
  • The Death Of Property Investing
    Jul 15 2024

    Simon discusses the potential impact of the new Labour government's policies on property investing, looking into the government's plan to build 1.5 million new homes over five years and the implications this may have on property developers.

    Additionally, he explores the possibility of rent controls and rent caps being introduced, drawing parallels to the situation in Scotland. The episode raises concerns about the potential effects of these policies on landlords and property investors, sparking a debate on the future of property investing under the new government.


    • The Labour government plans to build 1.5 million new homes over five years, potentially increasing the supply of properties in the market.
    • There are concerns that the Labour government may introduce rent controls, leading to landlords selling their properties and impacting the rental market.
    • The possibility of rent controls and other policies may lead some property investors to exit the market, creating opportunities for those staying or entering the market.
    • A panel debate at the upcoming national virtual PIN meeting will discuss the impact of the new Labour government on property investing, featuring industry experts.
    • First-time attendees can use the voucher code "PODCAST" to attend the national PIN meeting for free, providing valuable insights into the current property market situation.


    "The Labour government have said during their term of five years, they're going to build 1.5 million new homes. And that's what's needed 300,000 a year."

    "I think this policy is slightly counter-intuitive if they want small developers to help build more."

    "I'm really concerned that the Labour government and the policy makers in Whitehall, they're not going to consult."

    "I think if that does happen I think a lot of landlords will say, you know, this is the final straw."

    "I just want you to be a truly successful investor. I believe you can do anything you want to do if you get the right knowledge, you get the right support, and you have the right mindset."


    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    You can register for the National Virtual pin meeting here: https://www.nationalpinmeeting.co.uk/

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Property Magic Challenge
    Jul 8 2024
    Simon introduces the upcoming Property Magic Challenge, a five-day virtual event aimed at helping participants overcome common challenges in property investing. He emphasises that the training is completely free and will cover topics such as finding profitable deals, financing strategies, and developing a millionaire mindset. The episode outlines the daily themes of the challenge, including setting goals, financing deals, finding opportunities, raising one's profile, and developing a successful mindset. You are encouraged to register for the challenge on the website provided to benefit from valuable content and the opportunity to interact with like-minded investors! KEY TAKEAWAYS The Property Magic Challenge is a free five-day online training program designed to help participants overcome common challenges in property investing.Participants will learn how to overcome blocks such as running out of deposit funds, finding profitable deals, feeling overwhelmed by strategies, fear of making mistakes, and fear holding them back.The challenge includes live online training sessions, a private Facebook group, valuable content, and opportunities to win prizes and tickets to Property Magic Live event.The training covers topics such as setting clear goals, financing deals, finding great deals, raising profile to attract opportunities, and developing a millionaire mindset.Interested individuals can register for the Property Magic Challenge at www.propertymagichallenge.co.uk and benefit from the transformational five-day program. BEST MOMENTS "I could charge a lot of money for this training because the content is so valuable, people always achieve great results and people often say they can't believe how much we're giving away completely free of charge." "If you're not really clear on what you actually want to achieve, then you're never going to get there. It's a bit like jumping in an Uber car and saying, take me somewhere. And they say, where do you want to go? Well, I don't know." "Many people think they need lots of money to invest, and some property investing does need money. People look at their bank account and think, oh my God, I've not got enough money to invest. But there are many other ways, many hidden assets you can use to invest in property." "Most people who do the Property Management Challenge actually find a deal when they put what we teach into action. And they're amazed how easy it is to find deals when you know how to do it." VALUABLE RESOURCES Come and register for the Property Magic Challenge here https://www.propertymagicchallenge.co.uk/ To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free. Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20). Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk Contact and follow Simon here: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/ Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32. Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors. Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth. Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book. Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • General Election Special
    Jul 1 2024
    Simon brings you an election special, analysing the property-related aspects of the major party manifestos. The episode covers the manifestos of the Labour Party, Conservative Party, and the newly emerging Reform Party, highlighting key distinctions in their approaches to property investing. From discussing the need for planning reform and building new homes to addressing issues like Section 24 and stamp duty, Simon provides a comprehensive breakdown of each party's proposals. KEY TAKEAWAYS Both the Labour Party and the Conservative Party emphasise the need for planning reform to address the housing shortage in the UK.The Labour Party aims to increase the provision of affordable housing by developers, while the Conservative Party plans to lift the 106 requirements for small developments.The Reform Party proposes abolishing Section 24, a tax policy affecting landlords, while the Conservative Party suggests a temporary capital gains tax relief for landlords selling properties to tenants.The Reform Party takes a nationalistic stance by prioritising UK nationals over foreign immigrants in terms of housing, contrasting with other parties' approaches. BEST MOMENTS "The Labour Party in their manifesto keep on talking about stop the chaos and turn the page, looking for change, suggesting that what the Tories have done for the X number of years obviously has not left the country in a very good state." "The Reform Party have mentioned some things they want to, they haven't given a lot of detail away, but there's one very important thing that I think they want to try and win lots of votes with." "The Conservatives are going to get rid of that for small development. So that's a complete opposite view. And that's actually more like the things Conservatives should be doing, in my view, to help support property investors." VALUABLE RESOURCES To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free. Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20). Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk Contact and follow Simon here: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/ Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32. Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors. Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth. Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book. Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • The Power Of Persistence
    Jun 24 2024

    Simon looks at the importance of persistence in achieving success. Drawing parallels between property investing and personal experiences, he highlights the significance of not giving up too quickly, especially when faced with initial rejection or setbacks. The episode also provides a four-step process for listeners to follow when feeling discouraged or considering giving up.


    • Developing persistence is crucial for success in various aspects of life, including property investing.
    • A rejection or a "no" doesn't necessarily mean the end; it could just mean "not now." Following up and being persistent can lead to positive outcomes.
    • It's essential to assess and challenge limiting beliefs that may hinder progress towards goals.
    • Ensure that you are following the correct process and have all the necessary knowledge to achieve desired results.
    • Consulting with a mentor or coach can provide valuable insights and help identify blind spots that may be impeding progress.


    "No does not mean no, never. It means no, not now."

    "Either you do or you don't. For example, if you try and pick up a pen, either you pick the pen up or you don't."

    "If they've accepted your offer, it means you've offered them too much money. You want them to say no."

    "Some of the very best property deals I have done have come from the fact I've followed up with the seller on a consistent basis."

    "If you become more persistent in your life, in all areas of your life, whether it's personal, business, property, I promise you, you're going to be more successful."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • The 6 Most Common Mistakes Made By Deal Sourcers
    Jun 17 2024

    Simon delves into the six main mistakes commonly made by property deal sourcers, highlighting the importance of understanding what constitutes a great deal, the significance of working with motivated sellers, and the necessity of effective negotiation skills.


    • Knowing what makes a great deal is crucial for property deal sourcers to be successful.
    • Deal sourcers should focus on working with motivated sellers to secure flexible deals.
    • Negotiation skills are essential for deal sourcers to secure and close profitable property deals.
    • Deal sourcers should avoid being too tunnel-visioned on one strategy and remain open to different opportunities.
    • It is important for deal sourcers to find investors to pass on deals to or joint venture with, to maximise profits and opportunities.


    "Many deal sources make lots and lots of low offers. They all get rejected and they just give up thinking this doesn't work."

    "A great deal is a deal where you can put a small amount of money in, either initially, or you put money in and you can recycle it out."

    "There are some fantastic deals out there right now. A lot of deal sources get very tunnel visioned. They think I've got to sell all these deals to make money for me to be able to buy the ones I want to keep."


    if you want to Learn more about becoming a successful deal sourcer register for this online training here: www.dealsourcingmasterclass.co.uk

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    12 m
  • Follow Your Passion
    Jun 10 2024

    Simon discusses the concept of following your passion in property investing, sharing a personal story of how he transitioned from a corporate career at Cadbury's to full-time property investing, and emphasising the importance of replacing income with passive property income.


    • It's important to be passionate about the results property can bring rather than the property itself.
    • Achieving financial freedom through property investing is highlighted as a key goal, allowing individuals to have more time and space to pursue their passions and purpose.
    • We should always try to invest time and effort upfront for long-term financial success.
    • Give back and help others, which only adds to the value of not only personal success but also contributes to the well-being of others.


    "You don't need to be passionate about property. All you need is to be passionate about what property can do for you."

    "I believe the opportunity is for you to make those smart decisions to invest in yourself, put the time and effort in upfront and work once, get paid forever."

    "I feel really sorry for kids who go to schools and their parents are on benefits, their grandparents are on benefits, and they expect that is all that they are going to get."

    "I had to make some Smart decisions. Now he uses the word smart decisions instead of short-term sacrifices."


    Find out more out our about our financial awareness for young adults here: www.futurefinancialsuccess.co.uk

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • How To Conduct Your Due Diligence in Property
    Jun 3 2024

    Simon delves into the crucial topic of conducting due diligence in property investing. Drawing on his nearly 30 years of experience, he focusses on the importance of thorough research to avoid costly mistakes, and covers key aspects such as determining property value, assessing rental income, and ensuring positive cash flow.


    • Conducting thorough due diligence is crucial in property investing to avoid costly mistakes and ensure success.
    • When assessing a property, determining its value, rental income, and potential for cash flow and return on investment are essential factors to consider.
    • When working with deal sourcers, it is important to ensure they are compliant, have proper training, and can provide evidence of successful deals.
    • When vetting suppliers and partners, longevity, reputation, and recommendations from other investors are key indicators of reliability.
    • Checking the background, assets, and credit score of individuals involved in a deal is vital to assess their credibility and financial stability.


    "I see people lose money, make expensive mistakes because they haven't done correct due diligence."

    "You want to make sure they have enough money, and the money is actually available when it's going to be required."

    "Please never ever pay anybody money up front to find you deals."

    "Just be careful because I want to make sure you don't make expensive mistakes."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    16 m
  • From £100k Loss To £100k Profit
    May 27 2024
    Simon shares a success story of a client who was on the brink of losing £100,000 on a property project gone wrong. Through expert advice and coaching, the client turned the situation around and is now set to make a profit of at least £100,000, if not more. The episode delves into the importance of seeking expert help, finding motivated sellers, understanding the risks of joint ventures, and the significance of due diligence when partnering with others in property investments. KEY TAKEAWAYS Seeking expert help and advice in property investment can lead to significant financial gains and turnaround in challenging situations.It is crucial to conduct thorough due diligence when entering into joint ventures to ensure the partners are fit for the purpose and have the necessary expertise.Exploring creative solutions, such as changing property usage or partnering with experienced individuals, can lead to more profitable outcomes in property investments.Seeking advice and sense-checking decisions with more experienced individuals can help identify blind spots and opportunities for maximising profits in property projects.Striving for win-win solutions in property transactions can benefit both parties involved, turning challenging situations into profitable opportunities. BEST MOMENTS "If you're going to joint venture with someone or if you have a buyer and they say they're going to buy cash, you want to ask them, do you actually mean cash or do you mean you're going to get some sort of finance?" "I've got an 18-month, 24-month project to build a big portfolio that we're going to pass on." "Sometimes you see sellers and they're in a situation where they want to get rid of a property, and they know what the potential is, but they just don't want to or can't do it themselves." VALUABLE RESOURCES If you would like a call to discover how coaching could help you visit this website. http://www.GrowthCall.co.uk To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free. Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20). Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk Contact and follow Simon here: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/ Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32. Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors. Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth. Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book. Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.
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    14 m