• RayKEY 3 “I am Clarity” Guided Meditation
    Sep 4 2022
    Elasa shares about the rayKEY 3 giving to her from father mother of light for assistance with clarity.

    This violet white light which clears all vision, clears imprints, and awakening innerSTANDing, clarity and forgiveness to all.

    Elasa also shares a guided meditation at the   10:48 Min

    Order a dream journal to assist your awakening to the dream for rising and setting journaling.

    As well as stay tuned for additional Lucid Dream Journal upgrades for those taking next lucid dreaming course at


    Dream journal:

    Quantum Soul Awakens with Love-Light Remembered RayKEYs Book order below:


    #guidedmeditation #reiki #akashicrecords

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    10 mins
  • Education and short meditation guidance for RayKEY 2 of Luminescent Love-light
    Jul 17 2022
    Join elasa as she shares guidance on new RayKEY 2 and how to utilize this ray of luminous love light
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    15 mins
  • Sharing education on NEW RayKEY 1 Love-light Remembered vibration of light
    Jul 17 2022
    ☀️RayKEY 1 Education, Guidance and Guided Meditation for Purification and Unification of rhe White Light of purity (Evolution of Reiki Light)

    Elasa Tiernan shares: 1- new downloads from father mother of light 2- more about the gift of vibrational key of light number 1 from the 13+ new RAYKEYS 3- Brain waves of the whole brain illumination 4- purity invitation 5- wholeness invitation 6- new world where all are supplied for always in advance ways through remembrance of the love-light and its eternal supply 7- short guided meditation for RayKEY 1 white light with 432 hertz background music from Nature Healing Society music


    NEW Book Quantum Soul Awakens with Love-Light Remembered RayKEYs


    #guidedmeditation #reiki #lovelight #healing #awakening
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    32 mins
  • RayKEY 1-7 meditation
    Jun 25 2022
    Quantum rayKEYs the evolution of our Reiki Practices
    E la sa shares from father mother of love-light, and true
    benevolent source
    We will review the 7 Rays of light from the true source of
    love light, and remember the father mother of these rays of
    love light from deep within our being. These RayKEYS are
    pure organic love-light from the ONE, and are for the ALL.
    We will go over them one by one, and complete a guided
    meditation for their ability to do any activations, clearings,
    and vibrational shifts for your awakening of love-light that
    you be.
    These keys of love-light are being brought forward for use
    in meditation to assist with the quantum shift from lower
    density living to living in 5th and beyond densities, and
    coming back into higher ascended states of quantum soul
    eternal existence. These vibrations were brought forward
    from father mother of light to assist with beyond words
    clearings, and activations for each offer such as gentle yet
    massive shifts from linear, and 3d form life, to what we are
    now ready for as you and wi awaken back to our crystalline
    love light perfection.
    For new classes and attunements to this gift visit http://
    www.Akashicsoulproapp.com teachable for courses and get
    the Quantum RayKEY Book from Amazon. Music is royalty
    free from Nature Healing Society

    Order the BOOK https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Soul-Awakens-Love-Light-Remembered/dp/B0B5PLFHLM/ref=sr_1_11?crid=2ZM8C0N6NKNIB&keywords=elasa+tiernan&qid=1662309949&sprefix=%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-11
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    35 mins