
  • 127: How to Track Your Podcast Statistics (Part 1)
    Sep 17 2024

    Everyone says you need to track your podcast statistics to better understand your listener and how your content is performing. But what does that mean? What are your numbers really telling you?

    Are there ways to optimize your episodes to see increased listens and downloads? Do listens and downloads even matter?

    These are questions that we get all the time and we thought it was time to share the knowledge.

    The most important thing for you to take away from this episode is that your numbers are telling you a very important story. They are not ever going to be 100% accurate, but if you track and trend over time, you'll be able to tell what's going right, what's going wrong, and what your tweaks and changes are doing for your show.

    Come nerd out with us - https://www.rockmypodcast.com

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    49 mins
  • 126: Is Podcasting Saturated? (Part 2)
    Sep 10 2024

    Back with the second part of our "Is Podcasting Saturated?" conversation and sharing all the good tips! The Real Brian was perusing his email and received one that was specifically about this topic.

    In the email they discussed some of the stats surrounding podcasting as well as what those stats mean for saturation.

    K-Dubs came in for the win to corroborate the stats that the email shared as well as providing some stats for YouTube channels to show that podcasting truly isn't a saturated medium right now.

    It's all about how you're using your podcast.

    If you're just starting your podcast or if you've had your podcast and you aren't seeing growth, listen to the end for a mini-coaching session on steps you need to take to start and grow today.

    Want more Profitcast? Check us out at https://www.rockmypodcast.com.

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    43 mins
  • 125: Is Podcasting Saturated? (Part 1)
    Sep 3 2024

    Not sure about you but The Real Brian and KDubs get this question about podcast saturation all the time. As someone is thinking about whether or not to start a podcast the first thing they wonder is whether or not they've already missed the boat.

    Good news - you haven't!

    Bad news - you likely will need to find something new and innovative to bring to the table.

    Listen in to hear our thoughts on podcast saturation and why taking a stance and changing up the style of your podcast can be just the thing to set you apart.

    Want more? Check us out at https://www.rockmypodcast.com

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    28 mins
  • 124: THAT'S a Podcast Episode!
    Aug 27 2024

    How do you think up those super cool podcast episodes Brian?

    Great question Kayla! The answer is... Life?

    If you've ever wondered how you can start picking out the content nuggets that are integral to your every day life, then this is the episode you need to listen to. It's time to train your brain to see potential content ideas all throughout your day!

    Want more Profitcast? Go to https://www.rockyourpodcast.com for all the tea!

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    21 mins
  • 123: Stop Prostituting Yourself (Revenue vs. Profit)
    Aug 20 2024

    Have you found yourself on discovery call after discovery call, providing value, giving real feedback and advice, and then being ghosted by your prospects?

    I'm sure we all have... but have you ever taken a minute to see exactly how much that time cost you in the long run? I bet it's a lot more than you think.

    How do you impress prospective clients without giving it all away?

    Quick answer: Boundaries...

    Long answer: Listen in and find out.

    Want to learn more? Check us out at https://www.rockmypodcast.com

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    36 mins
  • 122: The Secret to Being Reliable and Effective
    Aug 13 2024

    Have you ever been ghosted by a potential client, customer, friend, loved one, or job prospect?

    Doesn't feel good does it?

    The same is true when you ghost your listeners by not releasing episodes for your podcast. If you're not showing up consistently and reliably, then your podcast will not be effective, no matter what your goals are.

    So how do you become not only reliable but also effective with your episodes?

    Listen in to find out!

    Want some more? Head over to https://www.rockmypodcast.com for all of the Profitcast episodes and to connect with The Real Brian and Kayla.

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    27 mins
  • 121: Desperation Sucks!
    Aug 6 2024

    Have you ever found yourself taking on projects or clients just for the money? Or have you found yourself making decisions you wouldn't normally make because you feel stuck or, dare I say, desperate?

    We've all been there.

    But what do you do when desperation strikes as you are growing your podcast and your business? Do you glom onto any sponsor who will have you? Start running ads that aren't aligned with your business and listeners? Change your content?

    For all of these, the answer is no!

    So what is the answer? Listen in as The Real Brian and K-Dubs discuss desperation, what it looks like, how it strikes, and what to do when you find yourself in that place.

    Check out https://www.rockmypodcast.com for all of the Profitcast episodes and to leave Brian and Kayla audio love notes.

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    38 mins
  • 120: Is Podcast Coaching and Consulting Worth it?
    Jul 30 2024

    Wondering if you should hire a professional podcast coach or consultant? Continuing our discussion from Episode 119, we're sharing our thoughts on why you might need some additional eyes and ears on your podcast.

    Listen in to hear why we think coaching prior to recording is super important, what an ongoing coaching relationship entails, and how to find the right podcast coach or consultant for you!

    Want to hear the rest of our episodes or leave us some audio magic of your own? Check out https://www.rockmypodcast.com for all the goods. Have questions that we haven't answered yet? You can leave us a voice message and we will answer it on the show!

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    35 mins