
  • Podcast 197 Story telling from my listeners (B1, B2)
    Jul 15 2024

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    Here are the rules for the story-writing activity.
    - The story must include at least one of the phrases 1 to 8 shown below.
    - The story should not be longer than 80 words.
    - The story can only be sent from the link on mobile phones "send me a text" at the top of this page in your podcast app.
    - The last day for sending the story is 28th July 2024.
    - I'll read two or three of the best stories on my podcast.

    1) The voice sounded rather weak, sleepy even.

    2) I’ve got a few hours. I thought we could meet up.

    3) Thoughts began to go through Stephen’s mind

    4) 'Why don’t you come over?' Jane suggested.

    5) ‘See you in a bit* then,’ she said and hung up.

    6) On such a small island, everybody knew everybody else

    7) 'Well, well, well. After all these years!' she said.

    8) She had to move piles of papers off the sofa, so Stephen could sit down.

    See the full transcript of the story extract at: https://www.practisingenglish.com/podcast-197.htm

    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    24 mins
  • Podcast 196 Intonation in a Story
    Jul 8 2024

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    Today I have joined the two halves of The Quiet Man together so you can enjoy this story in one complete story.

    I briefly discuss intonation and give you a task to listen to while enjoying the story.

    For more podcasts on intonation at Practising English, go to podcasts: 126, 109, 43, 103. See the podcast numbers at my website...

    The Quiet Man

    First part of story. If you can't see the words in red on your app (the stressed words), you can visit my website at https://www.practisingenglish.com/podcast-196.htm:

    Come on, you’ll like them! They really are super people!’

    Simon Willoughby wasn’t convinced. He had never been keen on theatres and actors.

    On the only occasion Simon had actually been to the theatre, he had felt terrified. On this visit, he was sitting just two rows back from the front, when, during the play, one of the performers had come down from the stage. She asked if someone would like to come up and take part in the play. As nobody raised their hand, the actress came among the audience to look for someone.

    For one terrible moment, Simon thought it was going to be him. He closed his eyes, and his heartbeat raced while sweat poured off his face and hands. Fortunately, for Simon, the actress chose another person, who had been sitting right next to him. Simon could breathe normally again. In fact, feeling worried that the same thing might happen later on in the performance, Simon got up and quietly walked out of the theatre. He’d never been back.

    How he had become friends with his department’s manageress, Simon couldn’t even guess. She seemed to like him. Her name was Phillipa, and she had asked Simon to come into her office to talk about his work in the company. He couldn’t really understand why he deserved the attention. His work as a computer programmer was hardly important, as what he did was simple and even rather dull.

    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    32 mins
  • Podcast 195 Uses of SO and REALLY (B1 level)
    Jul 1 2024

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    Extracts from my stories with examples of SO and REALLY Here are the 4 extracts from my stories I use in this podcast to give examples of the use of SO and REALLY as intensifiers.

    Extract 1:

    'The fishmonger,' corrected Vanessa again. 'The person who sells fish is called a fishmonger.'

    'The fishmonger was REALLY big and fat,' added Jason. 'Then Gran pointed to the fish man and said to me, "Do you know what this gentleman's name is?" And I said, "No, I don't." And Gran said, "His name's Mr Whale!" And Gran laughed, and the big fat fish man looked at me with his big red face and laughed, and everybody in the shop laughed, but I didn't laugh because I didn't understand what was SO funny.

    Then Gran said it again, "His name is Mr Whale!" So I said "Oh! I see! His name is Mr Whale, and he's REALLY big and fat like a whale!" And then everybody stopped laughing, and Mr Whale went redder in the face, and then looked the other way, and Gran was REALLY annoyed, but I didn't understand why.'

    'Stupid!' said Vanessa angrily. 'It was funny because his name is Mr Whale and he's a fishmonger. Don't you see?'

    For extracts 2, 3 and 4, visit my website at: https://www.practisingenglish.com/podcast-195.htm

    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    21 mins
  • Podcast 194 PET exam writing the article B1
    Jun 23 2024

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    Writing the B1 article.

    (If you are interested in my podcast about writing the B1 story...
    https://www.practisingenglish.com/podcast-128.htm )

    These are some general, very important words I recommend you learn for writing in any part of the PET exam. You won't be able to use all of them, but try to use some at least:

    unless, available, suitable, encourage, increase, intend to, involve, keen to/on, supposed to, unable to. (Which words do I use?)

    These are the usual topics that come up for the article, Try to learn a few B1 words and expressions related to each topic.

    work (adults only),


    Travel and transport.


    Leisure activities.

    Sport, health and fitness.


    News and media. (adults only)


    My topic today for the article today: Sport, health and fitness.

    You see this notice in your school magazine. Write an article about young people and how to be healthy. Do you think it is important for young people to do sport and keep fit? Why?

    Which are the best ways to stay healthy?

    The best articles to answer these questions will be published next month.

    Write your article.

    Vocabulary for this topic: (which words do I use?)






    aches and pains


    keep fit


    join a club





    Swimming, the best way to exercise.

    In this world where mobiles and video games are available to everybody, keeping fit isn't always easy. Do you find time to exercise?

    I'm really keen on swimming, so I joined a club, where I go nearly every day, and I feel great! However, my brother’s idea of leisure is playing video games! Now he has a weight problem, he’s unfit, and complains of aches and pains. He's unable to swim one length of our local pool!

    Although TV and video games are fine sometimes, I encourage teenagers to swim because it keeps you fit and healthy. Be free of pain and start swimming!

    So I used the following general B1 words: available, keen on, unable to, encourage.
    And the following specific words related to the topic: keep fit, joined a club, unfit, aches and pains.

    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    24 mins
  • Podcast 193 FCE writing the essay B2
    Jun 16 2024

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    Expressions to memorize

    1) There is a decline in the numbers of lynxes. (usually negative)
    The decline in the number of tourists.

    2) It is extremely important that we finish this project on time.
    It is crucial that we finish this project on time.

    3) Tigers are an endangered species.
    Tigers are a threatened species.
    Bees are becoming threatened by the use of pesticides.

    4) Forests are disappearing very quickly.
    Unemployment is increasing at an alarming rate. (usually negative)

    5) Preventing climate change is becoming more and more difficult.
    Preventing climate change is becoming increasingly difficult.
    Language learning has become increasingly important.

    6) We were very confused trying to understand the menu in Chinese.
    We were very puzzled trying to understand the menu in Chinese.

    7) Everybody in our group was unhappy with the service at the restaurant.
    Everybody in our group was dissatisfied with the service at the restaurant.

    8) The tourists were all very happy after the party.
    The tourists were all very content after the party.

    9) We thought the Swiss mountain scenery was incredibly beautiful.
    We thought the Swiss mountain scenery was breathtaking.
    Some of their football was breathtaking, a delight to watch.

    10) He didn’t get up in time, so he missed the bus.
    He failed to get up in time, so he missed the bus.

    FCE Writing Paper (Part 1)
    Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your points of view.
    People need to do more to protect the environment. Do you agree?

    1, Recycling
    2. Using bicycles and public transport
    3. .......... (your own idea)

    People need to do more to protect the environment. Do you agree?

    The topic of the environment is an increasingly worrying issue. How much consumers should be involved in caring for our planet is a subject that needs to be discussed.

    We should all feel dissatisfied with the current situation of waste. Recycling is available to all of us. Providing local governments place bins near our home, surely, the consumer alone must be responsible for their own recycling.

    Secondly, taking the bicycle or public transport instead of the car is an option we should all choose. On the other hand, if local government fails to provide proper bicycle lanes or transport services, our choice may be limited.

    Thirdly, as forests disappear at an alarming rate, and animal and plant habitats decline, consumers need to make better choices when shopping to protect our threatened ecosystems. Therefore, it is crucial we buy more goods that come only from renewable forests, and clothing and food produced ecologically.

    In conclusion, I find it puzzling that so many people believe irresponsible governments alone will take care of our planet. We should not feel content that everything will be done for us. Instead, both governments and consumers must become more involved.
    (194 words)


    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    21 mins
  • Podcast 192 The Breath of the Mosquito (Part 2) B1 story
    Jun 3 2024

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    Introduction to part 2 of The Breath of the Mosquito
    Emil Zimmermann, professor of astrophysics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford University sat back in his leather chair and studied the colourful feather, he was holding in his hand, through his thick glasses.

    ‘Incredible!’ he said. ‘You say it comes from an extinct* type of bird, don’t you?’

    Mathew was sitting the other side of Emil’s huge wooden desk, covered in piles of papers.

    ‘That’s what we believe, yes, Emil. It came from a bird called Geranopterus alatus, we have found them as fossils from the Eocene period. It stood about thirty centimetres high, so it was quite a large bird. If it was still flying about the county of Oxfordshire, somebody would have seen it.’

    Here are some of the "space" words that you will hear in the story:
    ‘Yes, of course. That’s true, but it’s not exactly what I meant,’ Emil continued. ‘Our Earth, the sun, and all the planets in our solar system are moving through space, as we go round or orbit the centre of our galaxy. In fact, the Earth and sun are moving at 720 thousand kilometres per hour in their galaxy orbit. But, we then also have to consider the speed of the complete galaxy. All the galaxies are moving through the universe at enormous speeds. In 4 billion years from now, we will crash into Andromeda, our nearest neighbour galaxy.’

    ‘That’s amazing,’ said Mathew. ‘But, what are you trying to say?’

    ‘This means that if you travelled back in time on Earth 33 million years and lived to tell the story afterwards, you must also travel back to where the Earth was situated 33 million years ago.’

    Emil looked hard at Mathew. ‘Earth, Mathew, was many, many light years away from where it is now 33 million years ago!’ said Emil loudly. ‘A time traveller must also be a space traveller, an astronaut!'

    I'll also talk about the use of Question Tags.
    You can listen to how they are used, and why we use them.
    There are also some exercises on Question Tags at my website: https://www.practisingenglish.com/english-grammar-exercises/question-tags_2.htm

    Answer to the question - What does the professor of astrophysics say about the breath of the mosquito?
    Here is the extract from the story which explains this theory:

    'If… if something went back in time and existed in the past, something or somebody who was not there before, he/she/it would change time in the present. Things would not be the same when he or she returned. It would take just a moment, the tiniest movement in the past would have the effect like a stone thrown into a pond. The circles of effect would move out, growing and growing for ever and changing the world as they go.’

    ‘But, Emil,’ interrupted his friend. ‘I was only there for a minute or so.’

    ‘Mathew, a minute is a long, long time. Listen to me, even the breath of a mosquito 33 million years ago would change the world and events in history as we know them today. Just one breath of a mosquito. Imagine

    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    32 mins
  • Podcast 191 The Breath of the Mosquito (Part 1) B1 story
    May 26 2024

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    This is a B1-level short story in two parts.

    Professor Mathew Pearson, a paleontologist and professor at Oxford University, made an incredible discovery when he found a skull. Tests are done and the results are extremely surprising...

    Technical vocabulary in the story
    Prehistory / A prehistoric scene
    The Jurassic period (finished 145 million years ago)
    The Eocene period (finished 33m years ago)
    The prehistoric animal mentioned in the story is a sarkastodon.

    B1 vocabulary I discuss at the beginning before the story starts
    The weather forecast
    seriously hurting the planet
    spectacularly beautiful buildings
    A friend had introduced them to each other.
    Christine had encouraged him to keep on going.
    explain in detail
    We must keep it a secret.
    changed the subject
    taking all this extremely seriously
    Sorry, if I kept you waiting!
    'I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure,’ said Mathew.
    There was an embarrassing pause.
    without any doubt

    Listen for these phrases and enjoy the story.

    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    26 mins
  • Podcast 190 The Harmonica Players (Part 3) B1, B2 story
    May 12 2024

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    This is the third and final part of the story 'The Harmonica Players'.
    Here are the B2 phrases I discuss in the podcast.

    1) This was not the familiar peaceful atmosphere of Oxted.

    2) He found London rather threatening.

    3) An awful lot of unfamiliar people who packed the streets.

    4) You were swept along by dense, hostile crowds of total strangers.

    5) A black man in a hat, moving quickly towards Jeffrey in the opposite direction, bumped straight into him.

    6) Jeffrey, although in his fifties, was quite a well-built man, so managed to keep his feet.


    Which one do I use in the story?
    7) 'That’s my wallet!' said Jeffrey ????. 'What do you want from me?'

    8) Jeffrey felt he had no choice. He reluctantly took out his own harmonica from his pocket.

    9) While Jeffrey was still trying to figure out what he had meant by that comment.

    10) He wasn’t ready, but he wanted to give it a go. (I also use give it a try, which has the same meaning,)

    At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.

    My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N

    Be back soon with another podcast!
    Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)

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    29 mins