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By: Daniel Chen Sean Peng Kai Lin
  • Summary

  • REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE! The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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  • 為什麼直男就是不懂我的心?! 請問走路突然打空氣籃球是有加分嗎? 總是傳漂亮妹子的照片到群組? | REALFAKE 55
    Jul 23 2024
    ⚠️ 重要聲明:本集言論僅屬於個人立場,並非代表所有直男發言 ⚠️ 百思不得其解的直男行為使你感到厭煩嗎?明明都是人類為什麼這麼難懂?今天就來好好解釋(辯駁)一下為什麼我們會有這些舉止吧!關於直男的思考模式、大腦構造以及心路歷程一一介紹給你們 💪 其中也包含聽眾們想要探討的主題:傳漂亮妹子的照片到群組、何謂空氣籃球、感情遲鈍永遠慢半拍、女生都明示了還不懂、對女友撒嬌是內建功能等。究竟直男到底是什麼生物,平常又在想什麼呢? 趕緊來聽聽我們的看法! ⚠️ Disclaimer: We do not speak on behalf of ALL guys ⚠️ The boys are here to answer YOUR questions about a dude’s mindset, actions, and way of thinking! If you’ve ever been confused by some guy’s behavior, the boys will clear it all up today. They cover topics like sending pictures of pretty girls to one another and why almost every guy plays “air” basketball. They also dive into how clueless guys can be in relationships, why they often miss signals from girls, and why guys are randomly good at being affectionate with their girlfriends. Join this episode to finally understand what goes on in a guy’s mind! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 05:04 大紅唇 = 濃妝? 裸色 = 淡妝? 08:20 在群組傳正妹照! 15:29 直男喜歡互拍屁股?! 20:59 不喜歡穿短褲?! 25:59 在門框上拉單槓? 30:11 「可愛」vs.「漂亮」 32:57 很喜歡打空氣籃球!! 37:38 為了考試禁慾?! 42:09 女友生氣卻在旁邊滑手機!! 45:05 永遠接不到女生拋的話題球?? 49:46 寶特瓶空瓶要先敲頭!! 54:00 不在同事面前提到有女友?! 58:30 莫名其妙很會撒嬌!! 1:01:42 「妳會看上比你矮的男生嗎?」 1:03:25 「好喔」真的不是敷衍嗎? 1:08:01 暗示很明顯但他還是不懂!! 1:10:07 可以無對話的看朋友打電動?? 1:13:31 「多喝熱水」 1:15:54 ENDING -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • 偶像練習生背後的大辛酸事?! 心碎才是寫歌最好的老師!! 這個感情地雷說第二沒人敢說第一?! | REALFAKE 54
    Jul 16 2024
    這個熟悉的身影、流利的英文、幽默的談吐、原來是大家的好朋友 Benji 回來跟我們相見歡!不過他這次並非孤軍奮戰,而是帶上了他集歌手網紅偶像於一身的好麻吉 Max Aidan !開場聊聊 Benji 與 Max 的相遇、Max 在小紅書上的創作之旅以及如何讓越來越多人注意到他的音樂。Max 也回憶起當初是怎麼踏上音樂創作這條路和談談未來五年的目標,甚至還讓我們搶先試聽他的最新 demo!緊接著來聊一下 Max 完成了 Daniel 的夢想-成為偶像練習生的理想與抱負,同時也揭露了經紀公司對練習生的要求與規定。最後大家常關注的感情議題也不能少,Benji 的擇偶條件、Max 的心碎故事以及感情大地雷! The boys are back with returning guest Benji, who brings his singer-influencer-idol friend, Max Aidan, onto the show! They kick things off by discussing how Benji and Max met, uncovering Max’s journey as an influencer on Xiaohongshu, and how more people are starting to notice his music. They dive into how Max got into music, his goals for the next five years, and even share a sneak peek of his upcoming song. The conversation then shifts to Max’s newest endeavor as an idol trainee, revealing the strict life and demands of the industry. Lastly, they dive into relationships, with Benji listing his standards, Max sharing his heartbreak story, and the boys reviewing red flags together! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 03:50 大家都在 IG 上看過 Max 吧… 06:16 Max 其實是一位歌手!! 12:26 戴眼鏡可以變帥?! 14:15 12345678 15:37 直男們誰最會唱歌? 17:30 放棄建築系改讀音樂 23:05 RF 主持人都老了?! 24:02 Max 的新歌搶先聽 28:31 未來的5年怎麼走? 35:02 Max 現在是偶像練習生了?! 41:11 練習生管得很嚴嗎? 48:54 Benji 長大了? 49:47 有知名度會吸引女生嗎? 54:27 有擇偶標準很重要!! 57:20 這些算感情地雷嗎? 1:03:35 Max 心碎的故事!! 1:12:57 ENDING -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • 如果遇到捷運砍人要怎麼做? 女生學哪一種武術防身最有效? 你有聽過痛扁長髮男嗎? | REALFAKE 53
    Jul 9 2024
    最近幾集的主題都偏中性,直男們好像聊的有點綁手綁腳,為了不讓我們的男性荷爾蒙蒸發,今天邀請到了一頭秀髮肌肉超大貌似台灣水行俠、同時也是 Kai 的大學室友以及自由搏擊選手 - Frank Hsu!我們的法蘭克同學開場就回顧了和 Kai 的邂逅,也順便談了他那頭烏溜溜秀髮的誕生。再來就是直男們的最愛,看似血腥暴力卻不失優雅又充滿魅力的自由搏擊!原來 Frank 會踏上職業賽場是受到動漫的啟發?他的戰鬥信念以及揍人的初衷為何?他又是帶著什麼樣的心態征戰沙場呢?講到這裡我們不偷偷學個幾招過意不去吧!像是最近發生的捷運隨機傷人事件,有沒有什麼小技巧或觀念,能提升我們遇到危險時的生存率?平常大家又能做什麼樣的訓練來強化自己呢?來聽聽台灣水行俠怎麼說吧! After a series of more feminine episodes, the boys boost their testosterone by inviting MMA fighter and Kai’s college roommate, Frank Hsu! Frank kicks things off by sharing some stories about being Kai’s roommate and the secret behind his luscious long hair. Then, they dive into his journey into MMA, revealing his anime inspiration, his reasons for fighting, and his mindset going into matches. Of course, the boys also ask for simple self-defense tips for those unpredictable MRT encounters and training suggestions to help both men and women feel more confident. FRANK 的 IG: @frankuhsu REALFAKE 1ST FAN MEETING - "THE REAL ONES" 賣完了!!! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 04:33 當 Kai 的室友? 06:51 Frank 留長頭髮真的蠻帥的 10:32 有聽過痛扁長髮男嗎? 15:57 哪個動漫角色是你的精神支柱? 18:54 綜合格鬥到底是什麼? 21:05 捷運上遇到砍人怎麼辦? 27:55 為什麼會想開始學格鬥運動? 35:51 不是隨便練練,真的要去比賽! 38:29 比賽前的決鬥心態是什麼? 44:56 自由搏擊的 FACE-OFF 真的太帥了 49:03 女生學哪一種武術防身最有效? 53:25 有格鬥的訓練過比較有自信? 58:07 出拳的時候會發出怪聲嗎? 1:02:42 ENDING -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 hr and 5 mins

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