s writing is skilled, deliberate and accomplished. It is honest, humble and refreshing. Written in a clear and original voice, Four Season farm is a remarkable debut and a delightful read.” Sean O’Connor

    In 2019 Jeremy won the Cúirt New Writing Prize.

    Episode show notes here.

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    45 mins