Oct 4 2023

    Season 2 / Episode 1: Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman's life, often bringing about profound changes. One such change that's been shrouded in silence is hair loss. Join us in this episode as we break the taboo and explore the causes and effects of hair loss during menopause.

    Let's dive into the hormonal intricacies that can lead to hair loss, unraveling the mystery behind those dwindling strands. Discover practical strategies and expert tips to manage hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

    It's time to reclaim your confidence and embrace the power of knowledge. Tune in to this enlightening episode as we embark on a journey to empower women during the menopause transition. Don't let hair loss hold you back!

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    17 mins
  • Alcohol and Menopause: It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
    Dec 29 2022

    Sundala Wellness Blog Podcast Episode 6

    Thank you for joining me on today’s episode of Power to the Pause.

    Alcohol and Menopause…It's 5 O’Clock Somewhere!

    Today’s podcast might hit some hard. Especially those who enjoy their “5 o’clock” somewhere daily ritual. I’ve personally never been a big drinker however, when the pandemic locked us down, I did use wine nightly to soften the blow of loneliness. What I found, though, was that my mood got pretty dark, and the loneliness felt even more isolating. I never understood those who get happy or giddy when they drink. It didn't become obvious to me until I watched a Netflix documentary that some people actually metabolize alcohol and some don’t. This is a genetic predisposition. 

    Similar to how some metabolize coffee, and some don’t if you happened to listen to the podcast on caffeine. I was curious about how menopause and alcohol go together. More so because of the research on alcohol and breast cancer. It is a thing and an important thing at that for women even as early as in their 40s to consider.

    I am NOT here to try to convince you NOT to drink, but I am here to make you question what you drink and the sources from where you choose to drink your alcohol.

    I personally subscribe to a wine subscription service that only delivers me wines from organic, family farm vineyards and is lab-tested for purity of the soil. No added sugars or pesticides. Dry Farm wines have an uncompromising criteria for their selection process, including wines that are: sugar-free, have no toxic additives, have lower alcohol volume, have organic farming practices, and all vegan, keto, and paleo-friendly. If you would like to try Dry Farm Wines, you can go to their website at www.dryfarmwines.com/sundala, and with your first order, you will get a free bottle of wine for one cent.

    Don’t let this intro scare you, as I am still enjoying wine when I drink. I am just choosing to drink differently, and I hope you will consider it too.

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    34 mins
  • Caffeine and Menopause: Friend or Foe?
    Dec 1 2022

    Sundala Wellness Blog Podcast Episode 5

    Thank you for joining me on today’s episode of Power to the Pause.

    Caffeine and Menopause: Friend or Foe?

    Today’s podcast is to dive into the world of caffeine, the most commonly consumed psychoactive drug globally. We will spend some time on learning the quantity that is considered safe, what makes caffeine addictive, the impact of dopamine and how it affects our brain and physiology. Caffeine can affect women in different ways from perimenopause to postmenopause and how one’s genetic makeup can determine caffeine’s metabolism and tolerance. I will cover how to choose the healthiest coffee and what to look for when choosing a bean.

    Also, I will share with you, my favorite coffee from Purity, the company that I use and fully endorse not just for their dedication to roasting the proper bean but also to their care of the environment and commitment to creating blends that are geared towards maximizing nutrients, antioxidants the enhancement of all the health benefits of coffee. If you are interested in Purity coffee, see the link on my website or go to puritycoffee.com and use the code Sundalawellness for a 10% discount at check out. My personal favorites are their blend called Ease which is low in acidity and supports gut health and another blend called Protect which is roasted specifically for Liver care.

    Thank you for listening to Sundala Wellness POWER TO THE PAUSE podcast. I appreciate your time and curiosity to become a healthier version of yourself in your transitioning years. Please subscribe to this podcast and make your way over to my website at www.sundalawellness.com and grab my “7 Tips to Prepare for Menopause” freebie on the home page! 

    Until next time, Find Your Power In Your Pause!

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    28 mins
  • Menopause Weight Gain: Striving For Metabolic Flexibility
    Nov 15 2022

    Sundala Wellness Blog Podcast Episode 4

    Thank you for joining me on today’s episode of Power to the Pause.

    Menopause Weight Gain and Striving for Metabolic Flexibility

    Just a few things to note before you listen.

    Today’s podcast is to give a broad overview of menopausal weight gain and the concept behind being metabolically flexible especially as we age. Research shows that as we go through menopause (and for men going through andropause this is true for you and your declining testosterone), we all can rely less and less on the hormones we once utilized for building strong bones, powerful muscles and keeping our fat mass down. I am going to personally share with you the LUMEN device that I use daily to check my macro distribution and how it keeps me on track for times when I am both training for an athletic event (so I dont over fuel before a workout or overeat after a workout because its very easy to use the “I worked out hard, so I can eat more” excuse and times when I am just looking to maintain or lose a few extra pounds. Weight loss does not have to be difficult as we get older. Knowing how to do it safely and efficiently is key. Check out the LUMEN device on my website and get an additional $50 off using the discount code BIANCAB

    Learning about proper fueling through using the correct amount of macronutrients can lead us towards and keep us on the road of health and longevity. Hacking your metabolism is easy with the right tool.

    Thank you for listening to Sundala Wellness POWER TO THE PAUSE podcast. I appreciate your time and curiosity to become a healthier version of yourself in your transitioning years!

    For further information on Menopause Weight Gain and Metabolic Flexibility, go to www.sundalawellness.com 

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    32 mins
  • Sex Drive and Menopause, the Midlife Effects on Desire and Libido
    Nov 9 2022

    Power to the Pause presents episode #3 : Sex Drive and Menopause, the Midlife Effects on Desire and Libido

    This podcast is to bring awareness to womens sex drive in her older years and to decrease the stigma around a woman’s desire for sexual intimacy. It is important that we as women can discuss sex, sex drive and our anatomical parts without shame or embarrassment. Feminine pleasure, the act of sex, including masturbation and orgasm (not just sex as defined as penetration) is important for women. Research shows that it helps to lower blood pressure, improve immune responses and it can help to decrease the risk of heart disease, one of the most common issues women deal with after the age of 50. Also, this podcast is not intended to negate those with sexual wounds. Being vulnerable in the wake of sexual trauma can be hard for anyone (including my own history) but with self-compassion, safety and communication, it can prove to have lasting positive psychological effects, can continue to facilitate healing and can increase the emotional connections we have with ourselves and our partners . Sexual pleasure belongs to women as much as it does to men. I dedicate this podcast to my fellow menopausal women, may we find ourselves as beautiful, supported, nurtured, sexual beings.

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    19 mins
  • Perimenopause vs Menopause: Embracing the Transition
    Oct 25 2022

    Preparing for our midlife transition can be confusing for women. How does perimenopause actually begin, and when does menopause actually end? Unfortunately, there is no specific timeline since every woman going through her transition does it on her own. Symptoms can range from the standard "hot flash" to odd experiences like a burning tongue or the sudden onset of a frozen shoulder. Come, explore the subtle differences between the two and learn what you are going through is normal (for you) and how you can manage through it with understanding and non-resistance. We can do this together, with support and conversation. 

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    25 mins
  • Power To the Pause Episode 1: CBD for Menopause: The Benefits of Cannabis for Women
    Oct 18 2022

    If you are in perimenopause or working through the menopausal transition and are curious about CBD, listen to this episode as we break down the therapeutic components of the cannabis plant. Learn the differences between CBD, CBN, THC, and CBG. Explore the endocannabinoid system and how it relates to women in menopause. How to dose CBD? What are the possible side effects? Learn about my favorite womxn-owned company and get a 15% discount off your purchase. There is POWER IN THE PAUSE, ladies; we just need to dig deep and find it within. 

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    27 mins