• Embracing Shabat and Anticipating the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash Release
    Jul 10 2024

    In this uplifting episode, we gather online to honor and celebrate the weekly Shabat (Sabbath). Together, we embrace the set-apart rest and reflection that Shabat brings, fostering a sense of community and spiritual renewal. As part of our ongoing journey, we also dive into the final preparations for the highly anticipated release of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament). Join us for inspiring discussions, heartfelt prayers, and a shared excitement for the transformative power of the upcoming Truth Scriptures. Let’s connect, reflect, and prepare our hearts for the profound impact of YAHUAH’s Word restored to its purest form.

    🌟 Episode Highlights:

    • Celebrating Shabat with united prayers and reflections

    • Insights into the upcoming release of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (NT)

    • Encouraging words on the significance of this groundbreaking translation

    🔗 Stay tuned and be part of this enlightening gathering as we journey together in faith and truth.

    If you feel inspired to see real SCRIPTURES come to life faster, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Project and be one of the first to get your hands on a copy at: TSNTOT.org

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    #ShabatCelebration #TruthScriptures #BariytHadash #NewTestament #YAHUAH #SpiritualRenewal #FaithJourney #ScriptureRestoration

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    1 hr and 36 mins
    Jul 10 2024

    In this riveting episode, we unveil the most powerful and truthful "PREFACE" you've ever read from the upcoming Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament)! For centuries, translators, scribes, governments, churches, and organized religions have done everything they can to obscure the Truth of YAHUAH. But the time for restoration is now, and YAHUAH's truth will be established!

    Join us as we dive into the compelling "PREFACE" that exposes the deceptions and lies found in all English translations of the Scriptures. Discover how these distortions have allowed "Paganism" to run rampant throughout the world and learn how the Truth Scriptures will tear down these falsehoods.

    The Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) is about to hit the world, bringing clarity and authenticity to YAHUAH's Word. Get ready to be enlightened and empowered by this groundbreaking translation. Let's dive in and restore the true message of YAHUAH together!

    If you feel inspired to see real SCRIPTURES come to life faster, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Project and be one of the first to get your hands on a copy at: TSNTOT.org

    Be sure to go to our Website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

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    The Promote The Truth Team

    #TruthScriptures #BariytHadash #NewTestament #PREFACE #YAHUAH #Faith #Scripture #Restoration

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    54 mins
  • From Script to Spirit: Completing the Truth Scriptures and Charting Our Course
    Jun 26 2024

    In this electrifying episode, we celebrate a monumental achievement: the complete translation and review of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament)! After months of tireless work, the translation is now finalized and sent to the "Typesetter" for book layout. Join us as we discuss the significance of this groundbreaking project and the impact it will have on believers worldwide. Plus, we release the first part of the "Preface" for the world to hear for the first time, offering a glimpse into the transformative power of these Scriptures.

    🌟 Episode Highlights:

    • Celebrating the completion of the Truth Scriptures translation
    • Understanding the meticulous review process and its importance
    • Exploring the next steps and what to expect as the Truth Scriptures are prepared for release
    • Hearing the first part of the "Preface" for the first time, showcasing the profound journey behind the translation

    💬 Why This Matters: The Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash offers the most accurate translation of YAHUAH’s Word, free from the distortions and errors found in other versions. This is a transformative moment that promises to restore the true message of YAHUAH to the world.

    📢 Get Involved: Be part of this historic journey! Stay updated on the release of the Truth Scriptures and join our community in spreading the true Word of YAHUAH. Visit TSNT.org for more information.

    If you feel inspired to see real SCRIPTURES come to life faster, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Expedited Campaign at: TSNT.org

    Be sure to go to our Website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

    Newsletter: https://www.promotethetruth.com/newsletter

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    The Promote The Truth Team

    #YAHUAH #TruthScriptures #BariytHadash #NewTestament #TranslationComplete #Faith #Believers #ScripturalRestoration #PrefaceRelease

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Restoring YAHUAH's Word: The Arrival of the True Scriptures
    Jun 26 2024

    For centuries, translators, governments, churches, and organized religions have kept the Truth of YAHUAH hidden. But now, the time for YAHUAH's restoration has come, and it will be established!

    The Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) is about to revolutionize the world with clarity and truth. Join us as we dive into this monumental release and uncover the real Word of YAHUAH.

    🌟 Highlights:

    • Exposing the deceptions and lies in existing English translations
    • Understanding the profound significance of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash
    • Exploring the impact of this revelation on the world and our faith

    💬 Why This Matters: The Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash unveils the unadulterated Word of YAHUAH, guiding us toward genuine understanding and spiritual restoration. This is a transformative moment in history, and we are privileged to be part of it.

    📢 Get Involved: Join our mission to spread YAHUAH’s true Word. Stay updated on the full launch of the Truth Scriptures at TSNT.org.

    Be part of eternal history: TSNT.org

    Be sure to go to our Website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

    Newsletter: https://www.promotethetruth.com/newsletter

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    The Promote The Truth Team

    #YAHUAH #TruthScriptures #BariytHadash #ScripturalRestoration #Faith #Believers #SpiritualAwakening #TSNT

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Unity in YAHUAH: Breaking Down 1 Qaranatiym 1:10
    Jun 26 2024

    In our recent Online Shabat Gathering, we dove into the profound "Unity" that binds true believers of YAHUAH! Those who truly love YAHUAH are united in heart, mind, and purpose. We explored the powerful message found in 1 Qaranatiym (1 Corinthians) 1:10, where Shaul encourages believers to be in agreement and free from divisions:

    "Brothers and sisters, now I encourage you in the Name of our Master YAHUAH Mashiyha, that all of you be in agreement with one another in what you say and do. Do not have any divisions among you. Instead, be perfected together into the same mind and same purpose."

    This verse, newly released from the "Truth Scriptures," emphasizes the importance of unity among YAHUAH's followers. Join us as we break down this vital concept and strive for the perfection and unity that YAHUAH desires for His people.

    🌟 Highlights:

    • Exploring the scriptural foundation of unity in 1 Qaranatiym 1:10

    • Understanding the importance of being in agreement with one another

    • Striving for perfection together in mind and purpose

    💬 Why This Matters: Unity among believers strengthens our faith and witness to the world. By embracing the teachings of YAHUAH, we can achieve true harmony and purpose.

    📢 Get Involved: Be part of this transformative journey and join our community in embracing the true unity found in YAHUAH. Stay updated on the full launch of the Truth Scriptures at TSNT.org

    Be sure to go to our Website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

    Newsletter: https://www.promotethetruth.com/newsletter

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    #YAHUAH #Unity #OneAccord #TruthScriptures #Faith #Believers #ShabatGathering #ScripturalFoundation

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    2 hrs and 17 mins
  • Exciting Truth Scriptures Progress: Almost There!
    Jun 26 2024

    In this electrifying episode, we dive deep into the exciting progress of the Truth Scriptures Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) release. Join us as Jay Noland takes us through the final stages of this groundbreaking project. Despite sleepless nights, the team's energy is palpable, driven by the light of YAHUAH. The meticulous process of reviewing, editing, and refining the Scriptures has brought us to the brink of completion.

    Scholar Jay shares the rigorous journey: from field volunteers and high-level professionals scrubbing the document to Scholar Jay's intense three-day personal review. Hear about the challenges faced, the passion poured into every word, and the anticipation of sending the Scriptures to the typesetters. This episode also highlights the global impact of the project, with plans to translate the Scriptures into multiple languages, ensuring the truth reaches every corner of the world.

    Discover how this monumental work will transform lives, providing clarity and confidence in the true words of YAHUAH. The journey has been miraculous, and the final release is imminent. Be part of this historic moment and find out how you can contribute and support the movement.

    If you feel inspired to see real SCRIPTURES come to life faster, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Expedited Campaign at: TSNT.org

    Be sure to go to our Website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

    Newsletter: https://www.promotethetruth.com/newsletter

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    #TruthScriptures #BariytHadash #ScriptureUpdate #FaithJourney #YAHUAH #TranslationProject #PromoteTheTruth

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    1 hr and 48 mins
  • Exposing the Pagan Roots of Father’s Day: A Call to YAHUAH’s Truth
    Jun 16 2024

    In this eye-opening episode, we uncover the truth behind Father's Day, exposing it as yet another deceptive practice rooted in pagan traditions. YAHUAH, the Creator of all, calls us to reject these false celebrations and return to His ways.

    🔍 Episode Highlights:

    • Unmasking the pagan origins of Father's Day.

    • Understanding how Satan uses these traditions to deceive us.

    • YAHUAH’s call to come out of pagan practices.

    • Deep dive into how English translations of the Scriptures are filled with deceptions and lies, perpetuating paganism.

    • A powerful call to action to tear down these falsehoods and embrace the truth of YAHUAH.

    💬 Why This Matters:

    This episode is crucial for believers who are committed to discerning and rejecting the lies that have infiltrated our lives. By exposing the pagan roots of Father's Day, we can honor YAHUAH in truth and spirit.

    📢 Join Us:

    Listen now to learn how to identify and reject the deceptions around us. Share this episode to help others break free from the pagan practices that have misled many. Let’s unite in the truth and restore the pure worship of YAHUAH.

    ✨ Call to Action:

    Explore our resources and join the movement to restore YAHUAH’s Truth. Visit TSNT.org to support our mission and gain access to accurate, deception-free translations of the Scriptures. Together, we can reclaim the true message of YAHUAH and spread His word across the world.

    🔗 Listen Now: Don’t miss this crucial episode that challenges the status quo and calls us to return to YAHUAH’s truth. Tune in and be part of the transformation!

    If you feel inspired to see real SCRIPTURES come to life faster, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Expedited Campaign at: TSNT.org

    Be sure to go to our Website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

    Newsletter: https://www.promotethetruth.com/newsletter

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    #TruthRevealed #PaganWorshipExposed #YAHUAH #RejectFalseTraditions #TrueScriptures #SpiritualAwakening #PromoteTheTruth

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    1 hr and 36 mins
  • Discovering YAHUAH: The Eternal Source of Living Water
    Jun 16 2024

    In this enlightening episode, we dive into the profound message of Yahuhanan (John) Chapter 4, verses 5-15, from the "Truth Scriptures," revealing the true essence of YAHUAH as the Living Water of Eternal Life. For the first time, we share and break down these verses, showing how YAHUAH is the only path to eternal life, offering a spiritual sustenance that quenches our deepest thirsts forever.

    🌊 Episode Highlights:

    • Journey to Shakar: Explore Yahusha's significant encounter with the Shamaruniy (Samaritan) woman at Ya’aqab's well.

    • Living Water Revelation: Understand the symbolic meaning behind Yahusha’s declaration of the Living Water that grants eternal life.

    • Timeless Dialogue: Dive into the conversation between Yahusha and the Shamaruniy woman, unpacking the layers of wisdom and spiritual truth.

    • Eternal Fulfillment: Learn how YAHUAH's Living Water contrasts with the temporary satisfaction of earthly things, providing eternal spiritual nourishment.

    Why This Matters: This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of YAHUAH's promise of eternal life. By grasping the significance of the Living Water, we can find true spiritual fulfillment and never thirst again.

    🔔 Tune In Now: Join us as we uncover the life-changing truth of YAHUAH as the Living Water of Eternal Life. Let this message transform your spiritual journey.

    If you feel inspired to see real SCRIPTURES come to life faster, you can contribute directly to the Truth Scriptures Briyt Hadash (New Testament) Expedited Campaign at: TSNT.org

    Be sure to go to our Website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

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    The Promote The Truth Team

    #LivingWater #EternalLife #YAHUAH #ScriptureStudy #FaithJourney #SpiritualNourishment #Yahuhanan #PromoteTheTruth

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    1 hr and 39 mins