• Ep 262 | Are you All In? [DEVO]
    Jun 27 2024

    Hey Winner,

    We're at the end of chapter 10 of Nehemiah, and there's a list of all the names of Israelites who sealed their names with the Lord. Then they go on to say what they promise to do for the Lord.

    They are remembering his grace and his mercy throughout the whole time from leaving Egypt until now. They're remembering what the Lord did for their parents and grandparents. They want to be all in with God.

    Let's talk about what this looks like and how we can be all in too.

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    7 mins
  • Ep 261 | Crafting Your Personalized Goal Strategy in 7 Simple Steps
    Jun 25 2024

    Hey Winner,

    People don’t succeed by chance. It’s not by chance, it’s a choice. It starts with a decision, then a plan, and finally, working the plan while tracking progress and making adjustments as necessary.

    Today we’re going to dive deep into the first three steps of the game planning process: 1) define the goal in writing 2) define a definite deadline 3) create a written plan

    Then we’ll briefly talk about the last four steps of the process: 4) take action 5) evaluate and adjust 6) associate 7) see it through.

    So much to get through today, but I know that it will help you gain clarity in how you can take your big dream and break it down into smaller stepping stone goals and doable chunks. Let’s get into it.

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    • Join Finish Line Goals: https://redhotmindset.com/flg


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    22 mins
  • Ep 260 | 10 Reasons to Get off Social Media Today with Kassy Eichele
    Jun 18 2024

    Hey Winner,

    Social media can be a great way to connect with people from your past or even new friends you’ve met along the way. But it can also be a detriment to creating real, deep connections in real life. Social media can be a fun way to show off all that you do, but it can also be a danger if you share too much.

    Want to get off but afraid of FOMO (a fear of missing out) setting in? Want to get off but feel like you’ve built too much with it and it’s hard to let go?

    After her first daughter was born, Kassy decided to get off of social media for good, and today she is going to tell the 10 reasons that everyone should consider getting off social media.

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    • Why you won't miss social media when you get off it (even though it's scary to leave!)
    • 10 reasons you may want to quit social media today
    • 3 situations in which Kassy regretted being off social
    • What to do if you're nervous about being left out


    • Craft Your Marketing Strategy Without Social Media (free mini course): https://redhotmindset.com/marketing
    • Kassy's Website: https://makingtimeforgiggles.com
    • Kassy's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@kassyeichele
    • Streamline Your Home Quickstart Guide: https://makingtimeforgiggles.ck.page/427959470e


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Ep 259 | When Our Kids are Tougher than We Are - 3 Ways to Build Mental Toughness
    Jun 11 2024

    Hey Winner,

    When things are tough, do you lean toward giving up right away? Or do you look for ways to push past the challenges and continue pressing forward?

    This is THE question, right?

    It's so hard to stick with things when we're frustrated or feeling like nothing's working. We start questioning, well is this really where God wants me? Shouldn't it be easier if it were?

    Those doubts and questions are normal when we get hit with obstacles. But how do we push past them? Let's talk about it!

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    • Ethan's US Champs video playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31GUE2mbF04&list=PLkAhptnxDKbUTjBJ76s0m-rPNaZ8RccsT
    • Ethan's reflection video from Champs: COMING SOON
    • Email me with questions you'd ask a 16-year-old elite athlete about overcoming challenges (gabecox@redhotmindset.com)


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    20 mins
  • Ep 258 | With Grace and Mercy God is Calling Us Back to Him [DEVO]
    Jun 6 2024

    Hey Winner,

    The Israelites took the good gifts God gave them, but they rejected the giver. How we do that too, don't we? We forget what God has done for us. We chase after idols or things of this world. Promotion, money, entertainment. We forget to run to the giver who gives these good gifts.

    And, even so, he's still standing there with open arms for us, waiting for us to return to him. He doesn't turn his back. Yes, he does discipline us when we need just like any good father would do. But He's standing there with grace and mercy calling for us, longing for us.

    So what path do we choose today?

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    6 mins
  • Ep 257 | Change how you see and set goals
    Jun 4 2024

    Hey Winner,

    Setting a specific goal just takes a little planning and reverse engineering. In the past few episodes we’ve talked about how to create a vision and set bold, purposeful goals, but now it’s time to do something with them. Now it’s time to take that larger dream and break it down into stepping stone goals that are doable and realistic to you so that you’ll be more apt to take the action necessary to make them happen.

    Today we’re going to look at all the dreams you’ve brainstormed and choose the one that you want most right now, or the one you’re feeling God pulling you toward in this season. I’m going to help you shift your mindset in how you see and set goals so that you can actually set yourself up for success from the start to see your goals to the finish line.

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    • Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
    • Finish Line Goals: https://redhotmindset.com/flg


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    22 mins
  • EP 256 | Remembering What God's Done in our Lives [DEVO]
    May 30 2024

    Hey Winner,

    In Nehemiah 8 we saw Israel worshipping the Lord. They spent about a month rejoicing because the joy of the Lord was their strength. They worshipped and celebrated all that God has done for them.

    Now In Nehemiah 9 we move into a transition time of confession. Confession is a way to restore our hearts to God. We restore fellowship with him and can relation freely with him again.

    His forgiveness brings restorations, it brings healing, it allows fellowship to flow again, it produces hope. So why is it so hard for us to confess our wrongs?

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    8 mins
  • Ep 255 | How Relying on Social Media Can Lead to Burnout and What to Do about it with Michelle Grosser
    May 28 2024

    Hey Winner,

    Did you know that relying on social media for your business marketing can actually lead to burnout? There are so many ways it affects not only our mental health, but also our nervous system, and when we burnout, it’s much harder to recover and start again.

    That’s why I wanted to bring nervous system expert Michelle Grosser in today to talk about this and how to recover from burnout so you don’t end up just shutting down the doors to your business.

    We’ll cover all of these topics as well as touch on the reason most entrepreneurs rely on social media for marketing (outside of it’s what we are told to do). And the answer to this may or may not surprise you, but we’ll work through some ways to optimize our nervous system so that we can tackle that #1 problem and get creative with our marketing so that we don’t have to be so reliant on social media for it.

    Rooting for you ~ Gabe


    • How relying on social media can lead to burnout
    • What social media can do to our nervous system
    • How to recover from burnout
    • How we can optimize our nervous system when the thought of doing all the marketing things makes us anxious or insecure


    • Craft Your Marketing Strategy Without Social Media (free mini course): https://redhotmindset.com/marketing
    • Heal your burnout private podcast (free resource): https://michellegrosser.com/burnout
    • Website: www.michellegrosser.com


    ➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com

    ➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/

    ➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/

    ➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

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    29 mins